
Got an answer from UDI for my family reunification visa.

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Du har fått oppholdstillatelse

Vi har registrert at fødselsdatoen din er ....

Bruk referansenummeret ditt (DUF-nummer) hvis du skal kontakte Utlendingsdirektoratet (UDI), ambassaden eller politiet.

Hva skjer videre?

* Hvis du søkte fra utlandet, vil ambassaden eller søknadssenteret kontakte deg.
* Hvis du søkte hos politiet i Norge, har vi sendt vedtaket direkte til deg.
* Hvis du har en fullmektig i saken din, får denne personen vedtaket.

Hvis du eller fullmektigen din har digital postkasse, ligger vedtaket der. Hvis ikke, vil du få et brev i posten innen to uker med mer informasjon.

Det neste du må gjøre, er å skaffe deg et oppholdskort.

Hvordan skaffer du deg et oppholdskort?

Bestill time hos politiet der du bor eller på et Servicesenter for utenlandske arbeidstakere (SUA). Logg deg inn på Søknadsportalen, og bestill time på søknaden det gjelder. Hvis du ikke søkte på nett, så må du ringe politiet for å få en timeavtale.

Etter at du har vært hos politiet, vil det ta inntil 10 dager før du får oppholdskortet ditt i posten.

Du kan ikke svare på denne e-posten. Ønsker du mer informasjon, se

Vennlig hilsen UDI

Dear Applicant

You have been granted a residence permit

We have registered your date of birth as ....

Please use your reference number (DUF-number), if you need to contact the Directorate of Immigration (UDI), the Embassy or the police.

What happens next?

* If you applied from abroad, the Embassy or the application centre will contact you.
* If you applied at your local police district in Norway, we have sent the decision letter to you directly.
* If you have authorized someone to act on your behalf, we have sent the decision letter to this person (proxy).

If you or your proxy has a digital mailbox we have sent the decision letter there. Otherwise you will receive our letter by post, with more information, within the next two weeks.

The next thing you need to do is to order your residence card.

How to order a residence card?

You need to book an appointment with the nearest police district or at a service center for foreign workers. Log on to the Application Portal and book an appointment on the actual case. If you did not register your application in our Application Portal, you will need to call your local police district to book an appointment.

Please note that it takes up to ten days from your visit to the police until your card arrives in the post.

It is not possible to reply to this e-mail. If you need more information, please see our website:

Best regards, the UDI

the UDI

..... I got an answer thru email today. Do i have to wait for the original letter that they will send on our post address first before i order a residence card? Or if i printed and show this email to police district where i live they will going to issue my residence card immeditely?

Thanks alot.

See also

Immigration visas for NorwayWork visas for NorwayGetting a Visa: One step closer to becoming a NorwegianVisas for NorwayHow to use DUF number for tracking my visa status on my own?

Wow congrats!.By the way how long time did you wait ?


Thank you. I applied end of october 2016 and got an answer today.


Your such a lucky one,Mine Ive applied last May2016 until now still received their emails monthly stated that my application still waiting to be procces.Urghh..I have no idea what's going on.


@bhebhe Visa granted!!! Gratulerer👍😊


Tusen takk katriene 💕❤️😘


Hi where did you apply ? Country


Hi when did you received your approval ? 🤗


Hi i was applied Family Reunitification last October 31,2016  my husband got interview at Politi  last April 25 2017 then Friday 28,2017  i got email from UDI to inform my application return already came from Politi.  Have any idea how many days get a result?. Thanks.


If it is sent back to the politi it means you might receive the result any day now.


:) i applied here in norway

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