
salary for interior designer

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i am an interior designer,from the philippines, i have 3 years work experience, i was offered a job in bahrain, they were asking how much is my expected salary, since i will be the in house designer of a furniture shop there, my question is, how much salary should i ask from them? thanks, by the way i am married and have 3 kids. thanks, i am hoping for a reply asap

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Hello tereabonite.

Welcome to! :)



Hi Tereabonite,

Unfortunately, I don't really know what are the salary scales in that particular sector.
Nevertheless, I just want to drag your attention on the fact that you probably won't be able to sponsor your husband and kids for a visa unless your husband gets a manager position.

Good luck on your projects




There are many philipino's in Bahrain and I am sure you would enjoy living/working here. I dont know what salary you should ask but I did meet a filipina who is a store manager for a retail shop and her salary is 450bd per month. I'm not sure if that helps at all.


Hi tereabonite,

Me and my wife, filipina were working in Bahrain 2006-2012. She was an Architect worked as an Sn. Interior Designer and have worked on some excellent projects. Her salary was BD850.00

The salary for Interior Designer depends on the company. There are good, well paid companies and there are many companies who pay peanuts. So you need to carefully study them before making your decision cuz you have 3kids to support. If your salary is above BD250, you can sponsor your kids to stay with you. You may even apply for family visa. Keep all translated original matrimonial certificates with you. Once you arrive to the country, ensure that the passport is kept with you.

Most small companies in Bahrain delay salaries due to delays in project payments. So you again you need to check the company background.

Bahrain itself is a beautiful country. Expats enjoy freedom. Traveling is easy. There is a big community of Filipinos. There are many community clubs both social and sports. There is a branch of the chapter of Filipino Architects in Bahrain as well.

Hope this information will help you. Good luck.


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