
Help wanted

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Joni Fitz

I have two removLs to do in Berlin
Monday afternoon 10th
Tuesday morning 11th
Need help one or two people if possible


Moderated by Julien 9 years ago
Reason : for your own safety, please exchange your contact details in private
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

See also

Job offers in BerlinThe work culture in BerlinBerlin's labour marketWorking in BerlinFinding work in Germany

Please do not double-post and include personal contact details in your posts - interested readers can contact your through the personal messaging (PM) system of this site.
You could also add an ad to the site's classifieds section to get better replies, especially if you mention how much you will pay (EUR12/hour is the minimum for such hard work in Germany).

Joni Fitz

Ok thank you

Tomilola kolapo

Is the offer still available


@Tomilola kolopa

This post is old so do not expect a reply.

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