Absolutely Anything Else

"The longer they stayed in power, the further they got from the ordinary people."
Off topic but can someone clarify the public transport system in Budapest for me? If I buy the 24 hours travel card, can I use any type of service with it (subway, tram, city bus...)? Did I get it right? And I need to validate the card only once? Where can I validate it?
I'm bit lost, until now I used my feet, bike or (very occasionally) car, but I'd like to get familiar with public transport as well
Off topic but can someone clarify the public transport system in Budapest for me? If I buy the 24 hours travel card, can I use any type of service with it (subway, tram, city bus...)? Did I get it right? And I need to validate the card only once? Where can I validate it?
I'm bit lost, until now I used my feet, bike or (very occasionally) car, but I'd like to get familiar with public transport as well
- @Bian_ca6661
Nothing is off-topic in this thread.   We could discuss Monkeypox or Bus Tickets or OV all in the same discussion.

It's been a while but I think for the 24h card, it's automatically validated immediately when you buy it. Pretty much as you say. you can buy it at the automated ticket machine and use all the public transport in the city limits. 

It's an honesty system - they randomly check the tickets when you enter the metro system.  If you haven't got a valid ticket then you will be fined on the spot.  My daughter was fined and it was 8000 Ft. Quite steep for a kid and abusive as she was under 16.  They should have phoned us before coming on so heavy.

If you go out of the city limits, you need a second ticket or a local ticket.  Those rules are a bit strange so that needs a bit of research.  My own village is on the border of Budapest.  We can get to the border on a single ticket but if we want to go further, then we need another ticket.  The local ticket is slightly cheaper.  I can walk to the border easily (but uphill) and in doing so, it saves about 300 Ft.

@fluffy2560 you'd be surprised how many people in my homeland still cherish the good old commie times. I guess it's the people who never had any ambitions and aspirations to become more than  controlled puppets. They needed authorities to literally line their days, no idea what to do with freedom.  I can tolerate the old generation with this attitude, they had spent over 30 years in that brainwashing, but it's somewhat funny coming from people younger than me to feel nostalgic about those days, I was only 6 years old in 1989 when it all crumbled, so I myself have nothing to remember really. Interestingly enough, most of people missing good old times are big fans of OV? Coincidence? I don't think so.

- @Bian_ca6661

My BIL was also pretty young in 1989.  He was in his early teens.   He doesn't remember properly those times as it was relatively mild and his scope of life was limited.  He has no appreciation of the controls on people and has said on numerous occasions that a benign dictatorship would be a great idea.  And has been known to vote Fidesz like all the others.  And he's educated - like to Master's level. So this is not nostalgia but some kind of passive acceptance and lack of critical thinking.

Mrs F on the other hand is older and remembers a hell of a lot - was already working in 1989 - and experienced discrimination and oppression in the work place.   There's no nostalgia whatsoever. 

But some people just don't fit into those places and those are the ones who leave and are often the ones the country needs.

Generally, I cannot for the life of me understand how educated people buy into the OV nonsense.    It's like they never read anything, never questioned their existence, never reviewed historical events and are content to let others views wash over them and be carried away with the current views of the day.  Weird.
@fluffy2560 thank you. I've read like 5 websites but my brain reached boiling point and i wasn't sure if I get correctly what i read. It was mentioned on one of the websites that the controls are pretty frequent, so i don't wanna screw up.
That's quite cruel to fine basically a child that much. How she could defend herself, they should've contacted you as her guardian 1f612.svg
@fluffy2560 I don't know what's weirder - young people buying this dictatorship crap or people who experienced it, and still long for it. Is it some sort of "memory optimism" or what... benign dictatorship?? Is that even possible? I mean - setting up the rules and living life to my own expectations within the rules is pretty much enough for civilized people.
I always thought that OV and his types had chances with less educated or narrow-minded people... but after all that crap with C-19 and war, I'm surprised how many educated people gave in to the hoaxes and some "one and only truth of conspiracy". Even people I really looked up to... i literally had to cut few close contacts, couldn't deal with it. All the links and articles from "alternative media" proving "da truth"... even after asking not to bother me with those as I had different opinion, they'd never stop. I tried to "agree to disagree", but no luck either. They kept trying to shove their "truth" down my throat. Sometimes I feel that if a " political depression" were a thing, then I'd probably suffer from it
My husband grew up during the old days. he was born in late 1947.
He told me at his machinst job during the 1960's he had longer hair and wear Levis jeans. Rare to have those back in the day.
Well, his job offered to support him if he wanted to start a rock band if he joined the young commie party. He was a popular guy at the factory and people thought he was,"cool" ( he was!) they figured if he joined the party then many others would also join up.
He refused, no rock band...

