Absolutely Anything Else

On another topic,
I saw a post about 300,000 people in Hungary applying for permits to buy air guns.
In the mean time they have run out of rubber bullets.
What's going on?
Someone planning a fight?
Air guns and rubber bullets I know little about, think whoever you shoot will get up at some point and want some revenge.
I would.
The criminals already have "real" bullets bought on the black market.
I wonder how ,"bad a@@" these rubber bullet people really would be if push came to shove, doubt most have ever even been in a get down and dirty fist fight.
My short little mommy carried a 2 shooter in her bra in the 1960's when she worked night shift and walked alone in the dark to her car.
Mom would use it too if needed, she never pulled any punches.
She also had her share of "close encounters" of being attack by strangers and of fighting hand to hand.
She was tiny but had no fear of taking on a full grown man to protect herself or those she loved.
Once while dating ,my mom and step-dad were kissing by their car outside of a tavern.
Out of the blue my step-dad was turned around and punched in the eye.
Mom didn't think twice, she jumped on the man and was beating him around his head, hard.
The silly drunk had thought my mom was his wife and was out with another man.
My poor step-dad had a huge black eye.
I just think getting these soft bullets and gas guns are going to give people a false sense of protetion and they may put themselves in danger.
I know an ax or clawhammer or even a bat can do more damage then an air gun will.
My sisters ex BF was a personal injury alwyer, He always told us make sure who ever you shot does not ever get up again. That way they can't sue you. Another tip was to be sure their entire body was within your property...
Why all the fear now?
"Anyway, OV is approaching 60.  He's now entering some twilight years."

Ah, that goes right back to his envy of American politicians. In America he'd still be a young fellow in politics, with at least 20 years ahead of him.

I think we've discussed here before how Hungarians are sort of expected to just give up once they're in their sixties.
- @zif

I'll never give up the fight!!
My nearly 75 year old sister is still working in the US and it's strange to find out people don't really do that here in Hungary. No one would hire them for one thing.
I get the nastiest looks in Hungary from women of all ages.
At 67  I still can wear without embarrasment, skinny jeans . My neighbors all think I'm a loon and probably talk behind my back all the time.
Why do we allow people to put us in boxes?
I sometimes do silly, "social experiemnts" the few times I've dressed my age, people treat me differently, when I'm being myslef  people stare and it gets on my last nerve at times. In the states no one would look twice at a senior aged lady wearing skinny jeans unless the were sagging.
Why can famous people be themselves and dress any way they chose to while we everyday people are put in boxes and judged?

- @Marilyn Tassy

Some businesses in the UK used to actively hire older people - DIY stores mainly - as they know how to do stuff.   I don't know if they still do that.

I don't see any reason not to be yourself Marilyn.  Who cares what other people think?! It's one of the privileges of being over 60 - being able to not give a damn!

One thing about working over 60 is not having a very stressful job or a position of intense responsibility.  Working in say, a DIY store, would be fine - just say 6h a day,  4 days a week part time, no problem. 

One of my relatives was looking to work part-time in Aldi or Lidl but over 60, those companies don't seem to be interested.

My nephew and his Mrs (in their 30s) are extremely very well qualified in niche technical jobs and are  now on 4 days a week and 100% pay!  Brilliant!

Even my oldest daughter works at home 100% of the time as a specialist in her field.
My idea of working hours are 3 days a week,4 to 6 hours per day.
Lve being a games dealer most times.
I had worked 5 days per week but gt hired as an extra at another casino and usually only worked 4 days per week. Had to be there 8 hours a day but ony worked 6 hurs in total with all the breaks they gave us.
45 mins to one hour on a table then a 20 mins break.
Sometimes we were snet for a second break staright away, 40 mins breaks and a 20 min . work per table. All depended on how busy they were day to day.
One at my first casino job some high rollers came in and they didn't have enough dealers working to give us our breaks on time plus open up 4 extra tables.
There was almost a roit when we had to work a full 75 to 90 mins without a break!
No, one really needs all those breaks every hour when dealing cards. Your eyes go glossy after awhile and your brain freezes up.
One mistake can cost the casino more then paying people to take many breaks.
When I did hair I usually only signed up for 6 hours 4 days per week, More then that was to much. We only got one 15 min break in 6 hours....Unless the place was dead.
Just passed by what appeared to be quite serious tram crash near by the Parliament. 4 or 5 firefighter's units.
Just passed by what appeared to be quite serious tram crash near by the Parliament. 4 or 5 firefighter's units.
- @Bian_ca6661

Doesn't sound good.   

We can only press Like, there's no Dismay or Sad button.

@fluffy2560 Hopefully it only looked serious, and no one was injured.

@fluffy2560 Hopefully it only looked serious, and no one was injured.

