
Safety in Ireland

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We would like to talk about a sensitive but important topic: do you feel safe in Ireland?

How would you define the level of safety in the country?

Can you walk safely during the day and at night without any fear?

Do you think there is a high rate of criminality, social problems or tensions?

Share with us your insight on safety in Ireland and in the city you live in.

Thank you in advance,


See also

Living in Ireland: the expat guideAffordable living and careers in IrelandIrish domain nameHow to adapt to the expat challenges of everyday life in IrelandImmigration Lawyer?


I feel totally safe here (living in central Dublin).

I can walk home from a night out without ever having an issue, it really depends on what area of the city you live in. As a whole, I would say it is very safe...and people are generally very helpful and friendly.

If you move to Dublin, I would suggest living on the South Side rather than the North would be the safest part of the city.

Hope that helps!


Hi there everyone I live in ireland for if the 15 years and I could say ireland is one of the safest countries in the world the crimes are very rare here  that's because the welfare  system is one of the best in the world . Despite some minor issues connected with alcohol or drug abuse.



I've lived in the SW of the country for over 20 years now.  I do find that other Americans I meet have an idea that there is no crime here at all.  I think you should practice the same precautions as anywhere else like, locking your doors, if you have valuables in your car keep them hidden, and I certainly wouldn't suggest walking alone at night.  (It's not all "PS I Love you"!) You wouldn't accept a lift from a stranger at home, why would you here?  However, I feel my kids have a freedom here that they wouldn't have had growing up in the States.  OK, you still have to have that "stranger danger" approach, and there are drugs around, but I don't have the same worries about them when they're out riding their bikes, etc.

What I'm saying is, there is a lot less crime, but it still exits. Don't leave your vigilance at home.

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