I watched the OV speach in Texas last night on U tube.
Man, he really was feeding the frenzy of right wing Christains, telling them what they loved to hear.
He mentioned Chuck Norris, and Trump, that really got them going!!
He even mentioned if men want a good life they should marry a Hungarian women! No offense but what?
My husband grew up during the old days. he was born in late 1947.
He told me at his machinst job during the 1960's he had longer hair and wear Levis jeans. Rare to have those back in the day.
Well, his job offered to support him if he wanted to start a rock band if he joined the young commie party. He was a popular guy at the factory and people thought he was,"cool" ( he was!) they figured if he joined the party then many others would also join up.
He refused, no rock band...

I watched the OV speach in Texas last night on U tube.
Man, he really was feeding the frency of right wing Christains, telling them what they loved to hear.
He mentioned Chuck Norris, and Trump, that really got them going!!
He even mentioned if men want a good life they should marry a Hungarian women! No offense but what?
- @Marilyn Tassy

I married a Dutch lady, not long after we married, the Netherlands got an influx of Polish workers, many of which were female who were intending to work in the local mill, which was strange because most of the mills had closed 10 years earlier.  Anyway, one night in our local cafe, several of these Polish ladies were peddling a similar "if men want a good life they should marry a Polish woman" line; think it lasted a few minutes before the cafe owner (a very nice Dutch lady) escorted them all to the door and kicked their asses out into the street.
My husband grew up during the old days. he was born in late 1947.
He told me at his machinst job during the 1960's he had longer hair and wear Levis jeans. Rare to have those back in the day.
Well, his job offered to support him if he wanted to start a rock band if he joined the young commie party. He was a popular guy at the factory and people thought he was,"cool" ( he was!) they figured if he joined the party then many others would also join up.
He refused, no rock band...

I watched the OV speach in Texas last night on U tube.
Man, he really was feeding the frency of right wing Christains, telling them what they loved to hear.
He mentioned Chuck Norris, and Trump, that really got them going!!
He even mentioned if men want a good life they should marry a Hungarian women! No offense but what?
- @Marilyn Tassy

I can echo that!

Mrs F was told to join the Commie Party if she wanted to get on.  She also had several run-ins with the office "commissar" who she purposefully insulted.  He said to her, " Are you insulting me as a person or as representative of the Communist Party".   Obviously she said "I'm insulting you as a person". But easy to see she could have gone from working in an office to some horrible job.

Chuck Norris - now there's a has-been. Along with Steven Seagal.  Trump, meh, going down for a stretch in Club Fed.  I heard someone saying there's grounds for him to be permanently banned.  Oh yeah, bring it on baby! 

Marry a Hungarian partner?  Most of us here can attest to that working out pretty well.  But I think unless the HU partner is either a woman or a man  that has travelled widely, I'm not that sure about it working out so well. 

It might seem controversial but some countries' nationals are more liberal and more flexible and more able to fit in with the HU culture.  I couldn't imagine say, a Japanese man with a Hungarian woman. But the other way, sure, absolutely. 