- @Bian_ca6661

People vs tram.  It can only end badly.
We only got one 15 min break in 6 hours....Unless the place was dead. - @Marilyn Tassy

I'd have thought they'd rotate dealers to stop collusion between players and a dealer.

Makes me wonder how that business is organised.  Are some casinos unionised?  What about minimum wage?  Statutory breaks?

We only got one 15 min break in 6 hours....Unless the place was dead. - @Marilyn Tassy

I'd have thought they'd rotate dealers to stop collusion between players and a dealer.

Makes me wonder how that business is organised.  Are some casinos unionised?  What about minimum wage?  Statutory breaks?

- @fluffy2560

I hope everyone on the tram and near by is fine.

In the old days casinos were run differently then now.
Now they are run by large corporations and not privatly owned.
My friend worked under both systems and like working under the mob better.
They were strict but if you didn't steal or mess around they helped you out with everything from getting a mortage to paying medical bills if needed.
Plus she said everyone was making, "bank" dealers all had big homes with swimming pools and new cars.
of course if you messed up you might find yourself in Lake Mead!!
My first casino job in Vegas was privatly owned so they could pick and chose who they wanted without gov. regulations on fair hiring. When I think back we had a 70% young bunch of white dealers 50% of them were male. Now days they hire everyone.
It was said back in the day if you were an attractive women under age 30 you could pick and chose any casino to work in and you didn;t have to know how to deal.
Later we had an 86 year old granny dealing so , things defo had changed.
It's all about the tips not the wages when dealing.
Min. wage to start with raises every so often and room to advance yourself to working in management .
I worked at a well known ,"Cowboy" owned casino they sponsred the Natioanl Rodeo when it came to Vegas, wild week for sure!
It is law that dealers get a break every 45 min to hour depending on the casino and how busy they are that day.
They may ask you to d oa 75 min . stint on a table but that was rare.
Tips on the strip when I started in 1998 were huge and on weekends they could easily get over $1,000 per night in tips alone.
It made a ruffle with some of the management becuase dealers were making more then they were.
Some places had dealers chip in and give the management a share of the tips. A smart dealer would go along with it or risk losing their job.
You could with having some experience pay to move to a better casino if you fit what they were looking for. The younger and more attractive you were the better.
When you see an old dealer or cocktail server you know they have been at the same job for decades and don't want to quit.
Some casinos have dealer working the same game all their shift and others rottate dealers. Usualy it is 4 dealers for 3 games. Someone is always on a break and every 20 mins they tap out another dealer to give them their break.
I was happy t work ff the strip with local players. Tips would vary after 9/11 they were bad.
Had been ahppy with making my $85. a day with wages when i was new and glad to amke over $260. plus wages in 2000.
I guess it was around a $1,200 per week job. After taxes.
They used to just give us cash everyday then later when the gov. got heavy on them it was included in our normal pay checks.
I never tried to get a strip job, we always came to HU and I knew I'd have to quit and didn't want a bad rep for quitting all the time. I was rehired 3 times at one casino. 2 times at another. Guess they liked me.
The big name casinos are cut throat too. People would be fired at the top of a hat because someone wanted to give the job to a friend etc.
They provided everything to wear expect the black skirt or slacks and black shoes. Free dry cleaning and free tailoring of shirts.
My Cowboy casino actually had us wearing black jeans, very comfy.The sold Wrangler jeans at cost to the dealers, super cheap. We got discounts for shows and everytime you cashed your pay inside the casino they gave your free drinks.
Even low cost movie tickets and meals in restaurants located inside the casino for your days off.
Seriously they wanted even the delaers to spend time inside and gamble. As long as you were not in uniform that is.
Free meals given 1 hour before your shift started up to one hour after your shift was done.
Free training to learn more games , a plus to move up to the strip, the more games one knew the better chances of getting hired.

My son's Korean GF had been a cocktail server at Caesers Palace in the 1990's .
She made so much she put her husband through law school.
I've seen waitresses get $100. checks( chips) as a a tip for just one drink and i"ve heard some gt $500 to $1,000 checks for a drink!
Not sure how it is these days with being post C19 and all.
My sn quit his management job 3 years ago and said tips were low for the dealers even before C 19.
It goes in waves I suppose.
It was fun and not so fun at times.

@fluffy2560 I'm afraid you're right. I would like to believe otherwise though

@fluffy2560 I'm afraid you're right. I would like to believe otherwise though

- @Bian_ca6661

Best to use the Quote button.

Maybe there's something on the news sites about the crashed tram.

@fluffy2560 I'm afraid you're right. I would like to believe otherwise though

- @Bian_ca6661

Best to use the Quote button.

