
West coast rentals?

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I have been snooping around on Craigslist and other sites trying to get an idea of what a two bed apt or house would cost me. I have used craigs for years and have found prices are almost always WAY higher than digging in and asking the locals about rentals. I am renting in Montezuma CR a big house with an attached apt for $250. Most people I meet say they are paying much more for less. They found thier places online etc. Are there deals to be had or will I have to fight the trolls?

See also

Real estate listingsRenting in Puerto RicoPurchasing property in Puerto RicoWhy realtors may not call you backgetting contractors

For online deals check
If you look at places that are a little away from the coast you may get a great deal.


I agree with Gary that clasificadosonline is your best source. They list prices for locals so there's no "gringo premium" incorporated there. In general, you will not find that Puerto Ricans jack-up prices because you're perceived as being "Anglo". I lived in Central America myself for several years so I know this can happen there but it's not really a problem in PR. I've never experienced it.

So rest assured, the high prices you see in PR are for everyone. Haha.


My experience is limited to NorthWest PR, I live in Rincon, areas near here are Isabela, Aguada, Aguadilla, all with access to beaches. Rent is relatively cheap here. A decent 2 bedroom can  go for $500, maybe less or more. I have a great deal of $300 (electric and water included) close to beaches and with a view of the ocean and gorgeous sunsets). Yes clasificados is one source, but limited in my opinion, and some people have found stuff on craigslist. Numerous places for rent are not listed in either of those sites. They are found by talking to people, knocking on doors, and driving about. Some examples. I found my place by chatting with surfers on the beach. A couple I know found theirs while driving around - a house was for sale - they stopped and asked if they could rent and yes they could (2 bedroom for $300) - houses for sale can hang like that for years. My point is - if online searches get you nowhere then put your boots on the ground and look. You can also then determine if you like the neighborhood and area.


I agree Victor, talking to locals is good. If you know someone who knows someone it's even better.
But when you're not in the country you can only look online and then clasificadosonline is pretty good, right?


clasificados is how we found our house from the states Hi Gary


GreggK wrote:

clasificados is how we found our house from the states Hi Gary

Hey Gregg, yes I remember that..


Chris, if you don't find anything via internet classifieds I can be your first local contact if you like. I'll be more than glad to help you find a place. If you do find something in the classifieds I can put on my boots and go check it out and get the scoop on it for you. And if you want to come here for a visit to check things out yourself, I can introduce you to people and take you around. Just send me a private message.


How very kind of you, Victor, to offer your help.  We may be looking for some long term rentals in Rincon area in the near future.  This is very generous of you. blessings!

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