
Health Insurance After marriage

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ciao all,

another problem to solve

i am from turkey.. and my friend from hungary..
we just married last friday.. in hungary..
i have 90 days multiple C visa..
now i will apply for residence permit..

but the issue is a bit complicated..
after i will get the residence permit for hungary.. we will move to switzerland.. residence permit will just allow us to stay together in switzerland until i get the work and residence..
residence permit will work as a Schengen Visa..
so i dont want a health insurance for hungary..
but for residence permit;
imigration office is asking for a "full health care" and it is f.king costs 300.000 HUF..
but today when we asked in the National Healthcare Fund (Országos Egészségbiztosítási Pénztár) office,
the lady said they can not start the health insurance before the residence permit..
what is this confession?
and we read a story on the internet that the couple couldnt get the sitting permission. because they dont want to pay that amount.. they just showed 3-months insurance and a pre-contract for a work.. after three months the employee will pay the insurance..


do we have to make "the health insurance"  before applying for the residence permit?

if yes; than

while National Healthcare Fund can not give it, should i get a private health insurance? does the imigration office means a private one?

if yes: do you think "is a full-world-private :) insurance from a turkish company in turkey also acceptable for imigration office.
because it is much more cheaper..


how can we handle not to pay the insurance..
i am thinking to take a official paper from Insurance Fund that is written "they can not start the process"

last quest: lets say i get the residence permit without an insurance: since i am living in switzerland and not paying any insurance in hungary; 1 year later when there is a re-check for my residence situation from the imigration office..
will it be a problem if i show them my swiss insurance..
or how can i handle it?

See also

The healthcare system in HungaryTest injectionsPrescription medicationGerman and AmericanMedicines in Budapest

As you are trying to get a family relation visa and residency permit, the office is checking that you will not become a "burden" to the state (as a social welfare case) and are not trying to simply use the marriage as a means to gain entry to the EU.

Thus you may be requested to either show sufficient funds (bank statements) to show you can self insure yourself, have an existing (and accepted by the EU/Hungary) insurance policy, or put up a bond into a local locked bank account (set up by a Hungarian lawyer) for the first years insurance payment to show intent to sign up for Hungarian health insurance.

However, the question comes up: Do you plan to live in Switzerland, or just work there some months out of the year?

If you plan to move to Switzerland, and if your new spouse is a Hungarian citizen, he/she can move now to Switzerland and seek work. Upon employment he/she can request you, as the spouse, to enter and take up Swiss residence under a family visa request. Thus avoid the Hungarian residency issue (but then you have to address similar questions that the Swiss will have). Once living and working in Switzerland (difficult beyond the lowest paid jobs unless you speak Swiss German, French or Italian or run your own business) you will be a Swiss resident and only pay mandatory Swiss health insurance and resident taxes.

If you only want to work in Switzerland part time but maintain Hungarian residency, then you have to enroll in the Hungarian health insurance system and pay Hungarian taxes on your Swiss income not taxed by the Swiss.


Hello ruzgar and welcome to expat-blog,

I hope you'll be enlighten soon



thanks too much klsallee..

lets see.. on monday i will apply for the residence permit..
than i ll tell the news..

no borders, no nations..


anyway i arranged a health insurance from Generali..
since it is the cheapest..
applied for the residence permit 2 months ago..
waiting and will get it untill february..


does anybody know how can i leave hungary and come back..
1,5 months passed since i applied for the residence card..
and those knows who had the same before;
i have a paper in my hand written in hungrian..
as i have been told i can not leave hungary until i get the card..
i can leave actually but to come back i need again another visa..
this paper doesnt allow me to re-enter..

now i want to meet with my friends in italy than i want to fly to turkey and come back to hungary!
is there a way to do it?
maybe with a stamp or sticker to my passport from hungarian authorities?

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