Searching for a volunteer

A very special announcement for all american expat's,
living in Frankfurt, Germany.I'm looking for someone
who want to be a founding member(only english spoken)


As a german counselor I know very well that in Frankfurt,
except the AA-Meetings, is no current adress for this

If this is not for you, do any of your friends have any
interest in helping?

Please be so kind and get in contact. For further information
have a look at the homepage Sorry only in german by now.

Thank you very much for your support. Take care,


P.S. Today, Nov. 17th, 350 people checked this page. But no
answer at all. Question: Why don't you write me?


could you please provide more details ? (in English, please)


Hi Julien
and good morning,
thank you for your message.Sorry about if my written english
is not that perfect. I'm good in talking. I guess so.

Well, this will be very complicated to write you more details.
The way of answering at this "quick post" allows me not to
send you for example a PowerPointPresentation. Will you please
be so kind and use for further communication my e-mail adress It will be much ore easier.

Anyway: As a counselor for addiction and lecturer at a Akademy for Alternative Health me and seven students found in spring a new non-profit-organisation for drugs and alcohol treatment. As
far as I know is here in the frankfurt aera only as a SELF HELP
AND RECOVERY GROUP only the AA's active.

In the so called "Psychosoziale Hilfeplankonferenz" wich I join
every two weeks, my collegeagues from frankfurts psychosocial
organisation had no idea what to do for recovery with with
affected german-american or american people who came over to
germany. These are the basics.

I am quite sure that I will give you much more specific
informations in a meeting. My intension is to create and offer
a group like I know it from the Betty Ford Center. Have a look
at Similar like the AA's - but different. Understand?

If you are interested in a meeting with me,let's have a coffee together. It will be great to see you. Thanks. Take care,

Hello Julien,

please be so kind and send me a answer. Thank you.


Hi Michael,

the thing is that I am living on the other side of the planet

Hi Michael,

This posting of yours was last year and I wonder if you are still looking for someone to help you out in founding the support group as you have mentioned.

I just moved to Frankfurt last month after years of working in Japan, to be with my husband. We got married in Dec. 2010.

I don't have a job yet coz I'm still studying Deutsch though I'm doing Reiki Healing when clients come. Hence, got some free time to offer.  I am a Reiki 3 Practitioner and I would like to get involved with groups that help people.

