GeoSpatial Analyst looking for sponsorship in Australia

Dear all,

I am Maryam, I completed my M.Sc at the University of Technology Malaysia (UTM) in the field of Remote Sensing in September 2012 and received my Bachelor in Natural Resource Engineering (Watershed Management) from Gorgan University of Agricultural Science and Natural Resources of Iran. I am currently living in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

I have more than eight years experience work in using GIS and Remote Sensing in various topics of natural resource management including basin modeling, water resource analysis, hydrology, meteorology, soil, vegetation, sediment and erosion, and so on. In addition, I used to be GeoSpatial Analyst in urban planning projects as well as GIS/RS instructor in academic and professional centers. Hence, I would love the opportunity to use my experience and do work in Australia.

I would be very grateful if anybody could introduce me any opportunity to find a sponsorship in Australia.

I can be reached anytime via my email or my cell phone, (+60 137820199).
Thank you for your time and consideration.

Looking forward to hear from you.

All The Very Best,

Maryam Adel Saharkhiz                       
Graduated in Master of Science (Remote Sensing)
H/P (Malaysia):+60137820199
Email: Mary_Saharkhiz@Yahoo.Com

Check out the australain govt immigration website for info on what type of visa you can get. 

I suggest you also look online at as this site has thousands of job advertisements on it.

For cost of living

Hi stumpy,

Thanks for your nice advices. I've already checked the immigration website.

Actually one the best ways to getting work visa (Subclass 457) is to find a sponsorship first! that's why I'm trying to find any link here :)

one more thing! website sounds great! Thanks for that!

Kind Regards ,


Hi Mary,

could you please avoid copy and paste on the forums ?



Hey there;

I don't know by now you've found what you were looking for or not. Anyhow, based on your background; you can easily apply for PhD with scholarships. Most of the universities require applications fee, but I guess it's worth it.

Some universities ask you to find supervisor before lodging an application but some don't. I can help you out for choosing the right course at right university. BEAR in mind that annual round for scholarships in majority of universities are open currently. So you'd better shake your legs :)