Years ago, Mrs Fluffy and I thought there were quite a lot of Mummy's boys being produced here in Hungary.  Not sure about later generations now.
Knew a Korean man in S. Ca who mareid a HU lady.
They lastest a couple of years but the sparks would fly!
I married a Dutch lady, not long after we married, the Netherlands got an influx of Polish workers, many of which were female who were intending to work in the local mill, which was strange because most of the mills had closed 10 years earlier.  Anyway, one night in our local cafe, several of these Polish ladies were peddling a similar "if men want a good life they should marry a Polish woman" line; think it lasted a few minutes before the cafe owner (a very nice Dutch lady) escorted them all to the door and kicked their asses out into the street.
- @Cynic

Do you mean they were on the game? Or looking for sponsors?   Why kick them out?
Knew a Korean man in S. Ca who mareid a HU lady.
They lastest a couple of years but the sparks would fly!
- @Marilyn Tassy

I can imagine. I couldn't think of two more alien cultures clashing.

I suppose a lot of it must be perception of national stereotypes.

We could have  an experiment here on "good" nationality "straight" matching.

I'm going to start randomly on what I think might work:

  • Swedish Man - Hungarian Woman
  • Icelandic Man - Dutch Woman
  • Mongolian Man - Finnish Woman
I married a Dutch lady, not long after we married, the Netherlands got an influx of Polish workers, many of which were female who were intending to work in the local mill, which was strange because most of the mills had closed 10 years earlier.  Anyway, one night in our local cafe, several of these Polish ladies were peddling a similar "if men want a good life they should marry a Polish woman" line; think it lasted a few minutes before the cafe owner (a very nice Dutch lady) escorted them all to the door and kicked their asses out into the street.
- @Cynic

Do you mean they were on the game? Or looking for sponsors?   Why kick them out?
- @fluffy2560

Don't know why they were there; speculation was they were working on the black economy (drugs, prostitution, car, anything that wasn't tied down theft) which in the 80s was a big thing in the Netherlands.  Kicked them out because they weren't too particular whose man (husband) they left with, caused a big bitchfest, clogs were thrown, so Joke threw all the non-Dutch speakers out.
I am sorry to report Mrs. F is right abut mommies boys being produced here in Hungary.
My BIL and his wife have a mama's boy , he is about 10 months older then our son is.
We had him viist us in the 90's for a couple of months in NM.
Lazy but strong and powerful looking from the outside but  of no practical use.
I remember skinny me lifting 20 lbs worth of potatoes while he just looked on.
We paid for his gym membership and I took him with me daily to lift wieghts but doing anything of use was beyond his mind set.
Really got under my last nerve.
I see it all the time when I'm using my walking stick on the bus. No one wants to give up their seat to me, it is 99.9 % of the time a women who is kind and gives her seat up to me.
I feel bad for thm but I know I wuld probably fall over if I had to stand for long these days.
I think of my old fashioned husband a real gent, he gave up his seat for 3 hours to a late comer female in Belize who was so fat I could  of also stood up and she still would of poured off the seat. 3 long hot hours and a winding road without saying a rude word to her or looking sour faced. I found myself a gem.
My MIL tried that spoiled stuff on my husband when we visited . She gave him breakfast in bed with fresh flwoers, of course it was his BD but still...
I think 2 Hungarians in a marriage could be explosive!
2 strong personalites don't mix.
My husband had a HU GF before we met.
I thought it was a bit werid because she was 9 years older then him.
That would make her 16 years older then me, old enough to be my mother!
She was 35 when I was 19! Old lady really to me.
She never wanted children and to me she was a user. My husband 100% supported her , all she did was make dinner each night.
Why not just hire a maid?
This past week it's been very strange. I had dreams about her 2 times in one week!
Never even met her in person, never would wish to either!
She moved to Honolulu with her sister after my husband and she broke up. She would be like 84 now! If she is still alive that is.
Still creeps me out to think about her though, guess I'm a bit jealous of an old flame?
Not like me to be a jealous person usually.
I wonder now if she is near by us, why did I pick up on her energy?
Wouldn't be the first time we ran into peple here on the st. from the states.
I told my husband many times if I kick it he should get himself a nice HU lady to care for him.
He freaks out and says he is done with women after me.
Not sure if that is a compliment to me or not!
I've told him to be a beach bum in Hawaii if he is ever all alone, his fave place to be is on the beach in Hawaii. Just hope he never runs into that ex of his because I'd be rolling in my grave!
My husband grew up during the old days. he was born in late 1947.
He told me at his machinst job during the 1960's he had longer hair and wear Levis jeans. Rare to have those back in the day.
Well, his job offered to support him if he wanted to start a rock band if he joined the young commie party. He was a popular guy at the factory and people thought he was,"cool" ( he was!) they figured if he joined the party then many others would also join up.
He refused, no rock band...

