Absolutely Anything Else

We already live very frugal.
Our average electric per month is usually under 5-6 thousand forints per month.
We shut off the water heater after a daily shower/bath so it doesn't reheat again until the next morning.
If we didn't do that we would be heating the entire water tank without using it and that's just a waste of energy and money. ( A couple of times however, we forgot to turn it on and I had a chilly bath)
My husband grew up this way and he rules the roost here( or so he thinks!)
I grew up in a very large family and learned to shut off lights when leaving a room even if I was returning a bit later.
Never keep the fridge door open for long all sorts of frugal ways of doing things.
In the winters even now, I dislike the dry heat being on all night long so we shut the heat off at night and use an extra blanket if needed.
I swear we do things like we are living in the depression of the 1930's.
Don't run the washing machine but once a week, air dry everything.
When we have access to the dishwasher, I forget it's even there and hand wash everything.
Had a HU friend visit our home in Ca. once and she wanted to wash the dishes for me. ( I had a dishwasher back then)
Of course I told her not to do it but she insisted.
I swear she was giving me a mild heart attack the way she cleaned up.
She had the faust running at full force the entire time she washed the dishes.
To this day I'm not sure she did that to drive me nuts on purpose or if she was that much of a water waster in her own life. Same lady made us lunch here in Hungary and used sme fresh brocolli. She tossed out the entire stem and only used the tops.I wnder again if she was messing with my head or if she bought it by the kilo and threw half in the trash because she didn't know she could use the whole bunch if she scrapped off the hard outside? Probably more vitamins in the stock then the tops.
My sister lived in London years back with a few roomates.
They took turns doing housework each week.
One UK lady used to just wash one side of a dish, now that's a bit too frugal and sloppy.
My sister never had the nerve to tell her she was doing a bad job so she just fibbed and said she liked washing dishes and would do them for her when it was her week to wash up. My sister actually hates washing dishes, I know she used to make me to them for her as a child, or else...
I think people have to recieve their first heart stopping utility bills before they learn to be frugal with energy.
We are not in frugal habits just to save money but over the years it has become a way of life.
I'm not afraid at all of using too much power this winter and being over charged,I still have an old fur coat around here some place...
- @Marilyn Tassy

I've got my grandmother's fur coat from the 1930s.   It's real fur.  I couldn't even give it away. And no-one would buy it. It's a lovely thing to feel but it's made from dead animals so it doesn't go down well with anyone.

We're profligate users of resources here - electricity/petrol/diesel/plastic - all expensive unrenewable things.  Drives me mad trying to get the kids to turn off the lights and put their computers in hibernate.  We also have problems with them following the recycling.    Gas we're not using that much - we use it for heating in winter and also for hot water. I am considering installing an electric water heater for use during the summer.

I must say impending energy rises have got me thinking.  This morning I was looking up energy monitors to see how we can find out much we are using at any given moment in time.  It's not that expensive to get a monitor but what could we cut back on that would make a significant difference?

I am also looking for the bills to see how much we pay out over a year.  Mrs Fluffy does the bills so I don't ever look at them.  Now its become more urgent.

Strange you mentioned doing the dishes. I actually do like washing the dishes but I don't like drying them.  Somehow, getting absorbed in cleaning the utensils takes me away from stresses of life. It's a bit like working on my hobby car or DIY - I sort of tune everything else out.  I can imagine throwing pots on a wheel and shaping the clay with my hands. 

