


I'd like to have knowledge about everything which is essential in applying for a new job overseas, abroad. I want to learn the basics, the procedures. With your help and input I'll be able to prepare myself better with more time and efficiency. I am opting for Denmark, Austria, New Zealand, or Canada. If you could spare some time to give anything, it's a chance worth taking.

See also

Job offers in DenmarkSetting up a business in DenmarkInternships in DenmarkWorking in DenmarkWorking in Denmark as a digital nomad

hi there,

I send you a links that might help you to established your self here in Denmark, … yement.htm

you can navigate your self around the websites to find information that suits you. but hard to say that for my experience you better off for Denmark.

It's not as easy as you might imagine and taxations incredible high.


The easiest way to find employment in another country is always to contact a multinational company that operates both in your home country and the other nation. If they can't help you in terms of direct placement they usually can put you in touch with the right people in the Human Resources Department of their overseas operation. Sometimes it may even facilitate matters to begin employment with the multinational in your home country and then request a transfer.

Most large company websites in any country have links to their Human Resources Department and accept CVs online or via e-mail. Just remember at some point you're going to have to go through a personal interview which will almost certainly have to be in person.

William James Woodward, Expat-blog Experts Team


Thank you for the info, I really appreciate it. I guess i'm just testing the waters, because so far I'm also steadying the grounds for me to walk on in the future. If i have other questions can I ask for your help? thanks anyway.


Hi my name is evelyn and i am from NZ but originally from Philippines.
I migrated here more than 10yrs ago by passing their General Skilled migrant category.
Unfortunately they have scrap this now so the only way you can come here and work is to apply a work visa or student visa. If there's a WILL there's a WAY. :)

Just google NZ immigration website so you will know more about the Country.
New Zealand is a beautiful place but not a lot of opportunities now for my husband the reason why we are thinking if we are to accept the offer (Very good ones) to work and live in Riyadh.

One more thing... you cannot just work as a nurse here in NZ unless your achievements are accredited but coming from PH you have to do another course OR take an exams. 
Please check and good luck!