Driving in Morocco


I'm hoping to move to Morocco for a few months. I'm thinking of renting a car and driving from Essouira, Casablanca, Tangier and Fez.

How have you found driving in Morocco?



in morocco is so easy to find driving, you only most ask when you arrive, im hamza and i can help you :) hope you like my contry. welcome

I am an American, currently living in the North East of Morocco. Driving is very different to what I was use to. It didn't take me long to get use to it though, so you should have no problem.

Just remember: If someone behind you is flashing their headlights, just move over..they're not being an asshole (most of the time), they just want to pass you :p

I rented a car for almost a month, did some traveling around the country, then my final journey was from Rabat to Oujda. Lots of fun!

I wouldn't drive there if my life depended on it. Some of the cars are only fit enough for the scrap heap. Many wouldn't be allowed on the road here for safety reasons. I don't know how some of them drive without wing-mirrors. Good drivers or crazy? The latter.

It's much much much better then Egypt . No different then America at least from what I saw . I drove in Egypt for 2 years ,  I would need to like sleep for 3 days straight after going to the mall because the driving was so stressful lol , roads were good too! In morocco. It's all perspective

vailtribe wrote:

It's much much much better then Egypt . No different then America at least from what I saw . I drove in Egypt for 2 years ,  I would need to like sleep for 3 days straight after going to the mall because the driving was so stressful lol , roads were good too! In morocco. It's all perspective

That's because Egypt has a much bigger population & is suffering from overpopulation, which is only getting worse by the ever increasing population growth, which is in desperate need of being curbed. So you can't compare the two.

I was in alexandria which population is nit as badvas Cairo. With thstbsaod it has nothing to do with population . It has to do with respect . And following driving laws. In Egypt they don't have eaither and all they are concerned with is them being first. They will back up on busy highways. They will do uturns where ever they want. They will park in the middle if the road to go to a restaurant. People don't car. There is no want for your brother what you want for your self. And also lets talk about infrastructure. The roads are horrid . They don't have potholes they have holes that fit cars! Any ways I would rather drive in Egypt then take taxi

Driving here in Morocco in my perspective is very easy compaired to Egypt and roads much better. .

Compared to us..... I think it depend on where you are from. But I think it be easy for you. We too are looking to rent a car so if you know of a good place let me know

By the way. if the thread-starter is still here (and for anyone else) ignore all contributions from first time posters who leave their phone numbers and say that they can "help" you as someone did upthread. What they actually mean is that they can "help" you empty out your wallet in their direction. Indeed, avoid anyone who has a posting history if that history is one of pouncing on foreigners and offering "culture exchange" or "help". That simply leads to disaster.

As for driving, yes, Egypt is far worse. However, I wouldn't drive in Morocco either!