Meeting new friends in Rome

Dear All,

I see that many people like to meet new people in Rome but noone has taken the initiation to meet eachother. Why not to meet people from different country, different culture and different profession?

We can have a drinks together, visit musium or visit for new place in Rome together.

Let's orgainze something.
If you are rady for this, i'll create an event so that we can meet.

Hoping to get reply from you.


Hi Victor,

This is a good idea. ;)

I have moved it on the English speaking Rome forum.

Christine team

hi victor!ü

me and my friends will be going there in Rome this April 26th. since you have been living there, can you recommend a place for us to stay? a dorm type would be good also since we are on a tight budget.. wehehe..ü

I have a big appartment (Piazza di Spagna) and I could offer a place for an event that Victor would like to organise in order to meet other expats or for cHaRiSsE's stay  in Roma in april. Please, send me an e mail at and A PRESTO!!! Virginia