
housing exchange ICELAND FOR PARIS

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Anyone interested in spending a week or two in paris this summer? We're thinking of traveling to iceland in june or july. We're a young professional couple who travel extensively for work and pleasure, swapping our home to help finance our adventures.

Ours is a comfortable, spacious rooftop apartment in Paris's baroque 7th arrondissement. Perched atop one of the original residences of "grand standing" abutting the bucolic Champ de Mars park, our two bedroom is washed in natural light from windows on all sides, including a postcard view of the Eiffel tower from the living room sofa. In addition to the living room, we have a full open kitchen, two bedrooms and a full American style bathroom. Though it was once a series of maids' quarters (chambres de bonne), it has been completely rebuilt and renovated, with modern furnishings and appliances. The 8th floor entrance is reached by an endless spiral staircase or with the help of a retrofitted elevator. A stone's throw from the steel-girded lady herself, the location offers access to all of central Paris on foot, and numerous metro and bus connections to peripheral attractions like Montmartre and the Palace of Versailles. The neighborhood itself is residential but lively, studded with cafés, shops, bakeries and other Parisian paraphernalia. Amenities:

* high speed internet with wifi and a desktop computer
* television, including English language news channels
* a free phone for unlimited calls to the States and to Western European landlines
* a loner cell phone if yours doesn't work here
* washer and dryer
* weekly professional cleaning lady

If you're interested, please email us a bit about yourself and your travel plans, and we'll send you more info, pictures, maps, ample references... the works.

hope to hear from you.



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A Student's Guide to Clubbing in ParisLeisure activities in ParisBRFC RugbyLifestyle and culture in ParisHow to Buy Concert Tickets in Paris

I live in Iceland and while I'm not planning to visit paris this summer I recommend posting this on Facebook if you have an account there.

there's a group called "away from home, living in Iceland" that has a sizeable membership, or you could try the marketplace in Iceland. Based on the activity in the Iceland forum here I think there are only two of us active on this website, so you'd reach a wider audience that way.

It's definitely a good time to offer a house swap with people living here, given that it's a cost effective way for people here to be able to afford a summer vacation abroad!


Welcome on Expat-blog stef!  You should post in the Paris classifieds > Holiday rentals.

Thank you!

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