Residency Visa

Hello All
I wonder if anyone can help, it is not the easiest thing to find on the internet in English. I need to apply for a residency Visa. I am pretty sure i need to talk to the ministry on the Interior who deal with this. Please let me know if i have got this right, and i need there address and phone number.
My Fiance is too busy too help for the next week so i said i would be able to do this, Mmmmmm i should have learnt my lessons by now!
Any help will be gratefully appreciated
Have a great independence day
Simon Joy

Please contact me on

hey Simon, I am in the same path as you, I had to call off my engagement because I am scared that I wont be allowed to live with my future husband for more than 3months, he didnt want to take the risk. I e-mailed them but never heard back from them at all and there isnt any helpful links on the net about the residency visa or what is the requirements..I am a US citizen but my future husband was Palestine living in East Juresalem..if you heard anything from anyone or anything I hope you can update us
thanks and good luck

Unfortunately, only your fiances can apply for the visa for you.

fr33_bird wrote:

I had to call off my engagement because I am scared that I wont be allowed to live with my future husband for more than 3months, he didnt want to take the risk. I e-mailed them but never heard back from them at all and there isnt any helpful links on the net about the residency visa or what is the requirements..

Seems really sad to call off an engagement after only an email and browsing the net. Did you call, fax, or visit the office in person? How about getting your fiance to help?

Sleeping Cookie wrote:

Unfortunately, only your fiances can apply for the visa for you.

p.s. he is working as a OB/GY in a hospital in East East Jerusalem


fr33_bird wrote:

what was I supposed to do?I didnt wanna end up marrying aand him living over there and me keep on traveling every 3months and what about if i dont ever get allowed to enter the Jerusalem ever again?????today we are 2 but what abt tomorrow??there might be kids involved??I have been with him for 7yrs but in less than 15minutes everything was OVER ::::(((((

If you're not willing to fight and keep on fighting and confronting people until you get your way, no matter how long it takes, Israel is not the right place to live :) 

You can always live together in the U.S. until it's sorted out. Where there's a will there's a way, even if it isn't ideal.