Lady RaRa blog/trekking Mount Rinjani

Hi everyone! I was advised to introduce myself so here I am. Please be sure to check out my blog - and click 'Follow' if you like it! :)

Any advice on trekking Mount Rinjani/general travel to Lombok would be much appreciated, as I am clueless and trying to plan a holiday :)

Lady RaRa

Hey RaRa :)

For Lombok book enough time. I was there for 3 days and that is not really enough to see a lot. Stay for few days before you book a trip to Rinjani (if you have the time). There are local people that will take you there however give your self time to explore who to go with and that will probably save you few hundreds of thousands IDR. I wanted to go there, but company I went with was a bit lazy :D They didn't want to walk long....

Pass a note when you plan on going. I may be interested too. Rinjani can be a 3-4 days trip. I am sure it is awesome and definitely going back to Lombok to climb it!



Lombok sounds good.  Mount Rinjani is it very steep and high?  I am interested.  Any dates selected to visit this place?
