
A chance to move ahead in career

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Hi fellow Expats,

Thanks for creating this website. I find it very useful.

I have recently gotten an offer from a company in Bahrain ...

1100 BD every month + Fully furnished villa (to be shared with colleagues) + office Transportation.

Now This is a golden chance to move ahead in career and save some good bucks.

But few things are keeping me away from taking the offer.

1. The recent political situation in Bahrain
   I have looked up in the media (internet) and read some articles that situation is still not 100% settled. Protests happen almost every other day. I have seen in the vid's people tortured and being shot at, and killed. ..... And certainly seeing that, I started thinking again that whats the money and career growth worth, if you don't feel homely and comfortable to stay in a place ?

I would want to know regarding the political situation , as of now.

2. I am an IT guy, is this offer worth a move to Gulf ? or is it one among many ?

3. I am on a roaming profile and my employer says I would be traveling to other gulf countries as well, Is that good or bad ?

4. In Bahrain, what responsibilities does the employer have for your safety ?

Please feel free to give any other advice/tip that I should be considering .
All in all, I just want to be sure that the place I move in, is safe and homely to live in. Otherwise I would regret moving there.

Thanks in advance.

See also

Job offers in BahrainStarting a business in BahrainWorking in BahrainWorking in ManamaDoing Business in the GCC. A Simple Guide to the Westerner.

Hello and welcome to the forum.

The issues in Bahrain are not something to worry about. Despite the riots happening here and there, Bahrain is a perfectly safe place to live. Just make sure the areas you live are safe.

With regards to your salary and overall package, it sounds good but then I don't know how experienced you are so I can't make a call on that purely based on your package.

Again, travelling around the Gulf is not good nor bad. It's the job. If you don't like travelling around, then that's bad. I personally would have loved to have a job that I travel around.

Good luck!


Hi spirng30!!!ill try to answer your questions

Its safe in Bahrain, just be sure that you dont go inside villages with vandals and all.

Regarding your salary package it depends on how experienced you are. But you can definitively save from it (also depends on your lifestyle). So really it depends :D

Travelling around the gulf (for me) is a nice as you will be able to meet alot of people thus sharing ideas with them. However if you are a kind of person who wants to sit in the office and then go home(i know some like these), then for you it will be a bad

Fourth question, depends on your contract (medical,insurance,etc.)

Good luck :top:

Articles to help you in your expat project in Bahrain

All of Bahrain's guide articles