Maybe there's something on the news sites about the crashed tram.
- @fluffy2560
Replying with quote button is bit uncomfortable in case if loooong messages. Anyway I haven't seen any news about the tram yet. Maybe it wasn't too serious...? I just assumed  by the amount of firefighters and smashed windshield that it was not "fun".
What do you think about this:

(I hope I can insert links here in general)
Replying with quote button is bit uncomfortable in case if loooong messages. Anyway I haven't seen any news about the tram yet. Maybe it wasn't too serious...? I just assumed  by the amount of firefighters and smashed windshield that it was not "fun".
- @Bian_ca6661
You can just delete the quote bits you are not replying to and reduce the size of reply.  Like I did above.

Sounds like the tram crash was more noise than substance.
What do you think about this:

(I hope I can insert links here in general)
- @Bian_ca6661

Yes, I saw that fuel limit but I wonder how it will be enforced? If someone fills up their car, what will they do to take out the extra?  Seems impractical. 

Presumably they will need to keep a central copy of the number plate details and share it out amongst all MOL or Lukoil stations.  Won't probably effect me as in any case, I've avoided Lukoil for some years because it's all Putin related.   Around here we're mainly MOL, Shell, Aldi and Oranges.  I think Aldi is run by OMV (Austrian).

I cannot see this going on for a very long time.   Some articles I read recently said HU is taking out high priced EUR loans to cover the cost of subsidies and the international drop in HUF.  My current prediction is for the HU government to struggle on with it until Spring and the fuel pressure is less whereupon, they'll have to introduce some budgetary measures to cope. 

It's going to be a tough winter in all sorts of ways.
You can just delete the quote bits you are not replying to and reduce the size of reply.  Like I did above.

Sounds like the tram crash was more noise than substance.
- @fluffy2560

I see. I'm still learning 1f600.svg I think the passengers got shock or minor injuries as the tram halted unexpectedly hence all the rescuers. But as I read older news yesterday, tram accidents are not as unusual as I thought they'd be
You can just delete the quote bits you are not replying to and reduce the size of reply.  Like I did above.

Sounds like the tram crash was more noise than substance.
- @fluffy2560

I see. I'm still learning 1f600.svg I think the passengers got shock or minor injuries as the tram halted unexpectedly hence all the rescuers. But as I read older news yesterday, tram accidents are not as unusual as I thought they'd be
- @Bian_ca6661

Trams are relatively quiet so you can imagine people with headphones on, not paying attention, getting hit by them.   I did search for the tram incident and was surprised to hear that some group were throwing stones at No 41 tram and injured a driver. What that was about, no idea. Maybe just yobs.

We know of one young person (~19) who had ear buds in, got off the bus, started across the road and was hit by a car and unfortunately died.  Didn't hear the car coming due to not paying attention and listening to loud music. 
I saw a post yesterday about OV, his wife and bodyguard getting stuck in a lake while on vacation in Croatia. Their boat broke down.
I wonder if they ran out of gas?
We got some gas/petrol yesterday. Probably will last us until late winter... We hardly use the car lately.
I was planning on swimming today, the weather report said rain all wekk long s I slept in today. pissed now.
Can't trust the weathr reports here or the mail!
We knew a young man who was walking on the train tracks behind his house, didn't hear the train and was killed.
He had been drinking.
Must of been on a bender not to hear a train coming.
One should always be aware of their surroundings at all times.
I often turn to look at who is walking behind me on the st.
Guess growing up for a bit in Hollywood gives one second sight or something.
In the 1970's it was just insane to take a walk in mid day for a young lady walking by herself. Even when walking with a friend it could be an odd experience.
My BFF, Lisa came to spend a weekend with my sister and I in Hollywood.
We were 17 or so.
Just walking and talking down Sunset and car after car of lone older dudes would just pull up to the curb as we passed by.
My friend asked what that was all about. I suppose by then I was jadded and didnt think twice about old perverts slmamming their brakes on and yelling out their windows at young ladies on the sidewalk.
I told Lisa the next car that stops just peek over and see what they are doing...
Perverts with their trousers open... I'd say  in a mile of walking there would be at least 3 cars or more stopping and hassling us. 2 skinny teen girls with jeans and t-shirts on, not high heels and pink wigs.
We laughed so much at them .
Daylight just minding your own buisiness and that's what could happen.
How can anyone walk with headphones on and not know what or who is nearby?
When I first moved to Hollywood, I was taking a walk and some old pervert yelled out if I was walking or working... At the time I had no idea what he meant. I yelled back walking ??
Silly me, too be that innocent again!
After to many times of these rude dudes I tok up walking with a Great Dane and black Lab.
People still yelled out but mostly about not being afraid of the dogs, as they crossed the st. to avoid us.
I saw a post yesterday about OV, his wife and bodyguard getting stuck in a lake while on vacation in Croatia. Their boat broke down.
I wonder if they ran out of gas?
We got some gas/petrol yesterday. Probably will last us until late winter... We hardly use the car lately.
I was planning on swimming today, the weather report said rain all wekk long s I slept in today. pissed now.
Can't trust the weathr reports here or the mail!
We knew a young man who was walking on the train tracks behind his house, didn't hear the train and was killed.
He had been drinking.
Must of been on a bender not to hear a train coming.
One should always be aware of their surroundings at all times.
I often turn to look at who is walking behind me on the st.
Guess growing up for a bit in Hollywood gives one second sight or something.
In the 1970's it was just insane to take a walk in mid day for a young lady walking by herself. Even when walking with a friend it could be an odd experience.
My BFF, Lisa came to spend a weekend with my sister and I in Hollywood.
We were 17 or so.
Just walking and talking down Sunset and car after car of lone older dudes would just pull up to the curb as we passed by.
My friend asked what that was all about. I suppose by then I was jadded and didnt think twice about old perverts slmamming their brakes on and yelling out their windows at young ladies on the sidewalk.
I told Lisa the next car that stops just peek over and see what they are doing...
Perverts with their trousers open... I'd say  in a mile of walking there would be at least 3 cars or more stopping and hassling us. 2 skinny teen girls with jeans and t-shirts on, not high heels and pink wigs.
We laughed so much at them .
Daylight just minding your own buisiness and that's what could happen.
How can anyone walk with headphones on and not know what or who is nearby?
When I first moved to Hollywood, I was taking a walk and some old pervert yelled out if I was walking or working... At the time I had no idea what he meant. I yelled back walking ??
Silly me, too be that innocent again!
After to many times of these rude dudes I tok up walking with a Great Dane and black Lab.
People still yelled out but mostly about not being afraid of the dogs, as they crossed the st. to avoid us.
- @Marilyn Tassy

