
Influenza and conjunctivitis outbreak in Sto Domingo and other regions

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Stay alert and take the necessary hygienic & health measures. As usual, the gov. doesn't  want to sound the alarm due to the negative impact it could cause to the Tourism industry.

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Bob K

Can you post a link to this story????

Bob K

pammyfour … btype_H5N2

here's a link In found on a search.  Seems the birds get this avian type flu but in humans it's only a mild case of conjunctivitis - and no human to human contagion has been observed.


Sorry Bob, I only have sources in the hospitals and one relative with conjunctivitis.

Bob K

Based on your info calling it an "outbreak" may be a bit harsh.

Bob K


it's the right term to use, outbreak. It's not an epidemic neither a pandemic, but an outbreak

Bob K

It is a local occurrence and not been reported anywhere else.  So why mention that the tourist board is keeping it quiet???

Why stroke the flames??????????????????

Bob K


There is a flu or influencia going around. NORMAL for this time of year and NORMAL everywhere.  There is no reason to worry, its the flu for goodness sakes.

Yes people die from other complications like everywhere............ 

The other - it happens everywhere.


D.R. has 31 provinces. Puerto Plata is not the Earth Navel I suppose.   :p

Moderator please feel free to close this topic :)


Why because you dont like the responses????

Look close I am in La Romana, much closer to what you reported in Santo Domingo!  We simply say NO ALARM needs to be sounded.


Perhaps Planner you don't like my question and you are simply projecting.

I come here to provide useful information like somebody else I guess, not to judge the popularity of an answer in the questions. The way it's interpreted can vary from person to person. You simply use it for your benefit or just ignore it without falling in senseless arguments.


Look both of us - with a combined total of over 20 years here say you are FEAR MONGERING by using words like sound the alarm and negative impact!  Bob is a medical doctor and would know about this stuff. 

And no NOT projecting - what I don't like is the need for negative attention.  DONE.

I am closing this thread because it NEEDS to be closed.


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