Locating Blog?

I have no idea if this is the right place to ask this question?

I have had my blog 'News From Italy' http://lindyloumac.blogspot.com/
listed here on Expat.com for nearly a year, so as it is no longer new it is not easy to find!
In fact I cannot find it listed today at all? Can anyone explain why?
I do not live in Roma but in Lazio for which there is no listing so where am I listed please?

If not easy to find it is not very good for my networking?

Any thoughts welcome :(

Have you recently modified/updated your blog data? If the answer if yes, your blog will be re-validated by the mod team soon ;)

No Julien! Where would you look for me? I do not live in Roma but in Lazio which you do not have on the list do you?

Julien, once again I can not find my blog listed! Can you please tell me what has happened, I used to get traffic from here but of course this is now not happening!

Thanks LindyLouMac

did you change something ? I'll have a look to this tomorrow morning

Thanks, I am also now following on FB and Twitter, about time :)

your blog is currently here https://www.expat.com/en/directory/europe/italy/4/

we will soon modify the display order

There are so many more Italian blogs now than there were a year ago!
What does disappoint me is that I have to be listed under Roma, if there are not enough of us for a separate Lazio heading, would it be possible to change it to Roma and Lazio?

Just a thought!

you can change it in your profile > blog ;)

Sorry I do not understand? I did not list myself under Roma at any time so where and what are you suggesting I change. Confused:/

I mean you can change your blog location at any time via your profile ;)

Sorry Julien I must be being thick but change the location to where?
I live in Viterbo, Lazio and that is what I have listed in my profile.
The problem arises in where my blog is listed in the directory?

forget what I said everything is ok ;)

Ok thankyou, maybe everything is ok but which of the 12 lists is my blog listed under? I still cannot find it :(

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