Can enter Brazil if my passport expire in 6 months but I leave before


I am from the USA.  My passport expires in April 2024.  I have plans to visit and be gone in Mid January 2024.  I have read conflicting statement about whether I will be allowed in or not because of this.  Does anyone have a definitive answer with a link to an official site?

It takes 3 months to renew a US passport in America ?

Just renew it beforehand and be done with it.

Thanks but that does not address my situation.

10/09/23   Thanks but that does not address my situation.


It kind of does, depending on the kind of visa you have.

If you have a printed visa in your passport in the VITEM series, you probably won run into any trouble. 

If you're going to be depending on the visa waiver, there's a small but non-trivial chance that you could be denied entry, since your passport could expire before your visa waiver does.

If you're coming after January 10 and the renewed requirement for a VIVIS visa goes into effect on that date, the Consulate will probably refuse to issue the visa if your passport has less than six months' validity.

If you don't want to get a new passport, you really should email the Brazilian Consulate General responsible for your state with the question, and keep a printed copy of their response with you when you come.

Hi Abthree,

I have no VISA and am not required to have one if I enter before the tourist VISA requirements for a US citizen go into affect in Jan 2024.

This question is solely about the remaining length of validity on my passport when I enter and/or leave.

10/09/23    Hi Abthree,
I have no VISA and am not required to have one if I enter before the tourist VISA requirements for a US citizen go into affect in Jan 2024.

This question is solely about the remaining length of validity on my passport when I enter and/or leave.


Hi.  I read your post as meaning that you'd be both arriving and leaving in mid-January.  If you'll be arriving a few weeks sooner and January 10 just happens to fall in the middle of a longer visit, then there's probably no problem.

My apologies, my email was not explicit enough and I see why you interpreted it that way.  I arrive late November. It is just that some countries have a 6 month validity rule.  Not sure if Brazil does and if it is different for different countries of origin.  Again, conflicting info on the internet and US Gov site. 

10/09/23    My apologies, my email was not explicit enough and I see why you interpreted it that way.  I arrive late November. It is just that some countries have a 6 month validity rule.  Not sure if Brazil does and if it is different for different countries of origin.  Again, conflicting info on the internet and US Gov site. 


It was a good question.  Brazil was pretty strict about the six month rule, but seemed to relax it some when the waiver program started, and then extended big exceptions during the pandemic.  With the pandemic over and the waiver program ending, I'll be surprised if they don't get strict about passport validity over six months again for new visas issued after January 10, but not before.


I agree 100% with Abthree. Far too great a risk to try to enter Brazil with less than 6 months validity on your passport, and hope that the official does not notice.

The reason is simple - you could be entitled to stay for 90+90 days = about 6 months, but your passport would expire during that time, so they will not let you in.

You should also be concerned about the airlines rules, as they pay for your return ticket if you are denied entry in Brasil. They are the first line of enforcement.

I suggest you refer to the fine print on the website of the airline you are flying with regarding documentation and dates if you have not already done so.

FWIW I enter Bradil 2-3 times a year and every single gate agent reviews my passport and PR card in detail during the document verification process prior to boarding for this reason.

Good luck !!!

Thanks All-

I called Copa and they said they didn't but I will check the written print as you suggest.

Fair Warning: Never take chances with ANY legal document in Brazil.  It's difficult enough when everything is correct.😂

@headshot I kind of agree with the Braintrust.  Unless you WANT to cut it close, just follow those suggestions and if you do run into any trouble, you can show them the renewal paperwork in progress.

Good Luck,

Roddie in Retirement1f575.svg

@headshot the new requirements have been delayed. Problem Solved.

Roddie in Retirement1f575.svg

If your pass is current through your departure from Brazil no problem. the airline checks this anyway

Following up.  I had no problem getting in with a pp that had less than 6mo validity left.