Clearly they thought you were "doing business" while walking in that area.  One of the weird things I found when I lived close to Amsterdam was how the Red Light district was transformed during the day. It was just a normal street more or less then with families and kids walking around but during the night, the ladies (and rarely some men) were in the red lit windows there.  I never saw many workers on the street per se.  Not like here, where we quite often see them hanging about in country side roads where it's easy to pull in.

I do worry about our daughter wandering around in town. There's a false sense of security as serious crime is not that common.   But teenagers (and specifically ours) are overly confident some random person they know on social media will be someone trustworthy they could meet at dusk on Margit Island.

I did read about OV on his speedboat.  Shame anyone rescued him - could have pushed him further out as an illegal immigrant trying to enter Croatia by boat. I am wondering if he would want to be rescued by anyone except a Hungarian since he'd be in contact with a potentially mixed foreigner.  What a jerk! I see his fan, Hegedus has unresigned herself and resumed praising him.  Hard to forgive him so wonder what it took. Another jerk.

Speaking of jerks, I see Trump is in the news again.  Looks like he's going down.  Yay!  But what of MAGA and QAnon?  Who is going to lead them while Trump is in Club Fed?  One of my friends thinks Ron Desantis.  Jeez, one lunatic following another!       
You can just delete the quote bits you are not replying to and reduce the size of reply.  Like I did above.

Sounds like the tram crash was more noise than substance.
- @fluffy2560

I see. I'm still learning 1f600.svg I think the passengers got shock or minor injuries as the tram halted unexpectedly hence all the rescuers. But as I read older news yesterday, tram accidents are not as unusual as I thought they'd be
- @Bian_ca6661

Trams are relatively quiet so you can imagine people with headphones on, not paying attention, getting hit by them.   I did search for the tram incident and was surprised to hear that some group were throwing stones at No 41 tram and injured a driver. What that was about, no idea. Maybe just yobs.

We know of one young person (~19) who had ear buds in, got off the bus, started across the road and was hit by a car and unfortunately died.  Didn't hear the car coming due to not paying attention and listening to loud music. 
- @fluffy2560

