
So in Jeddah, KSA I can't eat with left hand or do other stuff?

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So as the title speaks, I am yet again perplexed by the fact that Left hand is considered unclean (I guess reserved for hygiene).

Now, the problem is, I am a natural Left Hander.

I have been eating all my life with my left hand. I write with Left Hand, play my guitar with left hand and in general use the left hand a lot more often.

Is this going to have an impact when I am eating outside or working in the office?

Advise much appreciated!


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That the most stupid question that one can ask on such a site. looool


I don't think that its a stupid qustion.People come to the Middle East with presetted Ideas that they heard throughout the years from different sources many which are  not reliable. It will not surprise me if someone has told him that if he used his left hand the police will grab him and cut his hand directly right there in the street. When you don't live or know one place ,it easy for you to believe whatever others had told you a bout it.

Aaaaaany ways,most people will not care if you used your left had, but yes some people especially religious ones and tribal men might give you THE LOOK for it…I think that the only thing that you need to work on is learning how not to handover things to others using your left hand. You may encounter someone that will not tolerate it and will tell you Yaminak with a firm voice ( with your right hand) so just say sorry and switch to the right hand.

In general, it’s not an issue to worry about, there are left handed people living here and it does not affect their life.


My only advice : if you want to fit in the arabic culture, eat with your right hand.

A little effort and you won't get bothered.


Krysman25 wrote:

My only advice : if you want to fit in the arabic culture, eat with your right hand.

A little effort and you won't get bothered.

Perhaps if he's always dining with Arabs, which I doubt he will be. 

I agree with ahmadaq--it could possibly be an issue when handing things over so try to keep that in mind. Other than that, welcome to the Kingdom! :)


Hey thanks for your replies all!

I don't think I would be eating with Arabs as most people in the company I am being offered the job are Indians.

I was like if I am eating at McDs or Dominos and I start eating with my left hand, I just hope no one or the Mutaween comes up and tells me to DO IT with my right hand lolll.



rahul287in wrote:

I just hope no one or the Mutaween comes up and tells me to DO IT with my right hand lolll.


Nah, they're more concerned with chasing down the Western girls and demanding they cover their heads :D

Which Witch

rahul287in wrote:

I have been eating all my life with my left hand.

In KSA I have learn to eat with hands instead of fork and knife, but I didn't learn to "do other stuff" with water hose instead of toilet paper.


Fun facts about our dear friend "Mr.Hose";
1-There are YouTube videos that teachs you how to use it .
2- Now one can buy travellers / mobile hoses,so one can have them with him/her any where he/she gos especially when it badly  needed  traveling outside the ME.
3- They are more fun than using boring toilet paper


Well, you have a choice:  either you are killing trees (toilet paper) or you're wasting water lol


Hey Rahul,

I am from India as well. Don't worry too much. It is not that bad here in Jeddah. It just looks bad from the outside.

If you are a hardcore party person who frequently visits the pubs and discos, then probably this place is not for you. Otherwise, it is a normal home-office-home routine. You could feel very very bored (specially in the first few months) but then you learn to cope with it, make friends and enjoy your time while you are here. If you have a demanding job which keeps you occupied through the day, time just flies here. Cost of living is less than the other gulf cities so you can save more.

Don't be afraid, bro!


rahul287in if your not a muslim don't bother, and Alliecat is right never heard someone caught left handed......:D


Its not a problem at all. On of my friends is paralyzed and use his left hand and I dont find any troube sharing the food with him.You may use gloves lol just kidding


tetay2013 wrote:

You may use gloves lol just kidding



I see no problems with using left hand. Most locals I have eaten with do use their left hands to hold food. I use both hands to eat and nobody told me to stop using left hand. So don't worry too much but do try to use your right hand dominantly when eating to avoid giving bad impressions with the locals.

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