TV show searching for Ex pats

Hello and thank you for taking the time to read this!

I am currently working on a new series for Channel 4 with the working title of “The Great Escapers”.  We are looking to feature British people who have moved to both Spain to set  up a new life.  We are not just concentrating on those people who have retired, rather people who have headed overseas to start a  new career or set up a new business.

We are looking to feature a mixture of people from a variety of backgrounds – probably in the Malaga/Marbella area of Spain – and at different stages of their moves.

We would like to meet people who are settled into their lives but also people who are either about to make the move or meet people with fledging business or as they first arrive in the country.

We are also looking for people  who maybe have things coming up in their lives that we could film – maybe a big celebration, a wedding, a child starting a new school, a new job or, as I mentioned above, a new business – to show how this perhaps differs from the UK.  Perhaps there is someone whose business is undergoing some refurbishment or they are preparing for a big event.

This will be a positive show and one that focusses on real people and their lives.  We aim to show the benefits of life abroad and also the challenges  while also hopefully providing some advice to others thinking of making the move.

Do you have an interesting story to tell?
Are you thinking of moving to Spain or about to take the plunge?
Are you setting up a new business
Planning a big event
Have some exciting venture coming up
Moving house

If so I would love to hear your stories.  I can be emailed on and I would love to hear from you!!

Any help any of you can give be would be amazing - thank you !


Hello Julie

So as to better spread the word, I invite you to drop in an advert in our classifieds section : Looking for testimonies in Spain

This might help

Kenjee Team

I'm looking to move to Barcelona to set up a swanky salon for gents ??

I moved to Barcelona 18 years ago and happy to talk to you if you need expats in this area :-)

Hi, my name is Gill and I am interested in your search for ex pats who have started a new life and in my case a totally and unexpected new career.
I lost my job of 36 years because of chronic I'll health and I was told I was unlikely to work again. I came to Spain to recover and in time became heavily involved in dog rescue work. Helping to raise the Facebook profile fromm 400 to over 1800 which means so many dogs now get new homes.
My ill healthmeant I had to go chemical free and I was diluted to come across a 100% natural sun lotion range that needed sales advisors in Benidorm, so I took the opportunity to start with them as a suncare advisor.
At the end of my first season they offered me Area Manager in Menorca and I am in training now for my new role.
I also used to run a dance business in the UK and I am looking Forward to starting to dance again and teach. If I can be of any help to you then let me know.

Hi Julie

I'll be moving to madrid  with my 6 years old daughters and she'll be starting Grade 1 at a school there ,in August 2015, don't know if you'd be interested in our story, let me know at