
looking for a part time job


Hi all, my wife had completed her Masters degree (M.Tech) in Nanotechnology and also done MBA in Hospitality management.She had 3 years of teaching experience (Assistant Professor) in  a reputed engineering college (India)...Now she is currently interested to do part time jobs in Muscat, like teaching, hospital management, related project assistance, report making etc.
please let us know if anybody come across any opportunities.

See also

Setting up a business in OmanFinding a job in OmanWork conditions in OmanResignation - is the air fare ticket still on the company?Harassment and illegal detention of Sri Lankan domestic workers

Welcome to sprasath84!

I suggest you to post an advert in the section Jobs in Muscat, it may help.;)



sprasath84 wrote:

Hi all, my wife had completed her Masters degree (M.Tech) in Nanotechnology and also done MBA in Hospitality management.She had 3 years of teaching experience (Assistant Professor) in  a reputed engineering college (India)...Now she is currently interested to do part time jobs in Muscat, like teaching, hospital management, related project assistance, report making etc.
please let us know if anybody come across any opportunities.

Hi sprasath84,

The concept of part-time work does not exist in Oman. Also, it is illegal and is against the law for any organsiation to have employees working on a part-time basis. For any expatriate to be employed, the employee should be holding a valid Employment Visa provided on the sponsorship of the organsation he / she is working for.

So if a person's employment visa is provided by company X, then he / she cannot be employed by company Y. No company would take the risk, given the frequent Ministry of Manpower raids and checks to stem this as well as the other job related issues.

At best, working from home as a freelancer may be possible.

Good luck !