
Regarding today's terrorist attack on a shia mosque

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Dear All,

i usually do not post on the forum on a weekend, but today i am making an exception.

as many of you living in kuwait have heard, today kuwait witnessed a dastardly, cowardly terrorist attack on a shia mosque in kuwait city that left 11 people dead and many injured.

i am coming here today to attempt to alleviate some of the fear and doubt that many who wil hear about this will have and question their decision to move here.

first and foremost, this is an isolated incident. ISIS has claimed responsibility, as well as for the other two terrorist attacks that occurred in Tunis and France.

what happened in kuwait was a micro representation of a macro situation that exists in the middle east and has existed for many years - the sunni - shia conflict.

previously it manifested itself in defamations of mosques with spray paint, today it took a bloody turn.

Kuwait remains safe to expats, inshallah, as the authorities will not let this slight go unreplied to.

the mosque that was blown up contained several shia persons, both citizens and expats.

we ask you to keep the families of the deceased in your prayers and pray for them to have patience.

the blood bank is queued up to capacity as everyone in kuwait rushed to donate.

in the end, the decision is yours regarding moving to kuwait or not, but kuwait is just as safe as any other country in the world.

stay safe.

See also

Living in Kuwait: the expat guideInadequate heating in winterOur new Kuwait Guide is up!Caribbean Second passportAbsence report

A stray bomb from Syria hit a house here in Jordan yesterday, killing one and injuring more. All I could think is that we would be in Kuwait in a few weeks, and would no longer have to worry about the war spilling over the border. Now this. No where is safe.


This is definitely a very shameful act by terrorists, whoever they are, that too during holy month of Ramadan!
I pray for all those who injured.
May God give the families all the strength.


I'm very glad you have posted this. I am moving to Kuwait this August and would hate for this to be cancelled! My thoughts are with all those effected, also to those in France and Tunisia. It's horrific. I think it shows how compassionate the people of Kuwait are to rush to blood banks.


I am deeply saddened by the news of these cowardly terrorist attacks, and my thoughts and prayers are with the survivors, and families of the victims who perished.

James    Expat-blog Experts Team


I read about these things and wonder what the hell these idiots think they're doing.
It's Ramadan, the holy month, and all these fools can do is kill.

If they want to please the Almighty, take up charity work, help those in need, and generally do good.
All the poverty and need in the world, and these pigs just want to create more.

The stupidity is flabbergasting.


My information was valid at the time, 11 had been confirmed dead. The tally now is correctly as u said at 25, with 200 or so injured as the blast occurred during the Friday prayer where there were close to 2000 attending prayer.

They claimed responsibility thru a splinter group of theirs theirs,, the name eludes me now. As to their reasoning ,no one can condone the thoughts of the insane, nor will it ever make sense to us.


Hi everybody,

Just to inform you that some political posts have been removed from this topic.


Priscilla  :cheers:


I was wondering if someone was going to address this issue. I am a teacher intending to move there in August, as well. I have been confidently telling my family and friends that I am not concerned about terrorism there because there was hardly any history of it. These unfortunate events are painful to read.  Not only is this happening there, but here at home, as you may have read about South Carolina.

kriti paul

Shameful and heinous  act of brutal blood shed.sick to hear innocent  lives snatched only because some stupid group has religious, pollically motivated beliefs.
My prayers are with the bereaved  families may god give them strength  to bear the loss of their dear ones. And those responsible  should go into hell .


I just want to say that attacks happen all over the world. Whether they be from a terrorist or just some mentally unstable person.  People always say that America is safe... but I could bring up dozens of incidences that have happened recently that won't make it sound that way.  Shootings in schools and in churches... the list goes on.  There is bad every where. This act of terrorism on the behalf of ISIS doesn't make Kuwait any less safe.  If anything, it shows how compassionate and helpful their people are because of the extremely high number of people donating blood to friends and strangers alike at the blood banks.


lovinghimQ8 wrote:

If anything, it shows how compassionate and helpful their people are because of the extremely high number of people donating blood to friends and strangers alike at the blood banks.

If there is one good thing to come from the actions of an evil minority, it's the display of good from the majority.


Luckyly I've never heard of a terrorist attack or shooting in my country. I'm 27 years old and I've never seen it :)


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Terrible attack on a peaceful city, I have moved here the day after the attack and I have to say the way the city has re grouped and got on with shows their strength and determination not to let this come between them.

In the week or so I have been here I have witnessed nothing but a warm welcome and a great deal of help.

Brilliant place, brilliant people.



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