So relaxing, I'm beginning to nod off.
I must of gotten confused, faucet and faust.. are 2 differnt things...My HU spelling is off however...
Slowly experiencing brain fade...
Yes doing dishes, washing the floor or even cleaing the WC are relaxing if you take it in stride.
My poor mum, cleaing the 2 WC's after 8 people every single day of her life.
Our home smelled like Lysol cleaning fluid or bleach.
Most people think of apple pie as home but for me it's a strong brew of bleach!
At least none of us died from any germs.
Credit to  mum!!
I bought my Fox fur coat second hand here in HU from a shop that is long gone.
Paid a whole $10.00 for it.Funny thing is a few years before hand I saw the same coat for sale on Andrassy Utca selling in 2000 for over $500.00 Almost bought it new but decided to get some minor laser surgery instead.
Just a light little do over for sun damage because my face was front and center at my job as a games dealer in Vegas.
My HU husband always calls me into account, I had to decide , face of coat...
I'm glad I chose face before coat because I have worn that fur just a few times because the winters are so mild here over the last few decades.
Having a Hungarian husband is a mix of being spoiled and being frugal and quilty if wanting more then one should ask for.
Almost like marrying ones own mother. The moral issues involved... What makes you worth it, not a Loreal commercial!
Think I spent more on having the fur cleaned then what I paid for it.
I must of gotten confused, faucet and faust.. are 2 differnt things...My HU spelling is off however...
Slowly experiencing brain fade...
Yes doing dishes, washing the floor or even cleaing the WC are relaxing if you take it in stride.
My poor mum, cleaing the 2 WC's after 8 people every single day of her life.
Our home smelled like Lysol cleaning fluid or bleach.
Most people think of apple pie as home but for me it's a strong brew of bleach!
At least none of us died from any germs.
Credit to  mum!!
- @Marilyn Tassy

Definitely have to not mix up your faucets and your Fausts.  You'd have a devil of a time explaining you only wanted hot water and not a pact with Satan.

Washing the dishes is fine but washing the floor and cleaning the WC are not - bleach at least smells clean. 

Back in the ye olde days, they only had a bath once a year if that. Amazing anyone managed to get together with anyone else to procreate the human race without turning green over the smell. Yuck! 
BTW, it's OV in the news this week:

There are also some news articles on OV's rejection of sanctions on Putin on Euronews.
I've also heard people didn't bathe often in by gone years but I also don't believe everything I hear.
Perfume can only work so far...
Not sure why history always portrays humans as just one step out of the jungle.
I think we are devolving not evolving.
Just ride the local bus if you don't believe me!
I've also heard people didn't bathe often in by gone years but I also don't believe everything I hear.
Perfume can only work so far...
Not sure why history always portrays humans as just one step out of the jungle.
I think we are devolving not evolving.
Just ride the local bus if you don't believe me!
- @Marilyn Tassy
It came to mind as I was watching a Western where one of the characters (Brian Keith massacring a Scottish accent) was having a bath (with bottle of whiskey) in order to impress a widow (Maureen O'Hara) and shut out his rival (James Stewart).   The guy in the bath was using a very large bar of soap.  It made me wonder how he got some soap out in the wilds of Texas and why he actually had it at all.    Other characters were showing their disdain of washing - like WTF?  Bathing?  Nah....crazy gringo...

De-evolving is indeed the way we're going.  When it all breaks down, it'll be dog-eat-dog and Lord of the Flies.   Zombies will inherit the earth.

BTW, Mrs F said this morning that people are now buying up firewood in anticipation of heating difficulties during the winter.     If it gets that bad - no heating or electricity - we'll probably have to leave the country.
If things get that bad here I'd be glad in some ways. Just out of my own selfish desires.
We'd no longer have to hymn and haw about leaving and heading to Hawaii.'The choice would be made for us.
That is is if allow us off the mother ship!
I heard in the past when people were broke and cold that they's tear up thier wood floors and burn them.
Maybe not the best idea.
We tore down our wooden fence in Ca. because we were repalcing it with a nice new brick one.
My husband thought it was a good idea to burn some of the wood in our firepalce( fireplace in S. Ca??) not the best of plans, he didn't take into accunt that the wood had paint on it.
We had to open up all the windows and get some fresh air.
I warned him but my cries fell on deaf ears...
Live and learn.

