
my fiancee is kept against will in bahrain

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my fiancee went to work in bahrain 2 mounts ago.he had no visa, some company took him and made the arrangements there.few weeks after reaching there he realize he made a big mistake and try to leave but he cant.his employer is changing his mind from day to day.they keep his passport and asked for 4000 bd. in his contract there is no cancellation fee nothing mentioned. he went to this labour office they promised they gonna investigate but they decided they have the right to ask this money, no surprise there since this owner has so many illegal worker there and bribe everybody.
we decided that there is a lot of money, this it is his salary for 22 mounts but he need to go from there so he try to talk with the employer again in order to give him the money and let him go but surprise this person refused to let him go even so. more he told my fiancee he gonna put him in jail if he keep insisting on this matter.
i am desperate don`t know what to do anymore
can anybody help ?

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geaninaavram wrote:

my fiancee went to work in bahrain 2 mounts ago.he had no visa, some company took him and made the arrangements there.few weeks after reaching there he realize he made a big mistake and try to leave but he cant.his employer is changing his mind from day to day.they keep his passport and asked for 4000 bd. in his contract there is no cancellation fee nothing mentioned. he went to this labour office they promised they gonna investigate but they decided they have the right to ask this money, no surprise there since this owner has so many illegal worker there and bribe everybody.
we decided that there is a lot of money, this it is his salary for 22 mounts but he need to go from there so he try to talk with the employer again in order to give him the money and let him go but surprise this person refused to let him go even so. more he told my fiancee he gonna put him in jail if he keep insisting on this matter.
i am desperate don`t know what to do anymore
can anybody help ?


This case appears too complicated. Going to government departments and offices does not seem to help. The best thing in such as situation will be for your fiancé to contact the embassy of your country and seek their assistance.


they refused to involve


why they don`t take the money and let him go?can they really put him in jail?they had no right to keep his passport or to ask for this kind if money but  we are ready to pay and never step back in that country


Your frustration is understandable.
However, please do note that those who respond in this Forum are all volunteers who wish to share their experience with others. We are not able to comment on individual cases. Nor can we speak on behalf of others, whether employers or employees.

The embassy of your country has to help out. They cannot refuse. It is the main reason they are here - to help their nationals if such assistance is required. Go back to the embassy and ask for help please.


i`m not taking my frustration on you and i`m well aware  you only provide with some opinion but i`m trying to find out if there is any legal way they can send him to jail.this is scary. let`s go even crazier what if he can manage somehow to get his passport can he simply run away from country. the immigration officers are gonna stop him in the airport if he leave without a visa cancellation. is all crazy and yes Monday he goes to LMARA and indian embassy again.
i`m sorry i was thinking maybe somebody experienced something similar and give us the hope that can be fixed because this feels like a trap right now


Dear geaninaavram,

very sorry to hear about your fiancee's situation, but only LMRA or Indian embassy can help in this matter. As Farhaz explained nothing can be done and we can only pray that either LMRA or Indian embassy may be able get him out of this situation.

hopefully everything will  be ok!



Thanks for your note. Below are responses to some of your questions:

1) Jail - yes your fiancé's employer can send him to jail, if your fiancé has done something wrong. If he has done no wrong, the employer can still make up a story and get your fiancé arrested. So it is indeed possible. But, this is exactly why consular help is essential - to prevent unscrupulous employers from doing such things. The moment the embassy gets involved, the dynamics of such issues change and the employer's tone and attitude will change.

2) Can he leave the country if he has his passport with him? Yes he can. No need of any visa cancellations. The only instance when someone cannot leave the country is when there is a travel ban imposed on them by debtors. This is another instance when the embassy can help. If the employer is holding on to the passport and not handing it over to your fiancé, he can get the embassy's assistance to get the passport released.

3) LMRA can advise on situations and problems such as this.

Hope everything works out well on Monday. Best wishes.


I don't get it , "Went to work , with no visa ? "

And I think the employer is asking for hiring expenses ( Visa Fees , Medical , Air Ticket )

Why would he refuse ?

Maybe the employer has a short temper  :|

Now it's better if the Embassy intervenes , so as many people suggested here , he should contact the Embassy :)

Hope everything get well soon !

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