
Please help, expat looking for a flat in Nasr City

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Real estate listingsRental General informationRental contracts and points to ponder.Accommodation in EgyptReal estate market and macro economic overview of Cairo

[ Moderated : Please post in Housing section ]

don moe

i used to live in Nasr City, and you can find some flats nearby citystars by the range of 1500 as u asked or Makram ebeid, guess you should take a trust worthy friend or someone who speaks arabic in order to make a good deal.........


Hello skipmj89 and welcome on board :)

I suggest you to check out the rental proposals in our section Flats for rent in Egypt, you may also place an advert there if you don't find something in your budget.






I recommend you to either use search engines like Dubizzle or Aqarmap to find an apartment anywhere in Cairo.

Or you could find a local broker in Nasr City, who will tell you about currently available apartments in the area. It's better to let someone you trust and can speak Arabic, deal with him.

I live in Nasr City btw..



Rwash Deniro

hey , I can help you , if you are serious feel free to text me


Hello can you give some information and personal details about your self to help you


@don moe, the flats that you mentioned in the range between 1500-2000 i am assuming they are unfurnished or partly furnished?

Can someone advise me also, looking for the same in nasr city, preferably makram..

don moe

Aleyabe wrote:

@don moe, the flats that you mentioned in the range between 1500-2000 i am assuming they are unfurnished or partly furnished?

Can someone advise me also, looking for the same in nasr city, preferably makram..

yes they are unfurnished, and it depends, my flat in Nasr city i rent it for a family by 3000 and its unfurnished, so the area depends and the building situation too.

mohd _008

give me the  range ,i'll try to help u :)

mohd _008

visit this link it's trusted ,if u need help in translation ask me

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