I've taken the tram today to get from 14th District to the Castle and Bastion, and I was surprised how fast it can actually run. Even the old ones.
The accident we saw happened on line 19/41 (which I learned today by traveling those services). But a standing passenger can definitely get injured in case of unexpected halt. Let alone the passersby outside, I've seen many people crossing roads and railways with their earphones in.
Btw, what's  difference between tram line marked as M? E.g. 1 and 1M?
I saw a post yesterday about OV, his wife and bodyguard getting stuck in a lake while on vacation in Croatia. Their boat broke down.
I wonder if they ran out of gas?
We got some gas/petrol yesterday. Probably will last us until late winter... We hardly use the car lately.
I was planning on swimming today, the weather report said rain all wekk long s I slept in today. pissed now.
Can't trust the weathr reports here or the mail!
We knew a young man who was walking on the train tracks behind his house, didn't hear the train and was killed.
He had been drinking.
Must of been on a bender not to hear a train coming.
One should always be aware of their surroundings at all times.
I often turn to look at who is walking behind me on the st.
Guess growing up for a bit in Hollywood gives one second sight or something.
In the 1970's it was just insane to take a walk in mid day for a young lady walking by herself. Even when walking with a friend it could be an odd experience.
My BFF, Lisa came to spend a weekend with my sister and I in Hollywood.
We were 17 or so.
Just walking and talking down Sunset and car after car of lone older dudes would just pull up to the curb as we passed by.
My friend asked what that was all about. I suppose by then I was jadded and didnt think twice about old perverts slmamming their brakes on and yelling out their windows at young ladies on the sidewalk.
I told Lisa the next car that stops just peek over and see what they are doing...
Perverts with their trousers open... I'd say  in a mile of walking there would be at least 3 cars or more stopping and hassling us. 2 skinny teen girls with jeans and t-shirts on, not high heels and pink wigs.
We laughed so much at them .
Daylight just minding your own buisiness and that's what could happen.
How can anyone walk with headphones on and not know what or who is nearby?
When I first moved to Hollywood, I was taking a walk and some old pervert yelled out if I was walking or working... At the time I had no idea what he meant. I yelled back walking ??
Silly me, too be that innocent again!
After to many times of these rude dudes I tok up walking with a Great Dane and black Lab.
People still yelled out but mostly about not being afraid of the dogs, as they crossed the st. to avoid us.
- @Marilyn Tassy

Clearly they thought you were "doing business" while walking in that area.  One of the weird things I found when I lived close to Amsterdam was how the Red Light district was transformed during the day. It was just a normal street more or less then with families and kids walking around but during the night, the ladies (and rarely some men) were in the red lit windows there.  I never saw many workers on the street per se.  Not like here, where we quite often see them hanging about in country side roads where it's easy to pull in.

I do worry about our daughter wandering around in town. There's a false sense of security as serious crime is not that common.   But teenagers (and specifically ours) are overly confident some random person they know on social media will be someone trustworthy they could meet at dusk on Margit Island.

I did read about OV on his speedboat.  Shame anyone rescued him - could have pushed him further out as an illegal immigrant trying to enter Croatia by boat. I am wondering if he would want to be rescued by anyone except a Hungarian since he'd be in contact with a potentially mixed foreigner.  What a jerk! I see his fan, Hegedus has unresigned herself and resumed praising him.  Hard to forgive him so wonder what it took. Another jerk.

Speaking of jerks, I see Trump is in the news again.  Looks like he's going down.  Yay!  But what of MAGA and QAnon?  Who is going to lead them while Trump is in Club Fed?  One of my friends thinks Ron Desantis.  Jeez, one lunatic following another!       
- @fluffy2560

Isn't the red district closed??

Clearly they thought you were "doing business" while walking in that area.  One of the weird things I found when I lived close to Amsterdam was how the Red Light district was transformed during the day. It was just a normal street more or less then with families and kids walking around but during the night, the ladies (and rarely some men) were in the red lit windows there.  I never saw many workers on the street per se.  Not like here, where we quite often see them hanging about in country side roads where it's easy to pull in....- @fluffy2560

Isn't the red district closed??
- @Bian_ca6661

Don't know - it was a long time ago I walked around there.  All our visitors wanted to go there (and a cannabis cafe) and a canal trip. Mrs F and I always had to go with them. Might be closed now because of COVID but I can find out as I have a relative living in Amsterdam.
Isn't the red district closed??
- @Bian_ca6661

Don't know - it was a long time ago I walked around there.  All our visitors wanted to go there (and a cannabis cafe) and a canal trip. Mrs F and I always had to go with them. Might be closed now because of COVID but I can find out as I have a relative living in Amsterdam.
- @fluffy2560

I think I've read something about relocating the "shops" away from centre in 2019, it was only planned back then. C-19 probably closed it anyway

@Marilyn Tassy Very well written and gives a great deal to think about in the middle of August. All the best and have a good day. Rob

Isn't the red district closed??
- @Bian_ca6661

Don't know - it was a long time ago I walked around there.  All our visitors wanted to go there (and a cannabis cafe) and a canal trip. Mrs F and I always had to go with them. Might be closed now because of COVID but I can find out as I have a relative living in Amsterdam.
- @fluffy2560

I think I've read something about relocating the "shops" away from centre in 2019, it was only planned back then. C-19 probably closed it anyway
- @Bian_ca6661

Centre of Amsterdam is quite small, just a few streets.  Whole town is not that big anyway. I would expect moving main shopping areas out from the centre to reduce journeys.  But it's the same here -  district shopping areas and no reason to go to the centre.  We rarely go to the city centre here.  No reason to be there. That area of NL is the Randstad -  the circle of towns/cities like Utrecht, Den Haag and Amsterdam etc.   Basically one large city and indistinct suburbs.

Not that I'm following it, but Red Light Districts seem to be moving to industrial zones.  Same for music venues etc.  It's quite a good idea - mainly unoccupied overnight - so plenty of opportunity to be really noisy and avoid residential disturbances.

