
Remote worker looking for some advice - good internet + socializing

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Hey there folks,

I must say that discovering this forum has been a real help in me learning so much about the island paradise known as Mauritius  :)

I've gathered most of the info I need to know what I can expect when living here, but I have a few questions that the forum hasn't answered yet.

So hopefully somebody can help me answer these. Let's get started:

1) (I know mauritius internet isn't the best in the world, but...) For someone like me, I am looking for a place that offers a few things: a decent size of expats who I can socialize with, an area that has decent international internet speeds of 2/4 MBs (or more if I'm lucky), access to most local amenities (hospital, bank, cool beach, supermarket and maybe even a co-working space).

Based on my criteria, which area on the island would be best suited for this?

I know it's a tough question to ask, but I'm sure most of the expats are living near each other (possibly like Chiang Mai in Thailand), so you guys probably already know where to live and which area has the best internet for remote-workers like myself.

I think that is the only question I really have  :D

You guys have already answered everything else for me on this forum.

I look forward to your responses.


(and if any of you would like to meet when I come visit in a few weeks, it would be great to sit down for coffee and learn about your experiences - so PM me if interested).

See also

Living in Mauritius: the expat guideNew Members looking for like-minded peopleSpeech TherapyAZURI VillageNeed 10 members for Book Club
Agnes Saulina Sitorus Khadun

Hi, I have only lived in 2 parts of Mauritius which are Grand Bay in the north and La Gaulette, Black river, down south.. Grand Bay is a very touristic place so it's guaranteed that you'll meet a lot of other expats. In Black River especially in Tamarin you will find a lot of expats and all other facilities just as in Grand Bay. For internet speed I must say both place relatively have same speed and it's fast. I hope this will help.

Joe Lodge

I know this topic has been inactive for a while, but in case anyone stumbles here looking for coworking options then here's a directory of spaces in Mauritius that I've put together: A few spaces have opened in the past year which is really exciting—hopefully coworking will really take off here :)


Thanks for posting this, Joe. It's nice to see the growth of co-working spaces there.


I am engineering Consultant from India presently in Thailand. My clients prefers Mauritius for some taxation purpose. Thats why I am looking for some co-partner who can provide me space for 1 to 6 workstations.

Bongo Bluck

Also Emtel's Airbox is worth a mention.

Unlimited data though speed is capped depending on price. I get well over 10 mbs dl speed.

Pay as you go deal per 30 days is:

999 Rps - 75 GB
1099 Rps - 100 GB

Articles to help you in your expat project in Mauritius

All of Mauritius's guide articles