Maureen O' Hara, a real beauty in her day.
IDK James Stewart always seemed coolor then Brian Keith , bath or no bath.
I saw that movie but have forgotten the title.
Love those old westerns.
I think people were cleaner then history gives them credit for.
Thse Turkish baths are over 500 years old and i"m sure they have older ones in Turkey.
I read somewhere that when a persn was ill in the west they closed them in dark roms with closed windows and they died.
In Arab countries they had fresh air flowing in the rooms, music played softly and people were cleaned up and not left to sit in their own muck.
I know my mom's people used  berries to dye their hair red, bear grease to style their hair, and lived near water, rivers and lakes,. I'm sure they took a bath or a nice swim and kept clean.
Mm said in the 1930's when she was a child everyone had a weekly bath and every night they had a sponge bath.They had too heat the bath water on the stove in large pots and fill up a tub. I suppose if we had to hassle that much daily we might reconsider wasting heat, time and water taking a bath in the middle of winter too.
We washed in rivers when we used to go backpacking for days when I was a teenager. We always made sure our route was near flowing fresh water.
We just made sure to not pollute the water with soap of toothpaste.
Had some special bio degratable soap with us.
It was fun but I really hope to never need to return to taking an open air bath again!
All I can really say is you can surely tell on the bus who has had a bath and who hasn't!
If things get that bad here I'd be glad in some ways. Just out of my own selfish desires.
We'd no longer have to hymn and haw about leaving and heading to Hawaii.'The choice would be made for us.
That is is if allow us off the mother ship!
I heard in the past when people were broke and cold that they's tear up thier wood floors and burn them.
Maybe not the best idea.
We tore down our wooden fence in Ca. because we were repalcing it with a nice new brick one.
My husband thought it was a good idea to burn some of the wood in our firepalce( fireplace in S. Ca??) not the best of plans, he didn't take into accunt that the wood had paint on it.
We had to open up all the windows and get some fresh air.
I warned him but my cries fell on deaf ears...
Live and learn.

Maureen O' Hara, a real beauty in her day.
IDK James Stewart always seemed coolor then Brian Keith , bath or no bath.
I saw that movie but have forgotten the title.
Love those old westerns.
I think people were cleaner then history gives them credit for.
Thse Turkish baths are over 500 years old and i"m sure they have older ones in Turkey.
I read somewhere that when a persn was ill in the west they closed them in dark roms with closed windows and they died.
In Arab countries they had fresh air flowing in the rooms, music played softly and people were cleaned up and not left to sit in their own muck.
I know my mom's people used  berries to dye their hair red, bear grease to style their hair, and lived near water, rivers and lakes,. I'm sure they took a bath or a nice swim and kept clean.
Mm said in the 1930's when she was a child everyone had a weekly bath and every night they had a sponge bath.They had too heat the bath water on the stove in large pots and fill up a tub. I suppose if we had to hassle that much daily we might reconsider wasting heat, time and water taking a bath in the middle of winter too.
We washed in rivers when we used to go backpacking for days when I was a teenager. We always made sure our route was near flowing fresh water.
We just made sure to not pollute the water with soap of toothpaste.
Had some special bio degratable soap with us.
It was fun but I really hope to never need to return to taking an open air bath again!
All I can really say is you can surely tell on the bus who has had a bath and who hasn't!
- @Marilyn Tassy

That movie was called The Rare Breed

Essentially Maureen was cast as an Englishwoman bringing Hereford cows and a bull to Texas to breed with the local Longhorns.  There's a double meaning - Jimmy Stewart is a rare breed, a man with convictions etc.  Blah-blah with the rest of the plot.  The  highlight for me was Juliet Mills who was a very classy person back in the day with an extremely posh English accent.  She really looked like she was enjoying the entire thing.  Apart from many stupid things in the movie (like fake snow), Maureen has a very noticeable Southern Irish accent.  Of course in the time it was set in the 1800s, Ireland was not a separate country from the UK so perhaps only partially inaccurate in that she was an Irishwoman, not English.  Not that it would have made much difference back then -  we were and continue to be all increasingly mixed up anyway.

Not knowing about Texas Longhorn vs Hereford cows, I simply had to look it up - I often look stuff up I see in the movies to check them out. In this case  I learnt something new. Apparently it was a thing back then but despite efforts to make Hereford/Longhorn crosses, eventually any advantage the cross had was lost over time through dilution of the Hereford breed. One thing they mentioned is that the hornless Herefords could be packed into cattle cars more closely as the horns (of the Longhorns) didn't get in the way.  Ultimately, shipping beef - which is rather un-PC in days of increasing veganism.   But it seemed like edutainment.

