Marriage with Brazilian Girl in Pakistan

Hello Guys,

I have two questions:

1. Is there anyone in this forum who married a Brazilian Girl in Pakistan? If yes, then please tell me in detail the process to marry a Brazilian girl in Pakistan, the documents needed and the time required to get family reunion visa from Pakistan ?

2. Suppose if I marry with the Brazilian girl in Brazil on a tourist visa then will I be required to leave Brazil after applying for the residency visa or I can stay in Brazil after marriage and wait for my residency visa to get processed ?

Which option is better to marry a Brazilian girl in terms of time and cost? Marriage in Pakistan or Marriage in Brazil on tourist visa?

Kindly share your experiences.


So you want a cost effective tip ? A lot of expat would tell you : don`t marry a Brazilian girl.
Now if you need a cost effective tip to get a permanent visa, I do not think it is the best place to ask for it.

Hello Sheikh Sb,

I'm married to a Brazilian girl, but not in Pakistan - never been there!

I have however as Brazil and Canada Expert for Expat-blog Team advise a number of other Pakistani citizens regarding marriage, visas, etc.

If you marry in Pakistan the process is rather simple, you take your Marriage Certificate to the Brazilian Embassy in Islamabad, with supporting identification documents, pay a fee and register the marriage with the Embassy. (Check with the Embassy regarding requirements for having your Pakistani Marriage Certificate translated into Portuguese, this is absolutely necessary).They will then issue a "Certidão de Casamento" on the Consulary Cartório (Registry) which is the document that will be legal in Brazil. At this point you have 2 options, apply for a VIPER Permanent Visa based on marriage there in Pakistan or come to Brazil on a VITUR Tourist Visa and apply for the VIPER once you arrive here. In either case the documents required will be exactly the same and you must have them ready and in order before submission. If you apply for the VIPER in Pakistan the process is shorter, around 3 to 6 months on average; but the disadvantage is that you cannot come to Brazil until you have received the visa. If you come to Brazil on a VITUR and apply for the VIPER when you arrive the process is much longer, however the advantage here is that when applying for a VIPER based either on marriage or on having a Brazilian child it carries the automatic right for the applicant to remain in Brazil and to work while the visa application is being processed no matter how long it may take.

If you plan to come to Brazil on a VITUR Tourist Visa and marry here you will need to hope that you can get a 90 day visa, which you can extend for a further 90 days. Visa issuing officers in Pakistan are really reluctant to issue visas that allow for more than a 30 day trip and VITUR requirements for Pakistani and Indian citizens are much tougher than for citizens from most other countries in the world.

For the marriage process in Brazil and the documents required see the following posting:

The list of documents is in two parts, the first part is the list of documents required for just the marriage 1 - 4 for you and 1 - 5 for your Brazilian spouse. The next part of the list shows the documents required for the VIPER Permanent Visa application that follows, numbered 1 - 10. Don't overlook 10, the Policia Federal here ALWAYS ask for something else and of course it will be something that you don't have - they just love doing that.

Brazilian Embassy in Pakistan:

Mailing Address:        Embaixada do Brasil em Islamabad - Paquistão
                                        SECTOR F-83, STREET 72, HOUSE 1
                                        ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN

Telephone:        +92 51 2287189

Fax    Number:        +92 51 2287199

William James Woodward, Expat-blog Experts Team

William James Woodward
hi sir... i have been topic on this blog for long ago .. and your tips are super cool.. helped me alot to plan what should i do......

iam in the process of proxy marriage in brazil iam living in pakistan.. my all documents are submitted to cartorio.. but its been more than a month they havnt called my gf for to fix the marriage date...... i want to know why they are taking so much time .. and not fixing the marriage date....  is it normal or something ellse

Well, given the fact that it takes at the very least for a normal (in person) marriage for foreigners in Brazil to go through the process of 'habilitação de casamento' permission to marry, it is not at all surprising that the proxy marriage is taking longer. Be patient.

