Bangkok night life

Dear friends and visitors  to Bangkok,

I got to Bangkok two days before and was considering to see some of the nice and most as beautiful described islands. I went out on tuesday night out and bar where we have been closed at 2am. The cab driver took us the the "Bossi night Club". We spent nearly two ours in the club and have been talking to few girls who seemed very weired. Later I was told that the club attract mostly prostitutes and drug addicts. But any way when I left the bar one of the girls followed me to the outside and asked me for money. I was trying to talk to her what for she wants the money. I was trying to get to the next taxi when I felt a sharp cut in my arm and hand. I looked to my hand, I was bleeding severely. A friend of mine pushed the girl where the security guard and the cab drivers went on him. I that situation I was trying to tell this people that she stubbed me before they went to the girl. We were promised we have to get to the hospital and they will call the police. The day after when friend of mine got to the next police station he was told that that was our foult to go to that club. Secondly the officer could organise ten witnesses who who would say that we have attacked the girl. The club boss told us that it has happened outside the club which was on the door entrance.

All together it has scared me how deep those underworld style structures are in this city.
I do write that report to bring it to your attention when you do live and move in this country. I had complete different impressions of the city which has changed over night.

Take care of you and enjoy your stay in thailand


Before you move to any city, or travel to, its always nice to make a little research. Specially on forums like this, were expats living here know certainly were you can go or were you cant, plus additional info that always comes in handy.

Any cab driver, tuk tuk driver or motorbike driver, you should never ask " take me to a nightclub " because they will take you were they have commission. The girls in those bars will always be working girls. And the people behind that, mafia.

Police will not help much, unless you go to tourist police. They are somehow much useful that the normal ones.

As for night clubs: Try Q bar, is one of the best in bangkok.

And last but but not least: There is a lot of foreigners here, dont be shy to ask any of them ( on a friendly tone ) were you can go, what to do, etc. If they know some English they will definitely help you. 

And if you go to the islands, be careful. If you happen to see a woman selling drugs with two people following her, dont buy anything, as she is probably police and they can put you in prison or worst.


many thanks for your suggestions, I have learnt my lessons:-)
in the future I will be more careful and avoid those places


kind regards