@Marilyn Tassy Very well written and gives a great deal to think about in the middle of August. All the best and have a good day. Rob

- @robert1218

Yes, it is a bit disurbing to think that  two 17 year old school girls couldn't enjoy walking together on a st. in a tourist area without being hassled by predators.
I often wonder if young ladies these days are hassled so much while just out and about minding their own affairs.
I grew up in a small town located outside of Los Angleles where you could walk all day long and no one bthered you, might not even see many cars go n the main roads either.
People would still ride horses down the main road.
Then over to Hollywod... Totally another world.

@Marilyn Tassy Very well written and gives a great deal to think about in the middle of August. All the best and have a good day. Rob

- @robert1218

Yes, it is a bit disurbing to think that  two 17 year old school girls couldn't enjoy walking together on a st. in a tourist area without being hassled by predators.
I often wonder if young ladies these days are hassled so much while just out and about minding their own affairs.
I grew up in a small town located outside of Los Angleles where you could walk all day long and no one bthered you, might not even see many cars go n the main roads either.
People would still ride horses down the main road.
Then over to Hollywod... Totally another world.

- @Marilyn Tassy

From my own experience I used to be more hassled by guys at work than outside in the streets. But I'm not 17 anymore, it might be the reason nowadays 1f601.svg not that I miss it, I never knew how to react when I was younger. Now I'd send them straight in the hole

Centre of Amsterdam is quite small, just a few streets.  Whole town is not that big anyway. I would expect moving main shopping areas out from the centre to reduce journeys.  But it's the same here -  district shopping areas and no reason to go to the centre.  We rarely go to the city centre here.  No reason to be there. That area of NL is the Randstad -  the circle of towns/cities like Utrecht, Den Haag and Amsterdam etc.   Basically one large city and indistinct suburbs.

Not that I'm following it, but Red Light Districts seem to be moving to industrial zones.  Same for music venues etc.  It's quite a good idea - mainly unoccupied overnight - so plenty of opportunity to be really noisy and avoid residential disturbances.
- @fluffy2560

Is Amsterdam worth visiting? It was always on my travel list, haven't had the opportunity so far.
I did read about OV on his speedboat.  Shame anyone rescued him - could have pushed him further out as an illegal immigrant trying to enter Croatia by boat. I am wondering if he would want to be rescued by anyone except a Hungarian since he'd be in contact with a potentially mixed foreigner.  What a jerk! I see his fan, Hegedus has unresigned herself and resumed praising him.  Hard to forgive him so wonder what it took. Another jerk.

- @fluffy2560

Did he not advised Americans to marry Hungarian women? Or that kind of European - Non-European mixing is okay as far as it is within "certain" colour? What a twat...
I did read about OV on his speedboat.  Shame anyone rescued him - could have pushed him further out as an illegal immigrant trying to enter Croatia by boat. I am wondering if he would want to be rescued by anyone except a Hungarian since he'd be in contact with a potentially mixed foreigner.  What a jerk! I see his fan, Hegedus has unresigned herself and resumed praising him.  Hard to forgive him so wonder what it took. Another jerk.

- @fluffy2560

Did he not advised Americans to marry Hungarian women? Or that kind of European - Non-European mixing is okay as far as it is within "certain" colour? What a twat...
- @Bian_ca6661

Twat just about covers it.

Yes, he did say Americans should marry Hungarian women.  He was of course, pandering to his immediate audience and talking nonsense.  I do not know who or what he was trying to do and how that fits with his Romania speech.

Who are the true Hungarians anyway? 

Every country is a mixture of different peoples and are better for it.  I've got nothing to do with Hungarians as far as I know - I do have a German ancestor and possibly French and Irish but it was a long way back. So far back as not to make a difference. Mrs Fluffy is probably paternally something to do with the Serbs and maternally, ethnic German. 

Yet, we're married. I don't think we diluted the HU gene pool  but improved it.

OV tries to be a showman,  but has as much charisma as rancid milk.   
Is Amsterdam worth visiting? It was always on my travel list, haven't had the opportunity so far. - @Bian_ca6661

Yes, it's worth visiting for a weekend.  But NL is really expensive for hotels and food. We went in 2018 last time but we won't there again because of it. 

Easier to drive somewhere closer like Croatia. 

I've been thinking we should go to Iceland for a long weekend to look at the volcanoes .  Might also be expensive too as there are four of us.   

We've been considering going to the Canary Islands but it's become very expensive.  For four people, it'd be well north of 1M HUF for a week for a package tour.  We also looked at mainland Spain but there are a lot of strikes going on in places like Malaga.

