Why do people over 50 have (almost) no chance at a job? Good question. First of all it is not my personal opinion; it is what I've been told by someone who works for the employment office (Arbeitsamt). And the government is so convinced of it that they have a special program for people over 50. So I can’t question the fact, only speculate about the causes.
In the work force, they like people with some experience but not too much. Technology changes in all fields; faster in some, slower in others. But in all fields it seems to change increasingly faster. It used to be that in handcrafts a person with the more experience would become a master of the trade. Now they fight to keep up to stay relevant. Back when carpenters, potters and basket makers were the technical craftsmen of society it was different. Now day’s electronics and computers rule and it’s hard to keep up. And it is harder for older people to change ways of doing things they have already learned. Younger people also have more energy, or assumed to, and have more productive years ahead of them. So a 30 year old with 10 years’ experience can be seen as a better person to invest in with continued training than a 50 year old since they’ll be around longer to produce for a company.
An older person is also more likely to drop dead of a heart attack or some other health issue. Another aspect is burnout. In many fields such as nursing or teaching, few people manage to work in the field until 65 or older. They simply burnout. This of course says there is something wrong with how the fields support the workers but it is apparently easier, or possibly cheaper, to keep getting new, motivated people and replace the older ones than restructure the system. As a professional performer, I also know that appearance is very important for entertainers and broadcasters among others. Even more so for women than men; a pretty face delivering the news is always going to have an edge over an older one. Just look at Hollywood. Many top actresses are considered too old for leading roles before they are out of their 30’s. If they stay around long enough they will occasionally get the role of somebody’s mother but the best roles are gone.
Are ther exceptions to every rule? Of course! But I doubt there are many reasons to debate the subject. And there are possible a handful of other factors I haven't thought of. But like I said, I am not the one to defend the argument because it is not matter of personal opinion, it's a matter of reality according to the employment office.