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Ahmad is a young educated  good man . He is unhappy married with no kids . whatever how hard is he trying to think outside of that dark box and make things work out it’s no use  .His marriage is based on one side . It have no end As all or the  (arranges – relatives marriage ) are very comment in KSA  . However with all family member pushing him and convince him that only happiness is after marriage . Also they keep telling him that no one can choose his love and its impossible to be in love before marriage. But fate is something strange , As Ahmed fall in love with one of his social network female friends .

he knew this is bad and wrong but feeling was way better than what he knew . He enjoyed her company and really liked her . They went out so many times . And because he is a good Muslim he decided to make the step to ask her to marry him by going to her father .

dreams that day was so true to came through . Ahmed tried so hard to convince his wife that its only his right to have a second wife . But woman cannot be happy with that , Lucky for Ahmed his wife loves him so he knows how to make things up to her . All of the sudden all members of the family attacked Ahmad as how would he do such a thing to his wife !! ( Its god rules and Ahmed is a wealthy man ) but they kept pushing him and his family start to fight him that it cannot be true and he cannot find love through social media … or have a life out of knowing a girl before marriage .

Awhile after that , Ahmed decided to go himself and ask her for marriage ( Mariam ) But her father was so demand full , and unreasonable . As hard as Ahmad tried from a way to another nothing happened .

Now Ahmed and Mariam are seeing each other and do whatever lovers do but without marriage for 5 years no one cares  . Ahmed is one of a lot of stories we have no time to share … SAD BUT TRUE …

Devoiced – widow , How our community sees her ?

“She would never get remarried !! what ?  did she got married again Oh mine she have a kid how could she !! “ our environment force woman to be alone and give other unmarried woman to get married like they are in a race . They don’t believe in Allah rules or fate , like it will not work to us .
That is why we got a lot of suppurated woman are not married . because or (gossip)  Is more powerful in KSA than nuclear weapon …SAD BUT TRUE

it seems these kind of acts are the main reasons  why Saudi Arabia community  is falling down .Men are way less than woman . Second marriage is another un solve issue . But to see our own people are doing bad and Haram act . News all over them daily and to see that KSA divorce cases are so high . Who is to blame ?

US , Yes US , we made marriage so hard that we are 30+ and still not married … We made life so hard that when you get married you have to pay more than you have earn all of your life …
we have made it so hard that we become so tired and sad . A lot of us have been to devil road not because they love him but because it became more easy , nice , worm and AFFORDABLE to have her as a girlfriend than a wife .

Nowadays in every half an hour a divorce case .  Sad but true …

Islam came with a lot of ways to become better nation . And make this world better for our own children . BUT who will participate the real Islam …

See also

Living in Saudi Arabia: the expat guideTamam financeF.A Graphic DesignStatus of your request QVP changed to On-holdProfession change in iqama

@Hitch  Yep, I met Saudi guys who were willing to marry anybody they could afford!  You're right about the cost--it's ridiculous.


im telling you , it is ... but what can we do ... is getting a one night stand or short relationship . than the religion police will wash us over the media a young man did that act to such a clean girl , WTF


Hitch wrote:

im telling you , it is ... but what can we do ... is getting a one night stand or short relationship . than the religion police will wash us over the media a young man did that act to such a clean girl , WTF

Well, more important than the media attention, I think, is that these people can't have families.  And the women?  Well, if they've never been married and they're not virgins, I don't think they are culturally acceptable even as 3rd or 4th wives, are they?


I think, is that these people can't have families.

Specially who got caught by family it is like an ethical crime here .. and woman get more harm . As words goes fast and we are close community ...

And the women?  Well, if they've never been married and they're not virgins, I don't think they are culturally acceptable even as 3rd or 4th wives, are they?

i know its sad but true ... Ahhh i hope i dont become like Ahmed one day ... even if its 2ed wife its expensive ... and really not easy process to do ...

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