
An older single woman wants to move to Mauritius


I'm asking for an aunt who has been on holidays to Mauritius and loves it; is fit and active and now is thinking of buying a property  and basically moving there by herself to live for the rest of her life.

She has traveled a lot - lived in France, Dubai, South Africa, UK and other places.

Are there people like that she could meet and make friends with - i.e. possibly other retired older expats. and or local people?

Would she have quite an active social life or be left on her own?

What are the medical facilities for someone older in Mauritius and how easy is it to get help for the house - maid and gardener?

She thinks she will have a better life than in UK.

Thanks for any replies.

See also

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Hello bingo12 :cheers:

Mauritius is a safe country where your aunt will surely have no problem to find an active social life as well as good medical facilities.

I suggest you to share with her our Living in Mauritius guide which is very practical for expats who plan to come live here. She will find informations on procedures to buy property here if she is not a Mauritian citizen.

Also, browsing through the Mauritius forum by categories will help :top:



Whilst I am working here, I have met several people who have retired here and enjoy it. 

As with anywhere new it takes a bit of time to settle in. I am sure that others on the site can share their experience. I think a lot will depend on what your aunt enjoys doing. Has she thought of coming out for 6 months before making a final decision?


Thanks for the kind replies - reassuring! I think she will have plenty of visitors anyway!  She won't rush to move completely and will probably look to sell a property first before buying ( she's actually has one for sale already).  Any other views welcomed.

Leslie Jarrett

I am retired to Mauritius (former mauritian wife died) , I have found that in general everyone is good mannered and just want to enjoy life here.  There are many people I think that are non-mauritian and have retired to a life away from Europe and I think those making that chance do overcome the risks and fears of moving to a new country very quickly in Mauritius.

One of the good things about this forum is that it is very easy to get in contact with other people of the same age group etc by suggesting a 'meet-up' of some sort say for those over 55 year old etc. It could be done at the time your aunt comes to Mauritius and as such she could come to meeting and get some first hand experience from the people


hi Bingo ,
w ell here  for sure  she "ll be like in a paradise with a more relaxed life.For your information  to cater  for her  health she can go to   government hospitals in case  she" s ill ,these hospitals are  free of  charge and if  she likes  to have  a luxury hospital to treat  her well she  can go to appollo bramwell hospital or paid clinics.


hi bingo , however I know  someone who can offer an all inclusive services for her like  maid, gardening , security, house maintainance,  , incase of illness, a nurse service   at  her door steps  contructions  of desired   buildings  like  a penthouse, entertainment and sports..So keep in touch  so that  we  can communicate for  a further  steps.


Thanks very much for the replies.  Just to let everyone know we were surprised to get many requests for private contact  as a result of this post even from people not in Mauritius and  one say they wanted to go to Germany etc but we're not really doing that, sorry.

Leslie Jarrett

Well said Bingo12, don't get put off by these requests for private contact.  I am sure your aunt is old enough and wise enough anyway to determine how to make new friends in Mauritius in her own time. She should come here without any pressure of meeting somebody pre-arranged through the private contacts and enjoy making the steps to meet the new friends from going  to expat meet ups etc. Also there are people everyday in Mauritius who will go shopping or go to church that are not expat members who she starts to talk to as they may be at the same shop several times etc.


bingo12 wrote:

Thanks very much for the replies.  Just to let everyone know we were surprised to get many requests for private contact  as a result of this post even from people not in Mauritius and  one say they wanted to go to Germany etc but we're not really doing that, sorry.


Watch out for sharks - too many on this kind of fora trying to be "your friend". Like has been suggested by Leslie, don't feel pressured to make "friends" . She will find them in every day life but just have to be cautious ( same modus operandi in every country one visits or resides).


Thanks - I see now my header - "Older single woman etc.." was a "bit" of a mistake!!

Leslie Jarrett

Bingo12 your header was not a mistake as you told the truth , however it has probably given the wrong impression to a few people who are members of  The mistake people make is that they only read the headline and not the full text of the message and have jumped to the wrong ideas and conclusions of what you were trying to express.  I do hope that these unwarranted replies do not put you and your aunt off from the real interest of coming to Mauritius for a new lifestyle , culture and good friendships etc.



There is a program under BOI for retired people to settle in Mauritius.

She can be socially very active if she knows what she wants. The best would be for her to live near some locals and make friends. Maid, etc can be found easlier as well.

here you will find the legal requirement: … ermit.aspx

Kind regards