Last minute might be possible BUT kids go back to school in September, so I cannot see us going anywhere except Balaton.
I did read about OV on his speedboat.  Shame anyone rescued him - could have pushed him further out as an illegal immigrant trying to enter Croatia by boat. I am wondering if he would want to be rescued by anyone except a Hungarian since he'd be in contact with a potentially mixed foreigner.  What a jerk! I see his fan, Hegedus has unresigned herself and resumed praising him.  Hard to forgive him so wonder what it took. Another jerk.

- @fluffy2560

Did he not advised Americans to marry Hungarian women? Or that kind of European - Non-European mixing is okay as far as it is within "certain" colour? What a twat...
- @Bian_ca6661

Twat just about covers it.

Yes, he did say Americans should marry Hungarian women.  He was of course, pandering to his immediate audience and talking nonsense.  I do not know who or what he was trying to do and how that fits with his Romania speech.

Who are the true Hungarians anyway? 

Every country is a mixture of different peoples and are better for it.  I've got nothing to do with Hungarians as far as I know - I do have a German ancestor and possibly French and Irish but it was a long way back. So far back as not to make a difference. Mrs Fluffy is probably paternally something to do with the Serbs and maternally, ethnic German. 

Yet, we're married. I don't think we diluted the HU gene pool  but improved it.

OV tries to be a showman,  but has as much charisma as rancid milk.   
- @fluffy2560

We got a saying - where the wind, there the coat.
It describes him perfectly, he changes rhetoric for the audience. How that kind of person can be trustworthy and lead a country...
Is Amsterdam worth visiting? It was always on my travel list, haven't had the opportunity so far. - @Bian_ca6661

Yes, it's worth visiting for a weekend.  But NL is really expensive for hotels and food. We went in 2018 last time but we won't there again because of it. 

Easier to drive somewhere closer like Croatia. 

I've been thinking we should go to Iceland for a long weekend to look at the volcanoes .  Might also be expensive too as there are four of us.   

We've been considering going to the Canary Islands but it's become very expensive.  For four people, it'd be well north of 1M HUF for a week for a package tour.  We also looked at mainland Spain but there are a lot of strikes going on in places like Malaga.

Last minute might be possible BUT kids go back to school in September, so I cannot see us going anywhere except Balaton.
- @fluffy2560

We've been to Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Sicily , Germany , Austria, Czech republic of course. UK and Scotland etc... planning on Montenegro and Romania some day. Scandinavia and Iceland is my travel dream, one day hopefully
I did read about OV on his speedboat.  Shame anyone rescued him - could have pushed him further out as an illegal immigrant trying to enter Croatia by boat. I am wondering if he would want to be rescued by anyone except a Hungarian since he'd be in contact with a potentially mixed foreigner.  What a jerk! I see his fan, Hegedus has unresigned herself and resumed praising him.  Hard to forgive him so wonder what it took. Another jerk.

- @fluffy2560

Did he not advised Americans to marry Hungarian women? Or that kind of European - Non-European mixing is okay as far as it is within "certain" colour? What a twat...
- @Bian_ca6661

So sad that people see color before they see charactor.
Well, some people that is.
My son won't really look twice at a white lady, he loves Asian women, he says white women are too large.
To each his own.
He is 6'3" tall so saying white women are too large is a bit off unless they are on a pro basketball team .
Everyone in my mind is mixed race to some degree.
Even people living in isolation had their DNA mixed at some point in time.
My HU husband is the first to say he probably has Mongal blood in him.
The world should be worrying about more important matters then race, in the long run it's true, we all bleed red.

So sad that people see color before they see charactor.
Well, some people that is.
My son won't really look twice at a white lady, he loves Asian women, he says white women are too large.
To each his own.
He is 6'3" tall so saying white women are too large is a bit off unless they are on a pro basketball team .
Everyone in my mind is mixed race to some degree.
Even people living in isolation had their DNA mixed at some point in time.
My HU husband is the first to say he probably has Mongal blood in him.
The world should be worrying about more important matters then race, in the long run it's true, we all bleed red.

- @Marilyn Tassy

Yep, we're all mixed up.

I think OV was erroneously referring to colour as a proxy for culture.  But it suited his BS for the occasion.

It's blinking obvious there are different cultural aspects between one group and another but if it works, then it works and everyone is richer for it!   In ye olden days, royalty used to marry each other to cement diplomacy through family ties.  Modern equivalent might be the EU - increase familiarity and interchange with other societies.  Well done UK leaving the EU. 

OV would have kittens over some of the goings on in my wider family.  We're a smorgasbord of nationalities and different shades. 

But I congratulate your hubby on his Mongolian roots! I've been to Mongolia a few times and they are a remarkably resilient people living in very harsh conditions.   And they can throat sing - it deserves a mention.  I was quite impressed by individuals.  The government, not so much.

