Playing football in Katowice/Chorzow?


Is anyone interested in playing football somewhere around Katowice?

When it gets colder there's always the possibility to play indoor ;-)



I know that was an old post but I have recently moved to Katowice and I am interested in playing some football

Hi Marini,

it's an old post but still actual. are you still interested? I didn't find enough people to start playing, maybe you know some more guys who would like to play?
keep in touch

Hi there,

Actually is quite difficult to find indoors during the week but there is the week end option...I was playing with some guys from work...if you're interested send me a message with your phone number and I can text you when we'll be playing

Hi there
im also intersted to play football , i live near by katowice :) if you need one just tell me , i love moving in cold whether


Is this post still actual?

I am also interested in playing football. I live in Katowice Brynow...

Hi fmonteirovsc,

Welcome to :)

Please note that you posted on an old thread.

For better visibility and interaction, it would be a good idea if you could create a new discussion on the Poland forum.

Best of luck,

Hasnaa Team


Is this football still actual? I would like to join with some expats playing football.

I live in Gliwice.

Please email me at