Looking for a job in berlin

I everybody, I am a young guy who lives in Brussels. I am 24 years old and just finished my memoire. I was in Berlin for 2 weeks last year and literally fallen in love for this city!

Now I work in Brussels but I just want to move in Berlin. But i would like to hear your experiences to have just a little preview about how you found a flat?, how you found a work?, etc

I looked on the belgian's embassy website, but they don't have any help for people who want to find a job in Berlin.
Do you know websites where they propose job in berlin for expat???

Please help me! And thank you for your attention.


There are several german job sites like :
Where you can search for positions in Berlin

Good luck ;)

Hi Laurent,

I am currently looking for people to hire in Berlin in the field online marketing.

If you are interested send me your CV at: career@karmajob.com and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Have a nice day