Malaga meet-up (2) Belmore Restaurant - Saturday Novembe 17th at 8pm.

Malaga meet-up (2)

Hello everyone,

We had a lovely meet up in the centre last night and are already planning the next one in Malagueta at the Balamore restaurant (thanks to Yoana, it's her parents restaurant).

Saturday the 17th November 8pm.

Bilmore Restaurant - Bar
C/Cervantes, 13
29016 Malaga

Let us know if you can come...

Thank you,

Esme x


It has been suggested that we meet in the centre at 7pm and then make our way to the restaurant as a group.

If anyone has any suggestions for a meeting point and drink in the centre please could you post it to this page.


Esme x


I think that is a good idea, possibly meet at the bridge outside the big El Corte Ingles? Then head down to the restaurant once we are all together.

Keep posting suggestions and questions on here guys! Thanks x

That sounds great to me too Tanith. Then we can all meet and go to the restaurant together.

Who else is able to come?

Esme x

Sounds great! I'd love to join you!

Hi Esme,

Titi and I will also attend on saturday 17th November.

Hello! I would like to join you too!

I am moving by the first week of December, to Bangalore.
What about you?
I have so many questions... CAn anybody help me! :p

Hi, count me in. See you all at 8pm at the restaurant.

Sending regrets.

Hello all,

It is fantastic that you can all come. I am sure we will have more. I will keep you all posted on the 7pm pre-meetup too.

Esme x

Hi guys,

Just a reminder that i need to give a final number for the meal on saturday tomorrow. If anyone else is coming please let me know asap.

Thanks.... i am looking forward to saturday 8pm!!

Can i just check where the 7pm pre-meet is for the ones of us who will go to the restaurant together???

Esme x

Just to far I have:

Alex Leike
Tanith G

If anyone else is coming please let me know.

Yoana has said that she will arrange for us to have a mix of tapas dishes and drinks at the restaurnt and that it should only be about 10-15 euros each. It should be a great night.

7pm pre-meet is at the bridge outside the big El Corte Ingles. I will have my phone on me so call if you need directions or are not sure where we are standing!! 693587946 Esme x


16 confirmed now. If anyone else would like to join us please could you let me know today so that i can book extra seats at the restaurant.

Tanith...are we still meeting at 7pm?

Who else is meeting at 7pm by Corte Ingles just so that i know who to wait for???

See you all tomorrow!!

Yoana has confirmed 10 euros for 3 tapas and 2 drinks each then we can order more separately if we need or head to the centre after!!

Esme x

20 confirmed!!!!!!!

Change to pre meet: Looks like we have about 25 confirmed so i will book extra tables. We are having a selection of tapas and 2 drinks for 10 euros. More food and drinks can be ordered after that. Meeting at 7.30pm at Santander bank at the start of Calle Larios for any people who want to make there way to the restaurant in a group...for the rest 8pm at the restaurant!!

Where are u guys from and what's the reason of your get-together? Just asking to know if one can simply "crash"... :)

Hello...yes all are welcome...i am meeting a group of people on Saturday the 1st of December in Malaga centre...outside the Santander bank at the beginning of calle larios at 8pm. Please come along and anyone else if you would like to have a drink with a mixed group of internationals living in malaga!!

Esme x

hello Esme... how are you ?
I sent you a message about your meetings to go to some restaurants to have some tapas and drinks.
how are things going on for next meetings ?
I hope I can get back to spain and join all of you and share good times..
take care. kisses.

Hi Guyz
When is the next meeting?