I watched the OV speach in Texas last night on U tube.
Man, he really was feeding the frency of right wing Christains, telling them what they loved to hear.
He mentioned Chuck Norris, and Trump, that really got them going!!
He even mentioned if men want a good life they should marry a Hungarian women! No offense but what?
- @Marilyn Tassy

I married a Dutch lady, not long after we married, the Netherlands got an influx of Polish workers, many of which were female who were intending to work in the local mill, which was strange because most of the mills had closed 10 years earlier.  Anyway, one night in our local cafe, several of these Polish ladies were peddling a similar "if men want a good life they should marry a Polish woman" line; think it lasted a few minutes before the cafe owner (a very nice Dutch lady) escorted them all to the door and kicked their asses out into the street.
- @Cynic

I've heard the same about Japanese or Ukrainian women...funny thing - the claims never came from their fellow men
@fluffy2560 ..I'm surprised how many educated people gave in to the hoaxes and some "one and only truth of conspiracy". Even people I really looked up to... i literally had to cut few close contacts, couldn't deal with it. All the links and articles from "alternative media" proving "da truth"... even after asking not to bother me with those as I had different opinion, they'd never stop. I tried to "agree to disagree", but no luck either. They kept trying to shove their "truth" down my throat. Sometimes I feel that if a " political depression" were a thing, then I'd probably suffer from it - @Bian_ca6661

Kind of interesting that Alex Jones of Infowars now has to pay $50M to the parents of the Sandy Hook massacre. He claimed it was a free speech issue but it is now decided he victimised the innocent and the judge saw through all that rubbish he spouted.   And he perjured himself due to his lawyer's incompetence (or was it sabotage?).  Shame he's not going down to the cells rather than just monetary pain.

Over here (and there), peddling BS and nonsense looks like it "monetises" partially into political power. OV and Trump and Putin are worst examples just like Alex Jones.  It's not like we haven't seen all this before - propaganda happening as we speak.  But it seems worse now - it's really in your face.   I blame Facebook and "social media" for a lot of this (without any hint of irony being here in social media). 

I am waiting for the day when something happens and Facebook and/or Google find out they have civic and social  and possibly financial responsibility for platforming bad actors.   Probably the backlash will be that FB and Google will finally get broken up.   
@fluffy2560 I'm adding:

Czech woman/German man
@Cynic I do not know, all want to have a better life, I do not care from the fortune hunters (mainly male by the way I think rather than female).

Females in a cafe of course could (and should) create a red flag,

Still what is important I think is loyaltity throughout, good caring for each other (I am too conservative, the man gives the income, the wife cares (realizing people will jump on me quite a bit).
Love and sex will last for perhaps (if one is lucky) 20 years, afterwards it is loyality, dedecation and friendhip (and perhaps even more acceptance of the other part).

Desperation is not a crime, using situation and a partner is a crime.

Just me being simplistic I think.
(As a side note I am happilly married for (too well over 20 years).

