Bringing my boxer dog to Cyprus

I am going to be moving to Cyprus with my 4 year old boxer dog and wondered if anyone else has taken a boxer to live there ? Just worried about the heat !

I don't have a boxer,but I brought my dog to cyprus too.we arrived in October and the morning and evening walk was quite nice till may.then we start to walk earlier and earlier before the sun came we are walking at five in the morning. It is very humid. I also bought a cooling vest for the dog.That helps a lot for the potty breaks during the day.

walk early and late evenings-  hot pavements are dangerous for dogs..... cooling vests and mats are also a good idea for summer periods may to september  - things get cooler in october to dec... much much cooler in jan feb and early march

the mats are also a good idea for cats

keep your dog close try not to let them off the lead as cyprus is well known for poisoning of cats and dogs - always have a poison kit and an anti venine kit with you for snake bites...... ###

dont let this put you off its a beautiful country with lovely people its just some people are not so nice and not so animal friendly...

good luck with the move and enjoy all that cyprus has to offer