
Replacing cement roof

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Has anyone replaced a cement roof?

Roofs with a long period of neglect will have rusting of the rebar, so repair not possible.

Has anyone undertaken the removal and replacing of a roof? Cost? How long to do it?


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Hello Traveler607080: Yes, but please assume that my information has not been inspected and/or approved by the building department here on the island...but I have personally seen people here repairing cement or should I say (cemento armado) roofs by removing the affected areas and replacing it with fresh material. In fact one of them was repaired a little over 20 years ago and is still as solid as new. The other was just done a few months ago. As far a complete demolition and rebuilding a full new roof I have yet to see one done but speculate that sure it can be done, why not.... Costs, I have no idea. That's all I have.



Rusted rebar is repairable, at least to an extent. I'm currently having mine repaired. A leak a few years ago led to rust that eventually caused expansion and the concrete to be pushed off in the rusty areas. Think it's called spalling. The loose concrete and rust has to be removed, the rebar coated to stop further rust and then the concrete is repaired. I don't know at what point repair is not possible.



Rusted rebar is repairable, at least to an extent. I'm currently having mine repaired. A leak a few years ago led to rust that eventually caused expansion and the concrete to be pushed off in the rusty areas. Think it's called spalling. The loose concrete and the rust have to be removed, the rebar coated to stop further rust and then the concrete is repaired. I don't know at what point repair is not possible. I know this doesn't really answer your question, but my inside ceiling looks awful and yet I'm assured repair is possible. Maybe it is for you as well.


Been there, done that.   After multiple repairs/ attempts we finally got it repaired inside and out. Took lots ok removal of bad concrete and rebar replacement.  The cost was steep!

In retrospect, a whole new roof may have been a better choice, but what’s done is done.

If I build a new roof, it would definitely have some minimal slope to shed water! 

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