Actually I've heard about those "natural" materials for keeping clean. I did hear that in Arab lands, camel urine makes rather a good shampoo.   Might make it clean - what could survive that - but clean doesn't necessarily mean smell nice.  I haven't investigated.

Turkish baths sweat the stuff out of you.   Like a sauna.   But still, it's one way to keep clean. The Király Thermal Bath has appeared in a number of films I've seen.  Seems to be closed indefinitely for some reason.

I've just checked out our wood supplies - I reckon we've got 2 weeks worth of wood if we burn it all day.  It's about 3kg an hour.  I was thinking we had tonnes of it -  many months worth.  But no, we don't.  Previously the wood we bought came from Ukrainian forests.  That's not going to happen enough. Probably Poland and Austria are more oriented to home consumption.    Not sure where it's all going to come from. I doubt we'll be burning the fencing or furniture.  Fingers crossed we have a mild winter.
Our apt. on average seems to hold at 18C in the winter.
Some days do dip down more then others .
My husband said that Hungary is not a cold as it was when he was a child.
They used to do some outrageus things that would of given my MIL a heart attack if she had known what he was up to.
He and his friends would go to the Danube and find a large piece of floating ice, get on top one at a time and take turns pulling each other from the shore with their belts all connected as a life line.
He was probably 9 years old or so.
Once he jumped on to hard the the ice dipped to the side and he went into the freezing water. Of course he couldn't swim and lucky his friends pulled him to shore.
He walked to his friends apt. too get warm and by the time they arrived there,his clothing had frozen solid on his little body. The boys' parents weren't home so no adult ever knew anything.
Lack-key kids, their parents didn't know the half of what they got up to while they were at work.
He fell in the Danube at age 8 in the summer when the gang would jump in the river in a certain area where they noticed the current  would drag them to the side before they went under water.
They couldn't swim.
My husband  that time as well, jumped in a bit too far and was getting carried down river by the current. A fisherman saw him and pulled him out of the water.
My MIL never knew...Real wild bunch of boys.
Another time while playing in their apt. with his older brother he hurt himself pretty badly.
They had a dangerous toy where you could melt tin and make molds of tin soldiers.
His brother by accidnet missed the mold when pouring out the hot metal and it went on my husband's little arm. It burn straight down to the bone!
They were home alone and all his bro could think of doing was to run cold water on the burn.He turned his arm over and the metal went clunk in the sink!
I guess their mom found out about that one!
Their mom somehow was able to save a nice porcelain set of dishes through WW11. It was a large set with all the serving bowls ect.
She had it tucked safe away in a large cabinet.
Well those 2 boys got crazy and my BIL climbed on top of the cabinet.
It tipped over and could of killed him.
He escaped without much harm but just about every single bowl, dish,plate was lost.
I have one tiny candy dish that survived .
Hitler couldn't break them but my BIL did.
Sad really how much care they took wrapping them up during the war to keep them safe.
My MIL was just happy her boy was not injured. If it was my mom ... it would of been a different story. We would be buried out with the rumble.
My son and his gang got into their fair amount of truble too.
Age 9, they female sercurity  guard in our complex came to me once to let me know he and his buddies were climbing on rofs and jumping into the large trash dumpster!
I asked him why he was digging in the trash.
She then mentioned what they were ding in the trash bins.
Looking for tossed out Playboy mags!!
I was shocked that a little by was looking at those photos.'I asked him why he was doing that and he sweetly said,"Mommy, I don't look at those pictures, they are gross". What they were doing was cutting out body parts to resale the photos to older boys in the complex.
25 cents for a top shot and 50 cents for a bottom!
I knew his father wasn't giving him that much spending money and he was always in comic books and candy bars.
We upped his spending money as he promised to stop his side business.
I don't know how I could of handled 2 young boys at the same time like my MIL did.
Our apt. on average seems to hold at 18C in the winter.
Some days do dip down more then others .
My husband said that HUngary is not a cld as it was when he was a child.
My MIL was just happy her boy was not injured. If it was my mom ... it would of been a different story. We would be buried out with the rumble.
- @Marilyn Tassy

It's truly amazing that kids survive to adulthood.  But they mostly do thank god.   I hope everyone learns by their mistakes  but some people don't.  Jumping in the river any time is a bad thing to do, especially being egged on by your friends.  It's not called misadventure for nothing!  Uncomfortable to remember how close people can be to disaster and for stupid reasons too.  But that's kids for you - pushing the limits and not having the experience to recognise the dangers.  I tell my kids to think twice but they still think they know better.   

