
Is there any chat option within this site..I am new to expat

not yet ;)

Yep, I sign for a chat add-on for the forum. :D

Hi Luis, Can you tell me how do u do that that it can be shared with other members also.
THanks in advance,

Erm, do what? the chat or the smiley?

hi,I also think that there is need for a chat option. An active one.

Hey admin, found a free java chat forum app if your interested:

agree. need chat option

give us a few weeks, we are currently moving our offices ;)

Take your time then :)

Hi Julien,
Any news about the chat?

Have a nice weekend!

We have to redesign the contact system first ;)

creating a live chat will make the site more interesting.

creating a chat option is really a good idea.

yeah that`s cool idea

Is there any update about the CHAT option? pls help.


yeah, i agree there should be a chat option at least. plz admin help us.


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