Western woman in Saudi

I am moving to khobar 😀

If you so concerned just stay away! Stay in your country where you can't get a high paying job, having to travel here and critize the praying times etc...its really simple, this country does not need another ill-informed informant complaining about life here, spreading it on to others. Every country has its rules.. No1 is forcing anyone to come here!

When women run outside compounds is it acceptable to wear long workout pants and a sweat shirt?

canadiannurse wrote:

When women run outside compounds is it acceptable to wear long workout pants and a sweat shirt?

Hi there, women don'don't run outside of compounds :( or cycle, etc.

Hi there, women don't run outside of compounds :( or cycle, etc.

Once again the question is what city? I have seen women running in Jeddah dressed in modest attire.

There are seperate queue for gents n ladies in almost all the shops..ladies get preference sometimes.n for you covering your hair is not compulsory ...n from airport u r lucky u r free to wear anyting..

yes! thats good now!

I'm assuming no in Riyadh and see what the locals are doing everywhere else?? I think that's a pretty common theme :(
Hopefully the compounds are big enough to run around in

my frame of reference a male ex pat. I think you have to be in KSA for 4-6 weeks to understand what can and cannot be done and what can be done where. but of course I would absolutely not speak to any muslim woman that is not allowed and that is a law to be  respected. I think I spoke to two in 15 months one asked me to pick up something in a shelf in the super market which of course I did, the other handed me her cash point card when I was at the front of the queue  and PIN and asked me to withdraw money which of course I did. You can talk by accident !  So not too many accidents.  I also had two great Sauid guys working for me at the bank, one a prince :0) well it was the kings bank. Happy days.