I must say the older one is listening a bit more than usual recently as she changes with  age. Might be a sign of becoming more reasonable or could be a flash in the pan. But the younger one hasn't reach the teenage total know-it-all stage yet.  We should brace for impact.    The older Fluffyette has started to stay out overnight with friends - we had to have a discussion, not about  the birds and bees and teenage  pregnancy as we've always been open to those discussions, but about drugs.  I fear drugs more than anything - even here in Hungary, no-one will be more than a few km from a dealer. And in bars and clubs guarding your drinks against a mickey has to be on your mind.

My own siblings (and myself) have had a litany of dangerous activity.  My elder brother was about 17 and wanted to make gunpowder for some reason. As part of the process he cooked (literally) some gunpowder materials in an old tin over a petrol stove in my Dad's shed.   His friend was with him and while they were cooking it up, and peering closely it it, it went up like a firework and burn my bro's friend's eyebrows and hair off at the front.  Quick haircut and smell of singed hair.

Try explaining that to your Mum and Dad!   Ay caramba!
I was 18 and had my own apt.
My parents were just a phone call away but they decided I was too much and had to leave the home.
I had left at 17 to live with my older sister in Hollywood for 6 months.
Went home and after having freedom at my sis's home the stirct rules of my parents was to much.
Funny thing is I NEVER did drugs the months I lived with my sister of drank anything.
At home, yes, I did everything from pot to LSD and even my mom was handing out her valium to me to calm down. Little did she know I was a speed freak at the time.
Living on my own however was good for me. I didn't smoke, or even go out at night.
Went to bed early never missed a day of work and was a real,"grown up".
Our son was no trouble at all really as a teenager. Never went out and partied, at 21 I asked him if he wanted to have a drink somewhere. He said he didn't drink and just because it was legal for him to have a drink that was no reason to drink.
People can surprise you, not everyone follows the crowd.
On my 19th BD my BFF, Lisa ( God rest her soul!!) came to sepnd the day with me.
I decided to bake us a cake from a mix.
I turned on my gas stove and the pilot light didn't go on, just the gas.
Didn't think twice about it, went in th next room to party/chat with Lisa and then checked on the cake.
Realized the oven wasn't lite so I just stuck a match!!
Wow...Lost my eyebrows and some of my fringe!
We laughed so hard because thinking of what really could of happened if I had done that just 5 mins. later was too much to think about.
Latch -key kids, my mom was always home for us, if she wasn't we knew she'd was just at the market.
Front door was locked but we knew the back door was never locked.
Can't even imgaine not locking all the dors these days. Different times.
We would go out in summer in the morning and only return when the st. lights came on at night.
Tried to get some E10 (95) today in Budapest, MOL and OMV gas stations - hopeless. They turned even buses away 1f910.svg
Tried to get some E10 (95) today in Budapest, MOL and OMV gas stations - hopeless. They turned even buses away 1f910.svg
- @Bian_ca6661

That is a bit depressing.
We use 100 oxtane, last time we got half a tank was over a month back.
We don't drive often these days.
Think the 100 was 1,000 forints per liter, probably higher now.

I wouldn't mind the price if only I were able to get any ... I don't drive much either and my tiny car has low consumption but I like the security of knowing that if anything happens back at home, I can drive there. Well... Hopefully the situation will improve 1f91e.svg
Tried to get some E10 (95) today in Budapest, MOL and OMV gas stations - hopeless. They turned even buses away 1f910.svg
- @Bian_ca6661

Do you have a Hungarian registered car? Is that the problem?

