Sport hobbies

Guys does anyone play sport here.. I wanna join and offcourse to meet new people.. But im more interested in badminton since its famous here.. Thanks for the replies..


Hey. welcome. if you interesting about sport we can talk because I like a sport a lot. if you wanna talk to me you can talk to me at facebook is Lieu & Guild Club

thanks for the reply treedboy!! well thanks for the info..thats cool!! so where do you play badminton?? coz i'm staying @ huay kwang.. cheers!!

Hey I'm looking for someone who can play squash with me. I didn't play for a long time now and I don't know where to go but if somebody is interesting that can push me a bit for playing :-)

Hey macoy! I stay near Huay Kwang and am looking to play badminton more regularly! I play every Sunday. What about you bro?

been stop for now that's why im looking for some groups who plays badminton..and offcourse to meet some new friends..anyways where do you play??

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