Serioulsy, it is possible to have a "proxy marriage" in Brazil ? If it was really recognized, all emigrant candidates would organize these proxy mariages to obtain a visa. Aren´t they emigraton scams?

the brazilain fedral police is not a kid.. they visit the home weather couple is living together or not ...   so scam is not a possible option.. :P

William James Woodward  Thanks to you sir for you expert opinion .. have a nice day

Yes, it is possible to have a proxy marriage (casamento por procuração) in Brazil. It is commonly used when for some reason the individual(s) for some reason cannot be present. The marriage however MUST be arranged while both parties are able to be present at the Cartório Civil to present all the required documents and sign all the necessary paperwork for the "habilitação de casamento" in person. The only real difference is that a proxy (procurador(a)) is appointed who will stand in for the person at the nuptials and has been empowered to sign the register. It is perfectly legal and despite what you may think it is not necessarily immigration scams. Also since September 1, 2014 under the new procedures for permanency there is no longer a home visit by Federal Police.

William James Woodward, Expat-blog Experts Team

hi James
              Thanks for your all help and good posts ,i need info regarding USA visa ,i am already got my permanent visa here in Brazil now i and my wife we both want to travel USA for short visa ,will you help me what documents i need  in USA embassy for visit visa ,and do we need invitation letter ?and what else document require?

Hello Haseeb,

You do not need a letter of invitation to visit the USA on a B2 Visitor Visa.

You will need to apply for the visa through the US Consulate-General, but I don't know which one has jurisdiction over Santa Catarina, probably Rio. I will include links to both the Consulate in Rio and in São Paulo. You can check them out for the visa requirements. Just remember they depend on the citizenship of the applicant, so it may be a little more difficult for you to get a visa than for your wife.


São Paulo:


Hi Sheik Sab my name is Alex and I am Portuguese I have a boy Freind we live together for the last 9 months and we wanna get married but he can't go for job reasons to prtugal so I wanna know what kind off papers I need for proxy marriages ... Can u give me a idea of what I need and how long will take me to do that

Waseem Brother , I want to know, whether you got married ? If so ? Can you tell me how much time was taken for permanent visa by Embassy of Brazil in Islamabad? While they have written 20 days after all the requirements of visa are met ?

     Do you or your friends has any experience ? Kindly Share and explain...
Thanks and I am waiting for your Urgent Response

Sir James, I need your kind advice regarding this too ? Can you guide for the time taken by Embassy ?
     Thanks a lot

Sorry, I have no idea how long the Consulates and Embassies take under the new system. A month or two would sound reasonable.

James   Expat-blog Experts Team

Thank you very much Sir for your prompt response.
Kindly tell me, if I apply for visit visa from Brazilian Embassy in Islamabad, I would have to show return ticket, Though after reaching Brazil, I would apply for permanent visa and the return ( Back way ) will get wasted. But before Applying visa , I want to get returned reservation for visit visa, But I don't want to pay for that reservation before getting visa ? After getting visit visa, I want to pay, How it is possible ?

If I reach in Brazil and apply for VIPER, then How can I get returned my Money of back way ticket ?

                           Once again , Thank you very Much

El Hasan,

Are you already married to a Brazilian citizen, and has that marriage been registered in the Consulado-Geral do Brasil in Islamabad? The reason I am asking is because if you are not already married, you certainly would not receive a VITUR Tourist Visa that would allow you a long enough stay in Brazil to get through the lengthy marriage process here. You will be simply wasting your time and money, even if you do get a visa (most applicants from Pakistan don't).

If you are already married and the marriage has been registered with the Consulado-Geral in Islamabad, then you would be better off to apply directly through them for a VIPER Permanent Visa.

James   Expat-blog Experts Team

Sir James,
Thank you very much for your interest, you are really a good volunteer, actually legal issues cause a lot of tension for strangers. I hope you would be guiding me well until I get VIPER, so I must thank you for all, before all.