We're in Balaton this week so we filled up Sunday at Aldi and also used Oranges automatic stations and had no problem at all. All our cars are Hungarian registered.

We also bought an 11kg bottle of gas from MOL down here at Balaton and also had no problem getting that either.
Could be they are planning on a gas/petrol hike and don't want to sell it cheaper today?
Could be they are planning on a gas/petrol hike and don't want to sell it cheaper today?
- @Marilyn Tassy

I think for sure there will be a price hike for all energy costs, if not now, probably before winter.

Petrol and diesel wise, the price per litre of 95 would be around 800-1000 HUF or more.

The subsidy currently has cost something like a tad under $4 billion. Unsustainable.
@fluffy2560 nope I've got my original Slovak licence plate, I've never had any problems getting petrol so far. It could be only temporary issue, I couldn't understand what the gas station worker tried to explain to me since I can't speak Hungarian and the signs placed on the hoses were also in Hungarian. Do you think they will remove the price cap?
My spouse got diesel yesterday without any issue and his car is registered in Hungary. I didn't notice whether there were Out of order labels on petrol yesterday or it happened today
@fluffy2560 nope I've got my original Slovak licence plate, I've never had any problems getting petrol so far. It could be only temporary issue, I couldn't understand what the gas station worker tried to explain to me since I can't speak Hungarian and the signs placed on the hoses were also in Hungarian. Do you think they will remove the price cap?
My spouse got diesel yesterday without any issue and his car is registered in Hungary. I didn't notice whether there were Out of order labels on petrol yesterday or it happened today
- @Bian_ca6661

Sounds like the registration plate is a problem.  I was at a MOL station and there were signs in English and in German about the dual fuel pricing. They weren't hand written, they were printed. When I turn up at the automated stations, they see the HU plate and don't engage. I have seen them arguing with people and I have reports from  border areas the plates are mostly ignored if the driver is a  Hungarian speaker and looks intimidating! Probably cross border workers are not taking orders from some old duffer posing as security guard.
there were more cars at the OMV, all leaving empty handed including 2 Volán buses and motorbiker. The printed signs were placed directly at the E10 hoses only, while at the Mol they placed Out of order labels.
But as I said - it might have been only temporary issue and I caught the bad time 1f937.svg
there were more cars at the OMV, all leaving empty handed including 2 Volán buses and motorbiker. The printed signs were placed directly at the E10 hoses only, while at the Mol they placed Out of order labels.
But as I said - it might have been only temporary issue and I caught the bad time 1f937.svg
- @Bian_ca6661
Could be a shortage. We sometimes see pump closures locally at the automatic stations but only lasts a day. They might be restricting fuel to limit any losses.  Never seen lane closures at Shell or MOL.

@fluffy2560 you must be right about the shortage cause I've just managed to get petrol at the 1st Mol gas station. Without any issue.

@fluffy2560 you must be right about the shortage cause I've just managed to get petrol at the 1st Mol gas station. Without any issue.

- @Bian_ca6661

Glad it's sorted.

Did you pay the higher price?

We have to show our car documents at manned stations.

@fluffy2560 yes I paid the higher price, over 31€, but luckily my car doesn't need much and I got almost full tank now so I'm satisfied. New experience, at least I'll know what can happen in the future and won't be stressed. The gas station was quite busy

All our Petrol stations are running as normal, we filled up our car (Super 95) yesterday, BP €2.25, then next door (forget the name) it was €1.98.
For 95 fuel, €2.25 in the Netherlands (Vriezenveen - just on the German border); €1.85 across the border in Bad Bentheim; Dutch garages are very quiet at the moment; although LPG is much cheaper here. UK £1.89, current speculation in the UK is that the prices are starting to fall, I think that depends on the Saudis upping production.
For 95 fuel, €2.25 in the Netherlands (Vriezenveen - just on the German border); €1.85 across the border in Bad Bentheim; Dutch garages are very quiet at the moment; although LPG is much cheaper here. UK £1.89, current speculation in the UK is that the prices are starting to fall, I think that depends on the Saudis upping production.
- @Cynic
Oh, Saudis upping production.

