Voluntary work in Krakow

Hello all!

Does anyone know about voluntary work in childrens homes or with homeless people? I'll be staying the whole summer so I wish I could help somehow.

Any information would be appreciated :)

Hi Mystikal.

You can write to MOPS, it's a public society which help poor people or people in need. They are looking strongly for volonteers. Their e-mail address is: wolontariat@mops.krakow.pl

And if you ever look for anything else like accomodation or just some tips, do not hesitate to write :)


Thanks so much :) i'll check that out.

When will you be coming to Krakow?

I'm in Krakow right now. Been here over a week now.

well there is this organization global volunteer projects and they have an office in Krakow so you can contact them
their email is info@globalvolunteerprojects.org
hope this helps
also if you would be interested we have an event for human rights in Iran and it is on the 27 June, we actually have people joining us from Krakow too so if you are interested maybe you can also attend. The program is a one day conference or gathering in Paris, buses depart on the 26th, arrive in Paris on the 27th after the program you have one night hotel and the next day a day of leisure in Paris and at night buses pick you up and take you back to Krakow so you arrive on Sunday in Krakow. The participation cost for each person from Krakow is 50 euros which covers transportation, hotel, and insurance