
Pets in Cyprus

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Hello everyone,

Many of us in Cyprus have four-legged friends. What about you? Do you have one or more pets? Share your experience with us!

What are the formalities to import pets in Cyprus? What about pet adoption procedures in the country? Did you bring your pet from your home country to your host country? If so, did everything turn out fine?

What do Cypriots think about pets? Are they comfortable with dogs, cats or unusual pets?

Share your advice!


See also

Living in Cyprus: the expat guideThe pet culture in CyprusDoctors and vetsDog licencesTraveling with Pets from the UK to the EU

I have 3 cats, 2 of which we brought over from the UK.

Process was very simple, pet passports, microchip, rabies vaccination and fit to fly letter all from local vet.  We shopped around for pet transportation and were quoted in region of £800 to £900 for both until I found AIA Pets and total cost was just over £400 for both.  Found them really great and the cats arrived safely and settled very quickly here.

We then adopted a Cypriot kitten from a known stray in the neighbourhood and feel our little family is complete.

With regards to Cypriot feelings about animals, I think they don't mind cats as much as dogs but as I don't have dogs, cannot confirm exactly.  We have not had any problems renting houses when saying we have cats so all in all have had a good overall experience with my fur babies in Cyprus. 

My heart does however go out to the number of stray cats in Cyprus but I know there are a few vets here that do catch, neuter and release...wish there were more to reduce the stray population as it is such a shame.



We moved here from Malta 2 years ago and brought our rescue cat with us from there and wouldnt be without him no matter the cost..... As a result of living in Malta in a third floor apartment for the first three years of his life he has always been a house cat and  that in itself here is a blessing as hes not subjected to traffic and poisoning threats....  not to mention stray dogs snakes and big spiders threats.. not sure hed know what to do with them to be honest - but now after 2 yrs and three house moves we have a garden and we take him out in that for a walk and a chat!! lol

My wife and I take part in the local feral feeding programme as part of the Peyia Animal Rescue Club (PARC) organisation and its so rewarding to know that the cats you feed (over 350 in all) are at least getting one good feed per day, its an absolute pleasure to see them feed =especially at " the wall" where  there are between 35-50 ferals being fed daily.

It would be wrong to say that all local nationals hate animals, they dont  just like other countries some do, some dont.. However having said that there is a distinct lack of education in their caring for and welfare of animals, especially cats dogs horses and donkeys.

The abuse of animals sickens us. Dumped, left to breed, chained to trees or on roof tops in the baking sun, starved abused left to lie and live in their own dirt...often alone in fields with no interaction and some are beaten to within an inch of their lives......,  the list is endless.   But it was no different in Malta, maybe its a med thing i dont know. I just wish it would end but it doesnt, the animal welfare charities here manned by volunteers of all nationalities, are under extreme pressure to deal with it - with absolutely no or very little help from government, despite local authorities direct responsibilities to act appropriately the wardens tend not to bother, complaints about the local pounds go unheard and unactioned, the Mayor ignores pleas for meetings to discuss these matters.
Cash and food donations are always top of the agenda to fund the feeding and Trap Neuter and Release (TNR) program plus vet care for those injured or abused all cost and we struggle every day.......

Anyway the animal welfare charities, rescues and sanctuaries  are always on the look out for willing helpers, trappers feeders and foster carers or even adopters. also for people to assist on the table top sales to help raise funds...... there is a never ending need for forever homes for cats and dogs here so dont be shy.


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