
I'm planning to work in İstanbul!!!? But it's not easy !!!!

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Rahma Liedri

is really hard to find job   :mad:

See also

Job offers in IstanbulWorking in Istanbul The work culture in IstanbulIstanbul's labor marketStarting a business in Türkiye

this is hard!
you speak Turkish?
You speak French?

Rahma Liedri

i speck frensh english end arabic end i will strat leanr turkish in summer .

Rahma Liedri

yes but for part timer u need to be there first ?


which type of part time jobs do u find in istanbul..


I guess we can work together, pls contact me if you're in Istanbul already..

trushar prajapati

Ok I am ready to job

rima fawaz

Hello. searching a work in istanbul.....French teachers or marketing.....any help? Or advise?


Hello Rima ........... to get the job in turkey you need to learn Turkish first and be physically here in town then you will have chances to get a good job as far as marketing is concern send me yr CV i will try for you because i am in the Global marketing and head of the department i will try but no guarantee.........bye and take care

Rahma Liedri

Thanks for helping :)

rima fawaz

Hello :) sure....i was in istanbul since many weeks....give me your mail...i Will send it to u....sure I can come for a interview. ....and I'm learning turkish actually. ...thx u for your attention. ..


Hello, i need an i´ve got a job offer in Istanbul, and everything is too good to be truth, so i wanted to ask you guys, for your oppinion. The job is for one of the leading chocolate  and biscuit producers in Turkey. They offer me a very gooooood salary, an appartment, a car,...and also for my friends who also wants to work for them. They are oppening a new office in Istanbul so they need a new assistanst to work there. so what do you think, could this be true?  or is it a some kind of a trap? please tell me your opinion...thanx


Dear Almis, if you send me by email the company name and related person name, i can check the compony registrations documents... we can understand its a real company or kind of trap... Regards, Emre


thanx emilio i am sendig you an email..


Hello almis I read your story but be careful it is absolutely a trap for you in Turkey especially in that sector you can not find high salary if you want to earn money in this program or area they would not offer any assistance flat or car never don't search for that company I'm sure it is impossible to get that for you in fact you would have 1850 tl per month as salary be careful please


@ basri1 > Thanks for your contribution to this topic, however do note that almis post is from 2014.

Feel free to participate on other recent threads. :)

Have a nice day,

Priscilla  :cheers:


Well it's not quite as it hard. You just need to use your instincts and those obstacles can't hold you.


I'm from Brazil and speak a nice English and a little of turkish

I will arrive in Istanbul at june 21st and it will be nice to find a job there as a nanny because I love children. I can teach english or spanish too.

Does anybody here know who needs one. I accept to travel with family if it's recquired


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