Yes, I am married to Brazilian lady by proxy, she sent me marriage certificate, her ID card, and TERMO DE RESPONSIBILIDADE DE MANUTENCAO, All are notarized.Though I have not received them yet but I hope to receive this week.

                  For Permanent Visa my documents are almost ready, but I don't know, whether the marriage is registered in Embassy or not. Marriage was celebrated in Sao Paulo ? I think, but not sure, we don't need to register it since it was celebrated in Brazil.

I had requested information from embassy regarding Permanent visa.They said, I am better to apply for VITUR based on all documents sent by my wife and some more, like Return ticket, etc. I was told that its better to apply for VIPER in Brazil. Because here , the embassy may take more time for VIPER as compared to VITUR.

So what is your advice ?

If I apply for VITUR, I am sure I can get visa and I know that many times, If we ( Pakistanis ) are not married, VITUR is denied , so you are true.

If I apply for VITUR, I don't know how to reserve return air ticket for that ? I want to pay the ticket after getting visa actually?

If I apply for VITUR, and reach in Brazil, what problems I may face to get VIPER ?

If I apply for VIPER, Just after reaching Brazil, I mean some days later, Can I legally apply for work to any company too ? Or I need to get VIPER first or I need to expire VITUR at least ?

Best Wishes
El Hasan

If the proxy marriage took place in Brazil then you don't need to register it at the Consulado-Geral, that's only for foreign marriages.

You can apply for the VIPER through the Consulado or apply for a VITUR Tourist Visa then apply for permanency here after arrival. Either way the documents are all the same. The only difference is that if you apply through the Consulado-Geral in Islamabad, you don't need to have your Pakistani documents translated, if you apply here, then they must be translated into Portuguese by a sworn translator (in Brazil).

You do not need a "RETURN" ticket, just an outbound ticket to any other country you have a visa to enter or may enter without a visa under the Visa Waiver Program. You'll need to find out what countries allow Pakistani citizens to enter without a visa.

James    Expat-blog Experts Team

Thank you very much sir James for continuous support.

If I go to Brazil through VITUR ? would I be able to work ? or any International company can hire me ? What more documents , I would need to apply for work ?

Shall I be able to apply for VIPER while VITUR would not expired ? I mean in very first week of my arrival in Brazil

What do you think VIPER in Pakistan would take less time or in Brazil ?

El Hasan

You can't work on a VITUR Tourist Visa, only if you get a permanent visa or VITEM-V Work Visa. If you've read any of my past postings about jobs, it is extremely difficult for expats to find work here for 2 reasons beside the visa issue.

1.  The law here requires all employers to prove that they have exhausted all efforts to fill any job vacancy with a Brazilian before they can hire an expat to fill it.

2.  Working in Brazil really requires a good level of fluency in Portuguese. English is NOT widely spoken anywhere in Brazil, not even in the workplace.

James     Expat-blog Experts Team

hi ehsan better you find me on facebook search with the name of sagid hafiz    . i have very  useful information for you .. i am already in sao paulo .. Already went through lots of things

Salam Waseem Bhai/ Sagid Hafeez Bhai!

  Thank you for your response, I tried to send you friend request, But I think unfortunately, You don't have allowed strangers to send friend request to you.

              However, I have sent you a message privately on Facebook, I hope you can share your experience and explain every thing. I would be waiting for your prompt response through Facebook.

                                            Have a nice day

El Hasan

Hey I am a Pakistani girl living and studying in Argentina and have a bf from Brazil ,we are planing to get marry this year in December ,my family wants me to get marry in Pakistan with him ,but I concernedwith visa process ,how long it gonna take to get the visa to go to Brazil with my husband and should I go there for visit and get marry there in Brazil. I want to get marry in Pakistan and go back with my husband to Brazil and start the process of getting permanent visa ..what should I do ?????

Hello sukhena,

If you get married in Pakistan it will probably be much easier. Unfortunately the Brazilian government makes it much more difficult for citizens of Pakistan, Bangladesh and India to obtain any category of visa, including VITUR Tourist Visas, than for citizens of any other countries. You would certainly not get a tourist visa that would allow you a long enough stay in Brazil to get through the complex marriage process (30 - 45 days minimum).

