
Cost of living in Tirana - 2015

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Follow the sun

Hi everybody,

It would be very interesting to start a topic about the cost of life in Albania.

The idea is to give an idea of the cost of living in Albania for those who would like to settle down in the country.

(Don't forget to mention where you are living)

Let's compare the:

> accommodation prices (how much does it cost to rent or to buy an accommodation in Albania?)

> public transportation fares (tube, bus etc ...)

> food prices(per month, how much does it cost you?)

> health prices (for those who need medical insurance)

> eduction prices (if you need to pay)

> energy prices (oil, electricity)

> common bills (Internet, television, telephone, mobile phone)

> prices of a good menu in a traditional restaurant

> prices of a beer and or a coffee in a regular pub

> price of the cinema

Did I forget something or is this list complete enough?

Thanks in advance for your participation!

See also

Living in Albania: the expat guideIs there anyone from the Philipines here?Albanian letter of invitation (for travel to Albania)Consultant neededCultural differences, or is he just a terrible boyfriend?

For cost of living read through the posts in the category section on the right hand side of this page.
Also check

Follow the sun

Hi Stumpy, thanks for responding, but if you don't live in Albania I can't see that you would be much help. Thanks for the link on cost of living, that site, however, is not 'working'.


I arrived in Tirana about a month ago. As far as costs are concerned, it is easy to provide some basics, but of course costs such as rent and food depend on the lifestyle of the individual.
Here are some ideas.
A comfortable furnished apartment will cost around 30,000 Leke
A 1 month bus pass for the city 1200 Leke
Cell phone with Data  from 1800 leke pm
Internet 6 Mbps about 1900. leke pm
Espresso 40 - 80 leke
Typical light lunch (Gyro) 200 leke
Pizza 400 Leke
Dinner at a restaurant 600 leke
1Lt Absolut 1800 leke

I hope this helps


And all of that is cheaper in Durres and even cheaper outside of the two cities