@fluffy2560 I've watched the trial. What a tool!! Is the stupidity spreading faster than C-19? But there's no vaccine for that. I can't imagine what the parents must have gone through, losing a child this horrible way, and dealing with all that "it-was-staged" BS. But after people claiming the same about killed civilians in Bucha (I hope i spelled it correctly), I'm no longer even shocked. My brain keeps waving a white flag nowadays

@cdw057 my parents have been together for 50 years now (married for 47) , went through ups and downs, raising us 3 kids, building house, paying for education... if they relied only on "have a good life" and using each other, they'd never last. So I agree with the friendship and loyalty, I can see they still have a lot to talk about even after all those years together

@fluffy2560 I'm adding:

Czech woman/German man
- @Bian_ca6661

Actually Mrs F as just said she would draw on real life experience of couples she knows.

We know:

Czech man / Hungarian woman
Hungarian man /  Polish woman
My husband grew up during the old days. he was born in late 1947.
He told me at his machinst job during the 1960's he had longer hair and wear Levis jeans. Rare to have those back in the day.
Well, his job offered to support him if he wanted to start a rock band if he joined the young commie party. He was a popular guy at the factory and people thought he was,"cool" ( he was!) they figured if he joined the party then many others would also join up.
He refused, no rock band...

I watched the OV speach in Texas last night on U tube.
Man, he really was feeding the frency of right wing Christains, telling them what they loved to hear.
He mentioned Chuck Norris, and Trump, that really got them going!!
He even mentioned if men want a good life they should marry a Hungarian women! No offense but what?
- @Marilyn Tassy

Not sure what propaganda some people grow up hearing but thinking you're the,"bees knees" because you are of a certain race is a bit funny and disturbing at the same time.

Polish ladies are fine, I have family living in Poland and yes, they can make a nice porogie.
My grandfather as I've mentioned a few times was odd about remarrying a Ruysn lady.

When my grandmother died in the OR from colon cancer in the 1940's he was ,"stuck" with 8 children. He was in his mid 40's and ready to remarry right away.

He really wanted someone to help him with the chidlren and kept his home clean.

He asked his aunt in the US as they all had come over from Poland, to find him another Ruysn wife.

If she couldn't find him a Ruysn then he would ,"settle" for a Hungarian, Pole or Ukrainian lady.

He must of really though allot of himself!

As it turned out he married my grannies first cousin a Ruysn and 2 of his youngest children had to go into a children's home to be raised because new mama had a son of her  own.

Not sure if things were done that way in every family back then but knowing how he was about marrying a person of a certain race when he had so much baggage is just strange.

I married a Dutch lady, not long after we married, the Netherlands got an influx of Polish workers, many of which were female who were intending to work in the local mill, which was strange because most of the mills had closed 10 years earlier.  Anyway, one night in our local cafe, several of these Polish ladies were peddling a similar "if men want a good life they should marry a Polish woman" line; think it lasted a few minutes before the cafe owner (a very nice Dutch lady) escorted them all to the door and kicked their asses out into the street.
- @Cynic

@fluffy2560 my mom's older sister married Hungarian man. So I'm adding that "mix up" based on real experience.

@fluffy2560 I've watched the trial. What a tool!! Is the stupidity spreading faster than C-19? But there's no vaccine for that. I can't imagine what the parents must have gone through, losing a child this horrible way, and dealing with all that "it-was-staged" BS. But after people claiming the same about killed civilians in Bucha (I hope i spelled it correctly), I'm no longer even shocked. My brain keeps waving a white flag nowadays

- @Bian_ca6661

I'm afraid the Alex Jones style of "journalism" will be part of the "alternate facts" when history examines the events in Bucha.  Moreover this plays into the right's hands. Putin is playing an old style Soviet game and is a kind of special case of Trump/OV etc.  Putin knows eventually there will be a negotiation and he will find some scapegoats to take the blame. It's not going to be him for sure.   Some general is going to get it in the neck, found guilty and fall down the stairs so the truth will never come out.  And meanwhile, the Russian cannon fodder will pile high but for him, it's just Stalinist ways.  They gave their lives for the State.  Good enough for him in his palace down near Sochi.

