
Arbeitsuche als Scweißer

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Hallo Liebe Leute....

ich will hier versuchen ob jemand meine Fragen beantworten kann.
Mein Bruder arbeitet jetzt im Dubai und hat Interesse mal hier in Deutschland zu arbeiten als Schweißer.
Nun wie ich wüßte muss erst eine Firma suchen und arbeit zu bekommt.
Und zwietens ob ist überhaupt ging ihm hier bei uns Wohnen lassen obwohl unsere Wohnung pass nur für 3 Personen.
Azo ich meinte dass es bei der Auslanderbehörde überhaupt zu akzeptiert ist.
Paar Tipps und Infos, hilft mindestens.

Danke für den RAT...!


See also

Job offers in GermanyFinding work in GermanySetting up a business in GermanySummer jobs in GermanyObtaining professional recognition in Germany

This is an anglophone forum, so please do not post in any language other than English.
Since I do understand German, the language of your post, I will try to answer your questions as follows:
For non-EU-citizens (I assume your brother is one) there are several possibilities to get a German residency visa and work permit:
- Find a job in a field where there are not enough skilled EU citizens (I have no idea if welder is one)\
- Get a Blue Card (only for certain highly skilled professions, I doubt welder is among them)
- Follow direct family members (spouse, parents, children - you as brother are not eligible)
- Marry a German citizen
I guess that for your brother, only the first (and possibly the last) might be applicable.
Good luck!


@ jaclorjohann > Please have a look at the german code of conduct here : Language.

It would be best if you can only post in english on this english speaking forum. :)

Thank you

Priscilla team


Hallo Everyone,

Please I apologized for the Language mistakes.
I understand the Rules and that I translate it for English language.

Thank you for the advice.

Best regards



Hello Everyone,

I want to try if anyone can answer my questions here.
My brother is now working in Dubai and is interested to work in Germany as a Welder.
As what I know, only have to look for work in a Company.
And if is possible him to live with us although we are enough Persons here in a little apartment.
I mean if also  accepted here in Germany.

Im glad someone can give some Tipps and Info's.
Thank you so much.

Best Regards



I forgot to answer your last question:
If your brother comes to Germany, he can stay in your apartment as a visitor (which generally means up to 4 or 6 weeks). For him to stay there longer (i.e. to become a resident, rather than visitor) would require consent from your landlord. If you ask nicely, the flat is big enough and the landlord is reasonable, he would allow it (possibly for a bit more rent, which you could offer before he asks to increase his motivation).
However, don't let your brother stay with you (for more than 4 weeks) without the landlord's permission, as this is reason for termination without notice!


Hallo Beppi,

thanks a lot from all this Informations what I've got from you.
It helps me to procceed later on.
I wish you a good day and may God bless you !

Best regards,



jaclorjohann wrote:

and may God bless you !

I don"t think she will, because I don't believe in her.

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