Oil will top whatever bad things MBS has done recently.   Biden is trying to smooth things over. We're all stuck in a oil and gas nightmare and it seems to me it will get much worse in winter.  On the other hand, Azerbaijan is looking to up production and exports to the EU.  It's going to be difficult as it's a potential conflict area - the pipeline runs from Baku, through Georgia to a Med port in Turkey.  Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia etc - all hot spots for one reason or another.

Globally, it's the US I've got my eye on.   Biden is stuck really on his Middle East tour.  He's losing ground prior to the mid-terms and may end up losing control of both houses.  Then his agenda is screwed and worse - for us - the amounts he's pouring into Ukraine may be curtailed.  Fools like Taylor Green or Gaetz or their saviour Trump are going to screw us all.   Putin must be laughing all the way to Donbass.   And just when it looks like new artillery in the form of HIMARs is becoming effective.   Biden needs to give them the longer range armaments so they can take out the Black Sea fleet, Kerch bridge and give them a chance of taking back Kherson and therefore controlling the Crimean water supply.  Putin might decide to do something else.

And meanwhile, hereabouts 480 HUF/litre flat rate may continue until August. We will fill our cars up by the end of the month.
All our Petrol stations are running as normal, we filled up our car (Super 95) yesterday, BP €2.25, then next door (forget the name) it was €1.98.
- @SimCityAT

Seems hard to believe sitting here in 480 HUF/litre-La-La-Land!

@Cynic I've heard the same about prices in Slovakia, but i wouldn't put my savings on that as they predicted the price fall 3 times in last 2 months and it was never quite true

@Cynic I've heard the same about prices in Slovakia, but i wouldn't put my savings on that as they predicted the price fall 3 times in last 2 months and it was never quite true

- @Bian_ca6661

In Slovakia, Slovenia and Croatia the government is now subsidising the price, that's why it has dropped quite a bit.
In other news, Austria has enough gas supplies for the remainder of the year and OMV has secured 1/2 a year's worth of gas from other sources instead of Russia.
In other news, Austria has enough gas supplies for the remainder of the year and OMV has secured 1/2 a year's worth of gas from other sources instead of Russia.
- @SimCityAT

Sounds like progress.   How much  does that represent normal or strategic reserves?  I think the EU norm is 3 months worth.  They should be on 100% by now everywhere in the EU I'd have thought.  Only a few weeks ago, HU was only at 25%.  Not enough to carry themselves through to next year. 

@Cynic I've heard the same about prices in Slovakia, but i wouldn't put my savings on that as they predicted the price fall 3 times in last 2 months and it was never quite true

- @Bian_ca6661

In Slovakia, Slovenia and Croatia the government is now subsidising the price, that's why it has dropped quite a bit.
- @SimCityAT

Got a link on that?

@fluffy2560 I've just read a vague article on our news website about full tank being almost 2€ cheaper. Doesn't say much, does it... well I guess it's still something. News moved from energy prices to drought and 5th covid wave

@fluffy2560 I've just read a vague article on our news website about full tank being almost 2€ cheaper. Doesn't say much, does it... well I guess it's still something. News moved from energy prices to drought and 5th covid wave

- @Bian_ca6661

Probably needs an economics based news service to see the extent of the discount. 2 Euro isn't going to help. Hungary is at almost 50% which is or is close to  irresponsible. There are no free lunches.

  • @fluffy2560 according to my friends the fuel dropped slightly from 1.94€/l last week to 1.91€/l this week. The analysts are expecting further fall within few days but it should be only temporary

In the UK a tank is meant to be 10 quid cheaper in 2 weeks
I naively expect the best 1f62c.svg
In the UK a tank is meant to be 10 quid cheaper in 2 weeks
- @SimCityAT

I don't believe it.  Industrial strife is on the rise everywhere. Over time, inflationary pressures will undo any wage increases. Cheaper fuel will help but it will take ages for any price drops to filter through. In the meantime, government will be raking it in on excise duty and have little incentive to lower duty. Maybe they'll throw people a bone with a 3p reduction so they think they are getting something.
I naively expect the best 1f62c.svg
- @Bian_ca6661

Hope for the best, plan for the worst!