
kids education

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jeajoy joy.we already lodged subclass 300 visa including my two kids ages 7 and 4. i am worrying because they cant speak or understand english. and how are they gonna cope up with their education. is there anyone there who have been in my situation?please share your stories with me.. and give some advise please.

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Time...that is what they need. Similar experience i had was with a lady who moved to my counttry from Australia. Her kids started to pick our local language after staying for about months. Once she bought tutorial books and the kid stay with us for most times. so allow your kids to stay with person proficient in english.


Hey Joy, firstly I hope you get the Visa with no issues. Regarding the language, both of your kids are less than 10 Y.O, which means they should not have any problems. Speaking of science :shy, for ages under 15 learning a totally new language would  need a period of 1-4 months depending on IQ of an individual. To me, when I was in sixth grade I moved to Kuwait, and it took me couple of weeks to know Arabic without any previous background (even with accent!). All I did was playing football with other guys :D
For preparation, you can start showing them some English books or series such as National geographic for kids which is extremely helpful to get them to know the English. Don't worry about the accent, you'll get to know it easily.



Hi Joy, I know someone, who is also a Filipino, who has the same situation as yours. He also has 2 kids who he brought in Melbourne when he moved in last year. Maybe I could ask him about it.

BTW, im also a Filipino.

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