
Border run

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glenda anne

Does anyone know if foreign teachers working in Istanbul still have to do border runs to Bulgaria? This was the position in the past.

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Does anyone know if foreign teachers working in Istanbul still have to do border runs to Bulgaria? This was the position in the past.
-@glenda anne

By border runs do you mean visa runs?

glenda anne



Visa runs are no longer possible in Turkey. Turkey has adopted the EU policy of allowing people to only stay 90 days within 180 days. Even if you left the country at 28 days and tried to re-enter they would only give you two days in the country.

If you tried to leave at 30 days, and then tried to re-enter into the country. They would only give you 10 days to apply for your Ikhemet. But this is at the decision of the customs offical.

It is also illegal to work in Turkey without a work permit. Once you get a work permit to turkey you then need to apply for an ikhemet to legally stay in the country. The ikhemet is 1 year with some cases of them granting it for 2 years.


What is ikhemet? Because it translates "dominance".

glenda anne

@Randomguy2000 Thanks for your info.


What is ikhemet? Because it translates "dominance".

no no, it might be "hakimiyet". the correct spelling is "ikamet", meaing "residence".


@Randomguy2000 Thanks for your info.
-@glenda anne

i think it should be vice versa. "ikamet" is residence, not "entrance". residence should be taken before applying work permit.


@Randomguy2000 Thanks for your info.
-@glenda anne
i think it should be vice versa. "ikamet" is residence, not "entrance". residence should be taken before applying work permit.

That is not how it works according to Turkish law. You can't get a work permit before getting the work visa expect in very specific cases such as being a house maid, or nanny, and being hired by a family directly in Turkey which then the process is getting the residence, and then applying for the work permit.

All other jobs that don't fall into this special category must receive their work permit which is only valid for 90 days, and once they enter into Turkey within that 90 days they must upgrade it to their Work permit (residence). As per the ministry of foreign affairs of Turkey. You first get the Work visa which is only 90 days valid, and then must apply for the Work permit once you are inside of Turkey which will be your residence card to legally live in Turkey.

If you do not get the work permit within the 90 days then you will have to leave Turkey since you will no longer be legal there. … plication.


What is ikhemet? Because it translates "dominance".

It is properly spelled Ikamet.

There is two categories.

Temporary residence permit. This includes Ikamet for Tourism(Which has very strict guidelines now), Medical, Student, Business ikamet, and Work permit, also family Ikamet if you are married to a Turkish citizen or have children who are Turkish citizens.

Permeant residence permit. You won't be able to get permeant unless if you live inside of Turkey for an extended amount of years.


I was against yr words "Once you get a work permit to turkey you then need to apply for an ikhemet to legally stay in the country."

I think, it is like "once you get ikamet to legally stay in the country, then need to apply for a work permit".

Am i wrong?


I was against yr words "Once you get a work permit to turkey you then need to apply for an ikhemet to legally stay in the country."
I think, it is like "once you get ikamet to legally stay in the country, then need to apply for a work permit".
Am i wrong?

I should have said a Work visa since you don't get a work permit at the start. You get a work visa then must apply for a Work permit which is counted as a class of Ikemet.

Specially speaking there is only a few jobs where you can apply for a "Tourist ikemet" and then upgrade it to a work permit.

Sorry for not being clear enough in explaining it.


Sorry for not understand what you clearly explained.

Maybe we are talking abt different targets. I guess, you approach the case by "how to step into Turkey first, and get residency accordingly?", then yes, if you are lucky, you may have an employer who can invite you. Actually many others are lookng for the opposite solution "how to apply residency to find a legal job accordingly?".

We better not mix up "work permit" and "work visa". The link you sent is abt visas.


Sorry for not understand what you clearly explained.
Maybe we are talking abt different targets. I guess, you approach the case by "how to step into Turkey first, and get residency accordingly?", then yes, if you are lucky, you may have an amployer who can invite you. Actually many others are lookng for the opposite solution "how to apply residency to find a legal job accordingly?".

It used to work that way in the past but with reforms in Turkey they have done away with this. Even if you came to Turkey on a visa, and you where to find an employer willing to hire you. You would have to have them (Employer) submit all the documents to the ministry of labor. Which then you would have to leave Turkey, and then apply with the letter of employment, and other documents at the embassy to get the work visa. Then apply for the work permit once you are in Turkey.

I have not seen any exceptions for this expect with only a few job categories actually allow you to apply for a tourist ikamet and then a work permit after you are in Turkey, and every single year it becomes harder, and harder to do that. I believe that the family ikhemet(Turkish husband/wife) allows you to freely work in Turkey. But not many people on here will find themselves in this situation.

The only other way is to apply for a residence permit (Ikemet), and then to work for the company without being an offical employee. Of course, this is illegal, and it will get you arrested, and deported, and I would never suggest to do it. But this seems to be the way most foreigners working in Turkey are going now days when they find jobs there, and then paying the fines for overstaying if they did not get caught, and deported.

Most people coming to look for jobs in Turkey can't afford to fly out of turkey, apply for the work permit, and then fly back. Also most of the places are looking for cheap labor, and are not willing to sponsor you for a work visa/permit when it comes to places like factories, sewing shops, some restaurants, etc.

Usually only higher end businesses in the healthcare sector, or teaching, etc are willing to sponsor you for a work visa to Turkey.

Reality in the current moment is that it is becoming harder, and harder for foreigners to live in Turkey, and even harder to find legal work in Turkey.


Honestly sepaking, i have no time to read all now, promise to do later.

Instead of Ministry of Foreign Affairs web site, Ministry of Interior, Presidency of Migration Management web site may be more helpful to compare infos.

I really dont know much, i havent read, am just sharing with others who are willing to know.


Yes because some people are paying money to be fakely invited by an employer where actually they are not looking for job, just trying to find a way to immigrate. Being expatriate and immigrant are different. For the real ones, still employers are not willing to be sponsor as many of them are used and cheated by applicants. Noone should fly to another country if unable to afford to return, this is their own risk. Of course they can only fınd jobs to be employed illegally bcs of costs. Otherwise, why a local employer should employ a foreigner instead of a Turkish citizen if the costs are same. Should be harder to come, bcs of not only uneployment rate is high, but lack of dwellings as well.

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