@Marilyn Tassy that's sad. How long had the kids stayed in the children's house?

@fluffy2560 they mysteriously fall out of the windows or drink funny tasting polonium teas

I married a Dutch lady, not long after we married, the Netherlands got an influx of Polish workers, many of which were female who were intending to work in the local mill, which was strange because most of the mills had closed 10 years earlier.  Anyway, one night in our local cafe, several of these Polish ladies were peddling a similar "if men want a good life they should marry a Polish woman" line; think it lasted a few minutes before the cafe owner (a very nice Dutch lady) escorted them all to the door and kicked their asses out into the street.
- @Cynic

Do you mean they were on the game? Or looking for sponsors?   Why kick them out?
- @fluffy2560

Don't know why they were there; speculation was they were working on the black economy (drugs, prostitution, car, anything that wasn't tied down theft) which in the 80s was a big thing in the Netherlands.  Kicked them out because they weren't too particular whose man (husband) they left with, caused a big bitchfest, clogs were thrown, so Joke threw all the non-Dutch speakers out.
- @Cynic

Nothing like a good old fashioned Clog fight!
I am sorry to report Mrs. F is right abut mommies boys being produced here in Hungary.
My BIL and his wife have a mama's boy , he is about 10 months older then our son is.
We had him viist us in the 90's for a couple of months in NM.
Lazy but strong and powerful looking from the outside but  of no practical use.
I remember skinny me lifting 20 lbs worth of potatoes while he just looked on.
We paid for his gym membership and I took him with me daily to lift wieghts but doing anything of use was beyond his mind set.
Really got under my last nerve.
I see it all the time when I'm using my walking stick on the bus. No one wants to give up their seat to me, it is 99.9 % of the time a women who is kind and gives her seat up to me.
He freaks out and says he is done with women after me.
Not sure if that is a compliment to me or not!
I've told him to be a beach bum in Hawaii if he is ever all alone, his fave place to be is on the beach in Hawaii. Just hope he never runs into that ex of his because I'd be rolling in my grave!
- @Marilyn Tassy

Beach bum in Hawaii.  I like the sound of that.  Beach bum in Balaton isn't going to work as a cheaper alternative.  Maybe 3 months of the year it might be manageable.

Someone gave up their seat for me on the bus last year sometime.  I didn't think I looked that old but I suppose it's relativity - kids think anyone over 35 is ancient.

Wow, the Mummy's boy in Hungary is a phenomena others have noticed!  I hope our lad doesn't turn out like that - needs to step up and contribute.

Symptoms are: over attentive mothering, a kid who is prone to tantrums,  overbearing self-importance and programmed to think Mum (i.e. women) are at their beck and call for anything at all and incapable of doing anything useful.

This is one of the things I think makes non-internationalised HU unambitious guys into Mummys' boys.  My  FIL was like that and I've met a few others who have the same "style".

Dreadful behaviour!
My husband grew up during the old days. he was born in late 1947.
He told me at his machinst job during the 1960's he had longer hair and wear Levis jeans. Rare to have those back in the day.
Well, his job offered to support him if he wanted to start a rock band if he joined the young commie party. He was a popular guy at the factory and people thought he was,"cool" ( he was!) they figured if he joined the party then many others would also join up.
He refused, no rock band...

