
NGO/Non-profit sector jobs in Berlin (English speaking/minimum German)

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Hi guys. I'm a 24 year old male from Ireland, who is considering making the big move to Berlin next year. I'm moving there as I'm a huge fan of electronic music - and Berlin is a vibrant scene for that indeed - and also I think the alternative vibe in the city may suit my personality.

HOWEVER... one cannot ignore practicalities. I have an M.A. degree in International Relations, and I'm currently working in the NGO sector. By the time I move to Berlin (early 2017) I will have one solid year's experience in the NGO sector. I am therefore wondering what Berlin is like in terms of NGO/non-profit/charity jobs, etc.? Also, just as importantly, are there many of these jobs that don't require German?

That is the specific question... but I suppose I'm also wondering what general opportunities exist for English speakers in Berlin? I have started learning German recently, and if I stick to my plan of learning for a few hours a week, I will possibly have some form of beginners grasp of it come early 2017.

Thanks in advance!

See also

Job offers in BerlinThe work culture in BerlinBerlin's labour marketWorking in BerlinFinding work in Germany

Without language skills, your job chances are reduced in any kind of work, but for customer/client-facing or socially active professions this is even more so.
I recommend you complete the A2 or better B1 test before you search for a job!


Any volunteer/NGO assignments in Berlin


hpmiranda wrote:

Any volunteer/NGO assignments in Berlin

You offer, or you want?


I offer....


hpmiranda wrote:

I offer....

Please post them, hopefully with more details, in the JOBS section so expats can find the opportunities. Thanks.


In general it is difficult to find jobs in English in Germany. Unfortunately, this becomes an often repeated mantra without looking into the details. Berlin on the other hand is a large cosmopolitan city. So I googled NGO jobs in English in Berlin and right off found a very promising site in English. It specializes in listing NGO jobs, in Berlin and throughout Germany. I’m posting the link below. The second link is an under-page specifically for such jobs in English and they mention over 20 places and that some other large ones might occasionally have a position for an English speaker. What isn’t clear is if these organizations are actively seeking English speakers or if they are examples of places that do hire them, when needed. Looks like a great resource to get you started.

Here is another site for NGO jobs throughout Germany. It is basically in German but lists specific job openings including ones looking for English speakers! Of course most of the jobs are for German speakers but the ones accepting English speakers have the job description in English so it is quick and easy to sort them out. … ation-jobs

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