
Traveling to Casablanca soon

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Lolita from Spain

Hello all!

I will traveling to Casablanca this coming summer and I need some advice from you.

I am traveling on a tight budget and I will be arriving in Casa by plane at about 21 hours (9 PM). I planned to spend a night or two in a hotel located closer to the Casa Port train station.

I have the following questions:

1) I know there is a train from the Casablanca airport to the Center of the city. Do you know if it runs after 9 PM?

2) If there is no train at that time, do you know how much could a taxi cost from the airport to Casa Port? Are there other cheaper transportation alternatives?

3) Do you of any vegetarian restaurant in Casa or can you suggest what can a vegetarian eat there?

Thank you so much!!!:):):):)


See also

Driving in MoroccoCar rental companies don't refund deposit backLong-term (one week) parking at Casa airport?Send product to MoroccoDriving licences for Egyption in casablanca

Just to answer some of ur questions well if u get there by 9 its fine u still can catch a train towards the city as for vegy food u don't realy have to worry there's plenty of options from local to japenese food therefore I don't think u'll meet any trouble with that

I hope these infos could help you however if u need any extras I'll be glad to assist you

Kind regards


1)- there is every 30 minutes a train goes to center of city for more information you can check the offcial website train in morocco
you can check by using only the date when u 'll arrive to morocco and choose the distination . if you don't know how just send me the date when u 'll arrive to morocco
2)- there are usually grand taxi but this always expensive   it'll cost you 250 to 300dhs about 34 us dolars
3)- Casa's top Chinese restaurant
12 Rue el-Oraïbi Jilali City Centre
tel, info: 522 273526

- Thai Gardens
Ave de la Côte d’Emeraude Anfa
022 797579
meals Dh250
recherche about this restuant in google


Hi Loli
In summer time the last train from the airport to Casavoyageur train station is at 10 pm and it takes 30min. the price of a second class ticket is 40 dirham (3.5 euros). You can check the train website for more info. i dont know why they stop displaying my reply once i type down the link to oncf website. i can PM it to you if you like. you can also opt for a taxi as alternative. The latter is serving nights and days and the price is around 300dh (30Euro). as far as veggy, it is not a problem for you. many snacks serve salads even late at nights. Surely you ll find someone while downtown if you walk few meters. A salad may cost you 15 dirhams (1.4 Euro). hope this info will help :)
Wish you enjoyable trip
Cheers MM


Holaaa Loli !! K Tal? Yo era un estudiante en Barcelona. Hablo castellano y catalán. Si usted necesita ayuda con la renta o transporte, dígame. Estoy actualmente en Casablanca para las vacaciones de verano.
hasta luegoo

Lolita from Spain

Gracias a todos por vuestra respuesta.

Thank you all for your answers and help. I am happy to know that there are trains to the City after 9 PM.

I tried the railroad's website but it does not seem to work properly. It can't tell me if there is a train from the Airport to Casaport and much less give me a schedule.

Now, if you can access it from Casablanca, please let me know if I will be able to reach Casaport or what is the cheapest way from the airport to there.

Thank you again.



Hello iamalegend25 -> Could you please post in english on this English Speaking forum? :)

Thank you,

Lolita from Spain

OH my dear,

I only posted a few words in Spanish to express my gratitude to iamalegend25, which I repeated in English language right after.

I am sorry Aurélie if it bothered you, I did not mean to do it.

When something like that happens to me, I use google translate, it is really helpful.

Thank you for your post.



Hello Loli. :)

As we are on an English Speaking forum, it is better to communicate in english so that other members could understand and participate.

To note that we do have an Hispanic forum.

I invite you to read our code of conduct > Language section. ;)

[Sorry for being off topic]

Wish you all the best in your projet,

Lolita from Spain

I will. Thank you!!!!:):):):)


hey again . there is only two ways either u take train and there is grand taxi but this latter is expensive . hope somoneone from casablanca 'll help you more . and i think the train doesn't go to casaport . i mean its final distination is from AEROPORT Med V - to CASA VOYAGEURS . Then u can take a taxi to the hotel . and i think the last train comes from  airport at 22h00mn and reach  casa voyageur at 22h32mn   

any help

Lolita from Spain

Thank you simo, I think I will take the train and a taxi at CASA VOYAGEURS from there to Casa Port.

You are very sweet and I appreciate your posts.

Take care,



As an American, I should let you in on the fact that they like to double or triple charge tourists for taxi and market items. My fiance, who is Moroccan, had to haggle or go without me to purchase some things...if they only knew I was a poor American student! :rolleyes:

Lolita from Spain

Thank you RAEzWORLD, I suspected that and it usually happens everywhere in the world.

It seems that I will be able to take the train to Casavoyageur station. I have then to take a taxi to Casaport station.

Let me ask you, is it safe for a woman to take a taxi at night in Casablanca?

May you or your bf know how much could it cost?

Thank your for your posting.



Safety wise.
The taxi drivers value their passengers. Make sure it's an official and regulated taxi.
They all have numbers at the top.
Don't flag a normal car or someone portraying to be a taxi at night.
This is legitimate taxi drivers livelihoods and they won't risk it.

99 per cent of the taxi drivers have great characteristics and are very friendly.
Share good etiquette and they will give you the same in return.
You can always ask how much and haggle them for a fixed rate trip.
That way you won't be taken in circles while the meter clocks up.


I'm not sure about the train, we took it but, I don't remember. I sent him an email to find out. The taxi should be around $10 (US...not sure about Durhams?)I think. :) Casablanca is busy at night, lots of people milling around. As long as you are in the crowd, I don't see anything to worry about safety wise. Just watch out for people approaching you and follow what Yas87 said about the taxis.


hey again , if u reach Casavoyageur u 'll find small taxis waiting for passangers in fornt of the station of train . u can ask them about the price  from there to casaport . '' i really don't know how its far from casavayaguer ). so totaly i don't know  how it'll cost . i know it's ur first time there so take it as a new advanture :) don't worry from anything .
this is a picture of small taxis of casa … -taxis.jpg
and let me ask u something why u want to go to casaport instead of going direct to hotel ?!


U CAN always negotiate the driver taxi about the price if he doesn't want leave him and go to other one :)

give us u'r new when u reach there

if u need anything or help to take a taxi u'll find a policeman in sitatoin ask him to help you

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