Once you marry in Pakistan, your Brazilian husband would need to register the marriage with the Consulado-Geral do Brasil in Islamabad. Once registered, you could apply for a VIPER Permanent Visa based on marriage to a Brazilian citizen. The process would take about 3 months.

See the following topic threads for more information regarding registering a marriage abroad and applying for a permanent visa:

If you have any further questions please feel free to post them here.

James Experts Team

Muito obrigado ,the information helped me alot

Hi, Mr. James small question, if she is already living and studying in Argentina, shouldn't she be able to receive a visa on arrival to Brazil due to the Mercosul agreement?

She's not a MERCOSUL citizen so she wouldn't get a visa on arrival. If she's studying in Argentina it's not likely that she would have permanent residency there either, just a Temporary Student Visa.

She could apply for a VITUR Tourist Visa for Brazil in Argentina, but it would still be judged on her Pakistani citizenship and it is highly unlikely that she'd be granted any kind of visa that would permit a stay long enough to get through the marriage process.

James Experts Team


Hey!!! I am thinking to stay here in Argentina few more months (till august)and change my visa to religious from student (because I am studying in a bible institute and they gave me an opportunity to work with them till august),which gonna give me an advantage of going out of Argentina and come back here again ..what I was thinking that in my vacation for 2 weeks, if I go to Brazil and get marry there (civil) and come back to Argentina to complete my contract and meanwhile my process in Brazil will be going on ,would that work ?do I have to stay in Brazil after getting marry ? Or I can come back to Argentina ... Because its hard once going back to Pakistan and get visa again to leave the country ...

Hello sukhena,

Are you aware that the marriage process here in Brazil takes at least 30 - 45 days from the time you submit all the documents to the Cartório?

You have to pass through a process called "Habilitação de Casamento" which requires the marriage banns being published in the Diário Oficial da União - DOU for 30 days before permission to marry is granted.

That is only done if ALL of the required documents are present and in good order.

James Experts Team

Dear Sukhena

Have you considered getting married in Argentina instead?


I'm from India and I want to marry my brazilian girlfriend In Brazil. any suggestions?
can I go there on tourist visa and marry her?
and can I stay there working after marriage?
what are the documents I'll need to marry her in Brazil?
if I missed any questions please help me out.
thanking you.


Read through the many posts here on the Brazil section for the information. It has been covered extensively.

Hi Vida

I would suggest that you ask your girlfriend to goto her local cartorio and get a list of the requirements.  Some of the main things it usually consists of are:
A.  Your Birth certificate attested by the embassy of Brazil in India and later translated into Portuguese from an official sworn translator in Brazil.
B.  An unmarried declaration / certificate issued by your parents and attested by the embassy of Indian and translated as listed above.

Other than that you should have a legal status in Brazil means you shouldn't overstay your visa, however even if you do people usually find a loophole here and there to get things sorted

Good luck


Vida97654 wrote:

I'm from India and I want to marry my brazilian girlfriend In Brazil. any suggestions?
can I go there on tourist visa and marry her?
and can I stay there working after marriage?
what are the documents I'll need to marry her in Brazil?
if I missed any questions please help me out.
thanking you.

See this link and post, it may clarify some of your questions.

Hi i  want to marry with a Brazilian girl in Pakistan.
Please tell me the procedure.
And documentation about the proxy marriage.
I am very thankful to you.

Hello everyone,

@ Syed alay Hasan, as you want to marry in Pakistan, it would be better to create a new topic on the Pakistan forum so as you may get some feedbacks from members who are already in Pakistan and have gone through the formalities.

All the best,

Thanks Bhavna ☺

what about marrying Brazilian girl in India?
can I marry her in any state of the country?

Insha Allah, you want to marry Marilia dos Santos Vieira, the countess born in Brazil, descended from Count Alemao Cal Frans Hoepcke, she speaks to almost 4 Ramadan