BTW, I was confused by Spock as a half-human, he bled green.  :)
Color is a strange topic.
Out of the 6 children my mother had that lived my deceased sister and I are ghostly pale. The other 4 are various shades of golden to dark brown.
I hated it when my close school mates would ask if my brother was adopted or not.
I felt they were being rude and sugessting my mother had run around or something.
Poor guy he has a high security clearance at his airline job but he is stopped and searched all the time but his pale co-workers who don;t have any security clearance are just waved on through.
Yes, even my teachers would ask me if that had been my mother who had dropped me off at school.
My mother would often take my son with her shopping when he was an infant. He is typical red head, very light with green eyes.
Ladies in the shops would say what a beautiful baby he was and mom would proudly say it was her grandson.
The looks on everyone face was that she was pulling their legs.
My brother has a ,"chip on his shoulder" at times, I think being hassled all his life because eof his skin tone has made him that way.
Society sucks at times.
My other brother was invited by the Diablos Biker gang to join them years back. They even thought he was Mexican.
Just back from the petrol station/benzinkut.

Surprised to see a 50L limit for HU plated cars with the price differential still in place.  I see the "normal" price has dropped back to about 650 HUF/litre. It was about 730 HUF.

We went to a MOL station where we had to show documents.  At the automated Oranges station, you have to pay full price and send an e-mail to get a refund.  Yeah, that'll work.   Guess which one has a queue and which one doesn't have any customers.

Some dude was filling up a large tank in the back of a pickup truck.  Looked like a farm fuel collection.  They aren't going to be pleased to pay the full price.
Color is a strange topic.
Out of the 6 children my mother had that lived my deceased sister and I are ghostly pale. The other 4 are various shades of golden to dark brown.
I hated it when my close school mates would ask if my brother was adopted or not.
I felt they were being rude and suggesting my mother had run around or something.
Poor guy he has a high security clearance at his airline job but he is stopped and searched all the time but his pale co-workers who don;t have any security clearance are just waved on through.
Yes, even my teachers would ask me if that had been my mother who had dropped me off at school.
My mother would often take my son with her shopping when he was an infant. He is typical red head, very light with green eyes.
Ladies in the shops would say what a beautiful baby he was and mom would proudly say it was her grandson.
The looks on everyone face was that she was pulling their legs.
My brother has a ,"chip on his shoulder" at times, I think being hassled all his life because eof his skin tone has made him that way.
Society sucks at times.
My other brother was invited by the Diablos Biker gang to join them years back. They even thought he was Mexican.
- @Marilyn Tassy
Strange thing about all that colour stuff.   Even our Fluffyette turns really brown in the sun.  So much so, she looks almost Mediterranean or  Spanish or Italian.  And we're in no way connected to those countries/places.  I'm completely pasty faced but Mrs F toasts quite well.
I did read about OV on his speedboat.  Shame anyone rescued him - could have pushed him further out as an illegal immigrant trying to enter Croatia by boat. I am wondering if he would want to be rescued by anyone except a Hungarian since he'd be in contact with a potentially mixed foreigner.  What a jerk! I see his fan, Hegedus has unresigned herself and resumed praising him.  Hard to forgive him so wonder what it took. Another jerk.

- @fluffy2560

Did he not advised Americans to marry Hungarian women? Or that kind of European - Non-European mixing is okay as far as it is within "certain" colour? What a twat...
- @Bian_ca6661

So sad that people see color before they see charactor.
Well, some people that is.
My son won't really look twice at a white lady, he loves Asian women, he says white women are too large.
To each his own.
He is 6'3" tall so saying white women are too large is a bit off unless they are on a pro basketball team .
Everyone in my mind is mixed race to some degree.
Even people living in isolation had their DNA mixed at some point in time.
My HU husband is the first to say he probably has Mongal blood in him.
The world should be worrying about more important matters then race, in the long run it's true, we all bleed red.

- @Marilyn Tassy

We got all kinds of shape and shades in our family. I'm pale as plain white wall, nicely tanned in the summertime though, my father is dark skinned with once black curly hair. Cousins varying from blonde to brown, pale, freckled, skinny, chubby, tall, short... my cousin who is half Hungarian, has more of Asian eyes and is very dark skinned while his younger sister is piggy pink with bright hair. So who's to say we are not already mixed is naive idiot
Just back from the petrol station/benzinkut.

Surprised to see a 50L limit for HU plated cars with the price differential still in place.  I see the "normal" price has dropped back to about 650 HUF/litre. It was about 730 HUF.

We went to a MOL station where we had to show documents.  At the automated Oranges station, you have to pay full price and send an e-mail to get a refund.  Yeah, that'll work.   Guess which one has a queue and which one doesn't have any customers.

Some dude was filling up a large tank in the back of a pickup truck.  Looked like a farm fuel collection.  They aren't going to be pleased to pay the full price.
- @fluffy2560

MOL and "our" Slovnaft paid the transit fees for the stopped oil. As I've read today in the morning. I guess the lower price won't stay for long, they'll "have" to increase the price again to cover extra expenses