I watched the OV speach in Texas last night on U tube.
Man, he really was feeding the frency of right wing Christains, telling them what they loved to hear.
He mentioned Chuck Norris, and Trump, that really got them going!!
He even mentioned if men want a good life they should marry a Hungarian women! No offense but what?
- @Marilyn Tassy

My son is married toa Japanese lady.
I like her, she is very distant emotionally but sweet in her own way. A bit shy with me and my husband but I'm sure she gives my son heck when he needs some sorting out. I know she is reserved with me and my hubby out of respect which is super sweet.'He had a wonderful Chinese GF of a few years, a Korean lady who was a bit wild but I liked her too, we lived with her or rather she with us for almost a year, no issues at all really. He had a smart independant Japanese GF and we all lived together a couple of times when we visited the US and stayed with them for 6 months at a time. I really, really liked her but she was too bossy for my son. I am still a bit sad it didn't work out with them but he has to live his own life after all...

Many people asume Asian women are passive, they are far from passive. They are just super cool and bidding their time so to speak.I have learned from my son's ladies to be more chilled out and wait for the kill.., No, I'm kidding there?

In all reality every culture and relationship wants the same things out of life. Happiness, health and peace.

My post is a bit disjointed and I really don't understand why.

I married a Dutch lady, not long after we married, the Netherlands got an influx of Polish workers, many of which were female who were intending to work in the local mill, which was strange because most of the mills had closed 10 years earlier.  Anyway, one night in our local cafe, several of these Polish ladies were peddling a similar "if men want a good life they should marry a Polish woman" line; think it lasted a few minutes before the cafe owner (a very nice Dutch lady) escorted them all to the door and kicked their asses out into the street.
- @Cynic

I've heard the same about Japanese or Ukrainian women...funny thing - the claims never came from their fellow men
- @Bian_ca6661

@fluffy2560 my mom's older sister married Hungarian man. So I'm adding that "mix up" based on real experience.

- @Bian_ca6661

My mothers; 19 year older bro married a HU lady who arrived in the US at age 15 with her parents.
He was mom's half bro and he was 3/4th Native Mohawk.
What a combo but they got on all of his life and their 2 girls were just beautiful and sweet.
Let me think mom was born in 1924 so her bro was born around.1905?
I have HU connections going back at least 100 plus years.

Nothing like a good old fashioned Clog fight!
- @Marilyn Tassy

In my day, we'd use whippets and flat caps at dawn.

Our secret weapon was fear and surprise. 

And black pudding.
I've long sensed that Orbán is deeply envious of his U.S. counterparts. Not because he has any particular attachment to America or its culture but because he'd give his right arm for a chance at the White House. And he'd be confident he'd win. No more bullying by France and Germany then.

Indeed, didn't that Tucker Carlson interview have a subtext: "Just look at what a great American president I'd make."

@fluffy2560 black pudding for the win! 1f600.svg

@Marilyn Tassy 1905... wow, that sounds as whole different world. If 2 people are made for each other, they're just made for each other, the rest can be overcome

I've long sensed that Orbán is deeply envious of his U.S. counterparts. Not because he has any particular attachment to America or its culture but because he'd give his right arm for a chance at the White House. And he'd be confident he'd win. No more bullying by France and Germany then.

Indeed, didn't that Tucker Carlson interview have a subtext: "Just look at what a great American president I'd make."
- @zif

That's a bit like Lukashenko.   I perceive him as having an idea that the previously planned merger/union of Belarus with Russia would give him a shot of being president of the resulting entity.  Of course he didn't count on Putin interfering with his plans, nor that his fellow countrymen hate his guts, Putin's war and the obvious fact that he's found himself as Putin's poodle. 

OV could always have a shot at President of the EU but he's pretty much queered any chance on that one.

Anyway, OV is approaching 60.  He's now entering some twilight years. All his brown nosers are younger than him so they will get their chance.  Just a case of how embarrassing does it have to become before someone gets rid of OV?   Spouting on about Huexit isn't going to endear anyone - people should know which side their bread is actually buttered. 

@Marilyn Tassy 1905... wow, that sounds as whole different world. If 2 people are made for each other, they're just made for each other, the rest can be overcome

- @Bian_ca6661

Yes, my German grandfather was in his late 40's when he met my grandmother who was half Mohawk and half English.
He was born in 1882!
That really was a different world.
My mom told me that while they were dating every date ended with my grandfather being hauled off to jail!
He would take her to a nice restaurant and the wait staff would give him a menu and act like my grandmother wasn't even there because she was a native.
He was really tall, 6'4" and would just get loud and turn tables over in protest.
I suppose after awhile she brough bail money with her on every date.

@Cynic I do not know, all want to have a better life, I do not care from the fortune hunters (mainly male by the way I think rather than female).

Females in a cafe of course could (and should) create a red flag,

Still what is important I think is loyaltity throughout, good caring for each other (I am too conservative, the man gives the income, the wife cares (realizing people will jump on me quite a bit).
Love and sex will last for perhaps (if one is lucky) 20 years, afterwards it is loyality, dedecation and friendhip (and perhaps even more acceptance of the other part).

Desperation is not a crime, using situation and a partner is a crime.

Just me being simplistic I think.
(As a side note I am happilly married for (too well over 20 years).
- @cdw057

I'm sorry, I have to object, forget about loyality,dedecation or friendship, I'm in it for the sex!! Just couldn't resist being a smarty-pants!! Been together since I was just 19, 48 years later I think my husband is more attractive now then ever... Maybe I should of filled out that script for new glasses?
I do know the ladies like him, he is a good dancer and funny.
My father was a good dancer and funny too but far from loyal to my mom. They only made it 17 years.

"Anyway, OV is approaching 60.  He's now entering some twilight years."

Ah, that goes right back to his envy of American politicians. In America he'd still be a young fellow in politics, with at least 20 years ahead of him.

I think we've discussed here before how Hungarians are sort of expected to just give up once they're in their sixties.
"Anyway, OV is approaching 60.  He's now entering some twilight years."

Ah, that goes right back to his envy of American politicians. In America he'd still be a young fellow in politics, with at least 20 years ahead of him.

I think we've discussed here before how Hungarians are sort of expected to just give up once they're in their sixties.
- @zif

I'll never give up the fight!!
My nearly 75 year old sister is still working in the US and it's strange to find out people don't really do that here in Hungary. No one would hire them for one thing.
I get the nastiest looks in Hungary from women of all ages.
At 67  I still can wear without embarrasment, skinny jeans . My neighbors all think I'm a loon and probably talk behind my back all the time.
Why do we allow people to put us in boxes?
I sometimes do silly, "social experiemnts" the few times I've dressed my age, people treat me differently, when I'm being myslef  people stare and it gets on my last nerve at times. In the states no one would look twice at a senior aged lady wearing skinny jeans unless the were sagging.
Why can famous people be themselves and dress any way they chose to while we everyday people are put in boxes and judged?

"Anyway, OV is approaching 60.  He's now entering some twilight years."

Ah, that goes right back to his envy of American politicians. In America he'd still be a young fellow in politics, with at least 20 years ahead of him.

I think we've discussed here before how Hungarians are sort of expected to just give up once they're in their sixties.
- @zif

As a person over 60, it's just a fact of life that one starts to question what time is left to aim for something achievable.   Lifespan in Hungary is about 77 years.  So he's got perhaps 15 years maximum to make a difference, consolidate a legacy and get to enjoy anything he owns or his proxies/family hold for him.   After all, what was it all for except for that?  He won't be remembered kindly by half the population so that's one legacy he's not going to be able to change.

Anyway, his look tells me he's at risk - overweight (fat "diabetic" tummy), stressed, probably high blood pressure, probably Type 2 diabetes and maybe cholesterol.   He's probably got 7 to 10 years left to be effective but at some point, physically he won't be able to carry on.  He won't want to.    He could be teetering on the edge of a heart attack for all we know. I reckon he needs to lose 20kg at least.

Biden  on the other hand, is a bit of a fitness guy and is looking after himself as far as we know.  If his mind doesn't go, he's got a few years in office but I doubt he'll go a second term.